SkyBlue Vaping - Juice Reviews

Hi all

I've been vaping SkyBlue's "famous" Happy Holidays juice for the past 5 weeks. It's been permanently loaded in a Reo and I've had enough time to get to know it.

For those who don't know, "Happy Holidays" was launched in the Christmas holiday period last year and the awesome folks at SkyBlue (@Derick and @Melinda on this forum) were giving it out as a gift to customers who ordered other products. I got my 18mg bottle with another order and let it sit in the cupboard for over a month.

Although I got mine for free, it's now on sale at R125 for 30ml. It is a 50/50 PG/VG juice.

SkyBlue Vaping - HAPPY HOLIDAYS (18mg)

Bottom line - a subtle creamy fruit juice with a bit of sourness and a massive throat hit. I like it. I would like to try it in a lower strength to see what it's like as a lung hit.


It has an orange colour and a fruity smell.

I get a soft mild fruity taste followed by creaminess. The inhale is a bit more fruity and the exhale more creamy. I can't place the fruitiness. It's slightly sweet and "multi-flavoured" but not citrus. So it's not a fresh fruit taste but more mellow. It's also a little bit sour, which I like. The creaminess is quite pronounced. The blend works well. The flavours are not in your face - rather subtle.

It's a sweetish vape, but not overly sweet. There's also a sourness to it. I'd say slightly more sweet than sour. The vape is on the wettish side. It's also warm and quite dense. The creaminess can be a bit rich after a while - it sometimes made me a bit thirsty. It tastes natural though. There are no artificial tones.

The throat hit was very strong! I am a throat hit seeker and this juice does not disappoint. It really knocks me hard on a basic 1 ohm setup on the Reo/RM2 - mouth to lung. It thumps me just like my Blackbird setup. Could be the 50% PG, the flavours in there or just that Melinda's nicotine base is supercharged;-) This one delivers stronger throat hit than many other 18mg juices I've tried. This juice served me well as a mouth to lung vape. I could not lung hit it. I would really like to try it in a lower strength to have a good lung hitting experience.

Although the flavours are mellow and mild, the throat hit makes this a very bold vape for me. I vaped it mouth to lung in the Reo/RM2 and took a few puffs every now and then. Not an all dayer at this throat hit but I think the flavour profile would make it a great potential all dayer at lower strength.

The aftertaste is pleasant. A bit of fruity creaminess that doesn't linger.

Were there any negatives? No, not at all. The juice vaped well, tasted good and delivered a strong nic fix whenever I took a puff.

I vaped this juice on my trusty and faithful flavour producer - the Reo/RM2 with a single 1 ohm coil. I didn't need any more power. I did do some longer run testing of Rayon versus Organic Cotton and for this juice I definitely preferred organic cotton. I found the organic cotton brought out a bit more of the sourness (which I liked) and it seemed a bit more creamy.

I would say those who are looking for a decent fruity creamy vape would probably like this. Not a sour fresh citrus kind of fruit, but more a creamy vape with a touch of mellow fruitiness.

  • I think the packaging is very good and practical.
  • Fairly stiff plastic bottle with a thin nozzle - so easy to use and fill whatever you need.
  • The labelling is good. The juice name is clearly marked. The mg strength and PG/VG ratio are clearly marked.
  • It has a "child deterrent" cap.
Equipment used:
  • REO Grand/RM2 with 1.0 ohm single micro-coil. Organic cotton and Rayon wicks - 14 to 18 Watts, depending on battery level
Conincidentally I have been vaping an equally well steeped HH, but at 12 mg, since this morning. In the Reo Mini with Chalice, single coiled with ceramic wick at 0.61 ohms.

Your review is exactly as I have experienced this juice. And my first thought after taking the fist toot was - wow, this juice has an awesome throat hit for 12 mg.

For my personal taste, but I think not for most others, I would be in vape heaven with about 20 % more tart/sour to this juice.

Thanks for taking the time and trouble to, as always, add awesome value for us.
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Conincidentally I have been vaping an equally well steeped HH, but at 12 mg, since this morning. In the Reo Mini with Chalice, single coiled with ceramic wick at 0.61 ohms.

Your review is exactly as I have experienced this juice. And my first thought after taking the fist toot was - wow, this juice has an awesome throat hit for 12 mg.

For my personal taste, but I think not for most others, I would be in vape heaven with about 20 % more tart/sour to this juice.

Thanks for taking the time and trouble to, as always, add awesome value for us.

Thanks @Andre
Always a pleasure. This juice was not easy to describe.
I agree with you - a bit more sour and it would be better for me
Same as our mutual conclusion on Fight your Fate.
Very nice review as usual is a frighteningly difficult juice to describe, and you did a fine job :clap:

Now on to the interesting part (this is for you too @Andre )... try vaping it at different wattages (and even in different devices) and you'll experience different profiles on this juice. I like to think of it as a "variable flavour" juice ;)

In general, lower wattages tends to bring out the fruitiness (and some light menthol) while higher power pushes it more towards the deserty flavours.

For this reason HH works best with regulated devices because you can change the power on the fly to get the kind of flavour you want depending on your current mood - you can of course also build different resistance coils to get a similar effect on a mech :D
Very nice review as usual is a frighteningly difficult juice to describe, and you did a fine job :clap:

Now on to the interesting part (this is for you too @Andre )... try vaping it at different wattages (and even in different devices) and you'll experience different profiles on this juice. I like to think of it as a "variable flavour" juice ;)

In general, lower wattages tends to bring out the fruitiness (and some light menthol) while higher power pushes it more towards the deserty flavours.

For this reason HH works best with regulated devices because you can change the power on the fly to get the kind of flavour you want depending on your current mood - you can of course also build different resistance coils to get a similar effect on a mech :D

Thanks @free3dom - and thanks for the tip
I will try it at different powers on a regulated and when i get round to it I will update the review accordingly. What powers are you finding it changes flavours at?
Thanks @free3dom - and thanks for the tip
I will try it at different powers on a regulated and when i get round to it I will update the review accordingly. What powers are you finding it changes flavours at?

It changes subtley throughout the range starting at around 8-10W (where it is quite fruity with some noticeable menthol)...with each increment in power it seems to fill out a bit by adding some richness (the deserty/tarty type) to the base, up to around 25-30W where it seems to hit the upper limit (for me) - but some users have even reported changes above that, so it's worth playing around with it :D

Additionally, due to the complexity of the juice it matures with extended steeping - which you've already experienced seeing as you've only just now gotten to it ;)

And now it seems Ambrosia is similar in this regard - slightly less so, but it still has subtle changes based on device/power used. And it also changes quite a bit with extended steeping, or so I'm told - I've yet to keep a bottle of it around long enough to try it properly steeped :p
Thanks @free3dom

I will keep your notes in mind.
I didnt get any menthol from Happy Holidays.
And I didnt try it when I got it, so could not appreciate the change from steeping.
Thanks @free3dom

I will keep your notes in mind.
I didnt get any menthol from Happy Holidays.
And I didnt try it when I got it, so could not appreciate the change from steeping.

If you hit high menthol juices on a regular basis like you and I, you won't notice the hint of it in HH. It's extremely subtle and I only know it's there because I read it here on the forum somewhere.
If you hit high menthol juices on a regular basis like you and I, you won't notice the hint of it in HH. It's extremely subtle and I only know it's there because I read it here on the forum somewhere.

Thanks @Wesley, i think you are 100% right!
I have been going through a big menthol phase the past few months ;-) and loving it.
@Silver the menthol is very subtle and really only noticable below about 12W (and even then it's very light) - I do have a suspicion that it plays a big part in the nice throat hit HH provides ;)

But as @Wesley mentions, if you are used to menthol it may be hard to detect :)
@Silver the menthol is very subtle and really only noticable below about 12W (and even then it's very light) - I do have a suspicion that it plays a big part in the nice throat hit HH provides ;)

But as @Wesley mentions, if you are used to menthol it may be hard to detect :)

I hear you. Usually the menthol does help in TH, but this juice has high TH without any trace of menthol for me. At 14 to 18W on the RM2. So i presume its the particular flavours that are bringing out the TH. I recall @Derick once mentioned he had a flavour he was testing that had abnormally high TH for the same nic level. I suspect its one of those... Probably will remain a mystery. Lol, I should add menthol and see what happens. But i didnt want to alter the juice for review purposes.
It changes subtley throughout the range starting at around 8-10W (where it is quite fruity with some noticeable menthol)...with each increment in power it seems to fill out a bit by adding some richness (the deserty/tarty type) to the base, up to around 25-30W where it seems to hit the upper limit (for me) - but some users have even reported changes above that, so it's worth playing around with it :D

Additionally, due to the complexity of the juice it matures with extended steeping - which you've already experienced seeing as you've only just now gotten to it ;)

And now it seems Ambrosia is similar in this regard - slightly less so, but it still has subtle changes based on device/power used. And it also changes quite a bit with extended steeping, or so I'm told - I've yet to keep a bottle of it around long enough to try it properly steeped :p
Yip, in my experience the higher the power the less sweet the vape, which is what I look for. But, agree at between 25 - 30W one normally do reach a plateau. As I mentioned, vaped HH at 0.6 ohms (around 29W) and it was good. Shall give it a go on a regulated device, but have an idea at lower power it will be too sweet for me.
Thanks for the review @Silver, I am so impressed with the new Skyblue stuff. Can't wait for the next awesome concoction.
Thanks @r0gue z0mbie and @Imthiaz Khan - much appreciated
As long as it adds value to others then I am happy.
Also helps me to properly document my journey ;-)
Thanks for the review @Silver, I am so impressed with the new Skyblue stuff. Can't wait for the next awesome concoction.

Thanks @Alex
Now I need to order some of that Ambrosia that you guys are raving about!!
Hi all

I tried vaping Happy Holidays (the one I reviewed above) on the Subtank Mini for the past few days.

I was trying to see how it changes with different power.
Was using a stock 1.2 ohm OCC coil (which I love the taste of for my Strawberry menthol mix).

Just did not enjoy it.

At 10 Watts I did pick up it was a bit sweeter though. At 15 Watts it was okay. Didn't like the vape at 20 Watts.

For me, the flavour was FAR superior and the vape much more pleasurable on the Reo/RM2. I actually have both devices set up in front of me and have often taken toots one after the other on both just to compare.

Granted, I did not build my own coil on the Subtank Mini (I was using the stock coil). But wow, the difference was quite big. I tried various airflow settings and just could not find happiness. I am therefore thinking that this juice is perhaps better suited to a device that can produce good flavour.

I am not going to update the review yet - since my experiment did not yield much in the way of flavour change at different powers.
Hi all

I tried vaping Happy Holidays (the one I reviewed above) on the Subtank Mini for the past few days.

I was trying to see how it changes with different power.
Was using a stock 1.2 ohm OCC coil (which I love the taste of for my Strawberry menthol mix).

Just did not enjoy it.

At 10 Watts I did pick up it was a bit sweeter though. At 15 Watts it was okay. Didn't like the vape at 20 Watts.

For me, the flavour was FAR superior and the vape much more pleasurable on the Reo/RM2. I actually have both devices set up in front of me and have often taken toots one after the other on both just to compare.

Granted, I did not build my own coil on the Subtank Mini (I was using the stock coil). But wow, the difference was quite big. I tried various airflow settings and just could not find happiness. I am therefore thinking that this juice is perhaps better suited to a device that can produce good flavour.

I am not going to update the review yet - since my experiment did not yield much in the way of flavour change at different powers.

Interesting you mention this, I've had a very similar experience with HH and the SubTank. Something about it really does not suit the HH very well - not that I found it bad, just much reduced in goodness. Now I generally stick to using the HH with my Kayfun and Lemo, both of which really makes this juice shine and I still absolutely love it.

Curious though as I have not had this experience with any other juice and the SubTank - for instance Ambrosia is absolutely superb in the SubTank :D

Of course, it may just not suit me particularly (or you) and others may like it...just curious that we've both had less than stellar experience with this combination o_O
Interesting you mention this, I've had a very similar experience with HH and the SubTank. Something about it really does not suit the HH very well - not that I found it bad, just much reduced in goodness. Now I generally stick to using the HH with my Kayfun and Lemo, both of which really makes this juice shine and I still absolutely love it.

Curious though as I have not had this experience with any other juice and the SubTank - for instance Ambrosia is absolutely superb in the SubTank :D

Of course, it may just not suit me particularly (or you) and others may like it...just curious that we've both had less than stellar experience with this combination o_O

Phew, thanks for validating. I feel more relieved now. Thought something was maybe very wrong with the subtank. I dont think its the fault of Happy Holidays or the Subtank then. Probably just the combination.

Also just shows how the same juice can taste quite different in different equipment
Phew, thanks for validating. I feel more relieved now. Thought something was maybe very wrong with the subtank. I dont think its the fault of Happy Holidays or the Subtank then. Probably just the combination.

Also just shows how the same juice can taste quite different in different equipment

My first thought was that my HH had gone bad...I was horrified :eek:
It was from a bottle that had been steeping since Dec. Then I put some in the Lemo and it was perfect :D
Very strange, but as you said, with these complex juices sometimes the device you use can make or break it o_O
Company: Skyblue Vaping
Product Name: Ambrosia
Reviewer: Viper_SA
Mod: eLeaf iStick 30W
Watts/Volts: 10-15W
Atomiser: Aspire Nautilus Mini
Coil Resistance: 1.8 ohm
Strength: 6mg

I have only had a few Skyblue juices to date, but this is by far the best of the best they have to offer in my opinion.
I have tried the Strawberry Snap (not bad), Bavarian Cream (awesome), RY4 Double (not my cup of tea for tobaccos) Cocomo Cream (nice juice).

Which brings me to the Ambrosia. t is a very smooth and complex juice. Hitting different flavors at different stages of inhale/exhale. Thinking back to the previous Skyblue juices I am reminded strongly of a Bavarian cream presence in the Ambrosia. Perhaps even a little caramel or RY4 Double. Definitely some smooth as well. Could be some custard in there, but it is really hard to tell. This is a very complex juice and a real winner of which the creator can be proud.

It is sweet enough to use as a dessert vape, but light enough for an all day vape. Very easy on the coils, even though it is a fairly dark juice. I have had the same coil in the Nautilus mini for 3 weeks using this juice. Sadly it is now finished :(

I have used this exclusively as my in-car vape and loved it. I would like to see it in a higher VG ratio for drippers as the 50/50 blend is a bit harsh for me on drippers.

All in all a juice I will re-order in future to rotate with my many diy creations and bring me back to what a truly great juice should be like.
Thanks for sharing your views and for the effort in writing up your review @Viper_SA
Company: Skyblue Vaping
Product Name: Ambrosia
Reviewer: Viper_SA
Mod: eLeaf iStick 30W
Watts/Volts: 10-15W
Atomiser: Aspire Nautilus Mini
Coil Resistance: 1.8 ohm
Strength: 6mg

I have only had a few Skyblue juices to date, but this is by far the best of the best they have to offer in my opinion.
I have tried the Strawberry Snap (not bad), Bavarian Cream (awesome), RY4 Double (not my cup of tea for tobaccos) Cocomo Cream (nice juice).

Which brings me to the Ambrosia. t is a very smooth and complex juice. Hitting different flavors at different stages of inhale/exhale. Thinking back to the previous Skyblue juices I am reminded strongly of a Bavarian cream presence in the Ambrosia. Perhaps even a little caramel or RY4 Double. Definitely some smooth as well. Could be some custard in there, but it is really hard to tell. This is a very complex juice and a real winner of which the creator can be proud.

It is sweet enough to use as a dessert vape, but light enough for an all day vape. Very easy on the coils, even though it is a fairly dark juice. I have had the same coil in the Nautilus mini for 3 weeks using this juice. Sadly it is now finished :(

I have used this exclusively as my in-car vape and loved it. I would like to see it in a higher VG ratio for drippers as the 50/50 blend is a bit harsh for me on drippers.

All in all a juice I will re-order in future to rotate with my many diy creations and bring me back to what a truly great juice should be like.
Nice review!!
Very well done @Viper_SA

Ambrosia is quite challenging to nail down, which in my opinion is what makes it a special juice ;)

Also try vaping it in different atomizers and at different power levels to experience it's many sides :)
Company: Skyblue Vaping
Product Name: Ambrosia
Reviewer: Viper_SA
Mod: eLeaf iStick 30W
Watts/Volts: 10-15W
Atomiser: Aspire Nautilus Mini
Coil Resistance: 1.8 ohm
Strength: 6mg

I have only had a few Skyblue juices to date, but this is by far the best of the best they have to offer in my opinion.
I have tried the Strawberry Snap (not bad), Bavarian Cream (awesome), RY4 Double (not my cup of tea for tobaccos) Cocomo Cream (nice juice).

Which brings me to the Ambrosia. t is a very smooth and complex juice. Hitting different flavors at different stages of inhale/exhale. Thinking back to the previous Skyblue juices I am reminded strongly of a Bavarian cream presence in the Ambrosia. Perhaps even a little caramel or RY4 Double. Definitely some smooth as well. Could be some custard in there, but it is really hard to tell. This is a very complex juice and a real winner of which the creator can be proud.

It is sweet enough to use as a dessert vape, but light enough for an all day vape. Very easy on the coils, even though it is a fairly dark juice. I have had the same coil in the Nautilus mini for 3 weeks using this juice. Sadly it is now finished :(

I have used this exclusively as my in-car vape and loved it. I would like to see it in a higher VG ratio for drippers as the 50/50 blend is a bit harsh for me on drippers.

All in all a juice I will re-order in future to rotate with my many diy creations and bring me back to what a truly great juice should be like.
Thanks for the review @Viper_SA :)