Hi Ecigssa members, In this review i take a look at all three flavours from Tmax-Juices which are Snake Oil, Sands of Time and Cold Brew. The 3 flavours were sent for the purpose of this review by Simon the Creator of the 3 flavours (with the help of his son, Alex) and founder of Tmax-Juices.

Snake Oil was Tmax-juices first (and only e-liquid) for 3 years and is very popular in Europe, especially in France and Spain. I received the high vg version and also high vg and original recipe short-fills to try. The original recipe is at it's best used as a MTL vape with the high vg version being introduced with the rise in sub-ohm vaping. The high vg version is a 80vg/20pg 3mg mix, The High vg short-fill i added the 100% vg nic shot to again make it a 80vg/20vg 3mg mix. The original recipe short-fill rather than there being space for 10ml to be added there is space for 20ml to be added to complete the e-liquid. I received 2 50/50 nic shots and 2 50/50 10ml base liquids, which allowed me to have this e-liquid has a 50/50 0mg, 3mg or 6mg i went for the 6mg mix.
The original recipe Snake Oil is also available in 6mg, 12mg and 18mg.


The second flavour i received was Sands of Time that was released in 2016 for sub -ohm vaping in mind, i recieved the 3mg high vg version which is a 20pg/80vg mix, it is also available in the original recipe of 40pg/60vg in the choice of 6mg, 12mg or 18mg.

The third flavour is Cold Brew which is only available as a short-fill and came with a 100%vg 10ml base mix and a 10ml 100%vg nic shot, i added the nic shot which gave me a 3mg 24pg/76vg mix.

All Short-fills come in 60ml capacity gorilla bottles with removable nozzles for easy addition of any wanted nic shots or base liquid.
Below is a message from Tmax-Juices:
About Us - by Tmax
My name is Simon Wilson, my background is the catering trade. Until 2009 I ran a UK company specialising in value-added meat products to hotels and restaurants in London.
I started smoking "full time" at the age of 15, and have smoked 30 per day for 35 years. I stopped smoking cigarettes in 2013 when I got my first e-cigarette. This was a simple cig-a-like, with an automatic battery and cartridges containing a tobacco flavoured juice.
Snake Oil was part design and part accident!
It was the result of careful research and even more careful and documented trials. I knew I wanted something with the flavours layered, which helps complexity, and adds depth to the juice.
Together with my son Alex, we started Tmax Juices, to sell our Snake Oil, with the aim to help people stop, or reduce their dependency on tobacco.
For 3 years we only had the one juice, from the initial success in the UK, Snake Oil became very popular in France, Norway and Spain, and then spread to other countries across Europe.r
In 2016 we introduced our second juice, Sands of Time, designed primarily for the current trend of sub-ohm vaping.
We are an ISO 9001 accredited business, which ety from our website, and also through a network of vendors within Europe.

Testing Equipment
I tested Snake Oil high vg recipe (both ready to vape and Short-fill), Sands of Time and Cold brew with the Geekvape Zeus (0.28 (<0.02> variant) at 35W) and the Asmodus Nefarius (0.18 (<0.03>variant) build at 60W). I tested the Snake Oil original recipe short-fill with the Berserker Mini (0.9 build at 16W) to try it as a MTL vape.
All Short-fills were steeped for 10 days as recommended and the wicking material i used was Jellyfish cotton and coils are Cobweb (both from Vapjoy).

Before i get to my thoughts about the flavours from Tmax-Juices i want to share an email message i got because it shows the passion behind Tmax-Juices:
I am 55 years old, and smoked "full time" from the age of 15 !!!! - In fact I had my first ciggy with my cousin when we were both 7 !!!! (awful!!!!) - sound unbelievable but we used to get them from a vending machine outside the newsagents 10p for pack of 10 (Embassy No 6)
I bought my first ecigarette on 26 Feb 2013, and have never smoked tobacco since !!!!! - From day 1 with a simple cigalike I knew I could do this instead
I used to be very active on the UKVpers forum, in those days we all helped each other out with what to buy and where to get it (if you could) - I starting mixing DIY and came up with the recipe which is now Snake Oil. One guy wrote a very good review about it, others then asked me for samples. For 2 months I was mixing and giving away samples free - not ever thinking of starting a new business - I was just doing it for the love of it - but as I look back I probably enjoyed some notoriety on the forums
In July 2013 I started mixing Snake Oil for sale. My son Alex, had just finished Uni and was unemployed, so I said you can help me !!!! We started the Tmax Juices website and it has sold well ever since.
By the end of 2013, it was being talked about on the French forums, and a couple of shops asked me to supply them. We still sell 80% of all our production to France and Spain.
Everything is still hand done - each batch is made weekly by Alex and I, and we have a couple of other members of staff who help bottle and pack. It is still mixed only once each week and steeped for 10 days in each batch before bottling. This gives a very consistent product.
My background was food catering, I was in the meat trade, selling to hotels and restaurants in London. I had a medium sized operation doing this, employing about 17 butchers and 20 drivers. So my speciality is really systems. So I applied my knowledge of food prep and controls to the ecig industry. I have always been careful about traceability, correct labelling and regulation.
I just wanted to get over to you that our products and business ethos, really is quite different to most/many juice makers. We take care of every element in the manufacturer of the products, and it is very much a small operation. We operate from a small Industrial Unit in Croydon where our lab and offices are.
I answer all emails myself, and have advised and helped many vapers over the years to make the transition from smoking to vaping.
About 85% of all our website customers are 45+ and are vaping for health reasons - they tend to be MTL style vapers who are staying off ciggies. I have always thought the cloud chasing style was a red herring for the industry, and we are now only just seeing that the craze is starting to diminish. We have also seen a big resurgence of MTL style devices come on the market recently
My current stock coil setup is the Innokin Kroma-A Mod with the Zenith tank. For RBA then the Doggystyle, Beserker, Siren and Ares tanks are all great also.

Snake Oil

Tmax thoughts:
A delicate balance of mild anise and citrus flavours, with a refreshing exhale
My thoughts:
I don't know whether to give my thoughts on this liquid when i started testing it, in the middle or towards the end. I received three different versions of Snake Oil and due to it's nature of growing on me as i tested it over a longer period of time than usual. The flavour without doubt gets better and better with age problem is i just couldn't see myself able to leave this to age for a long period of time without being too tempted to vape it.
The main flavour to me is black liquorice but it doesn't dominate and overpower and over time doesn't diminish but rather stretches out in the background it really is hard to explain and of course referring to the black liquorice as the main flavour and then using the term background sounds confusing but it's not a flavour i have tried before quite crafted like this. The citrus that comes through is the main force rather than the main flavour which again makes little sense and changes on inhale and exhale sometimes orange rules, other times lemon conquers and at other times just an equal balance, both the inhale and exhale is very cool.
I enjoyed all three versions of Snake Oil and belive the 12mg and 18mg versions which i didn't receive would be ideal for new vapers coming off the ciggies, what an awesome e-liquid.
Score: 9.75/10
Sands of Time

Tmax's thoughts:
A sweet/citrus flavour balanced with a floral overtone and a touch of cream
My thoughts:
Another juice that benefits from a good steep, Tmax's second juice keeps the citrus theme but this time rather than Anise has floral notes with a subtle sweet cream background. Before trying this e-liquid when i read floral alarm bells rang as a lot of floral flavours i have tried in the past have left a per-fumy aftertaste but i had no need to worry. The inhale had a floral citrus mix with as mentioned a subtle sweet cream sitting in the background. The exhale see's the floral subside and the sweet cream grow especially towards the back end of the exhale leaving a very pleasant sweet cream aftertaste. Another very well crafted e-liquid.
Score: 9.5/10
Cold Brew

Tmax's thoughts:
A subtle mix of creamy coffee balanced with a nutty cool finish
My thoughts:
In theory this should be right up my street as i'm a big coffee drinker and love the use of nut flavour in e-liquids. However in the past i have found coffee not really my thing as an e-liquid flavour and had some what i can only describe as nasty tasting ones, until recently when i received one for review that i really enjoyed, so how will Cold Brew fair?
I like this, the inhale is coffee but not a strong in your face coffee and cream doesn't just sit in the background but is very evident taking away any harshness from the coffee, it's topped off with hazelnut and Koolada giving it a refreshing taste, the exhale is much of the same, if anything both the hazelnut and Koolada is even more evident. This is the only coffee flavour i have tried which i can see making a good all day vape.
Score: 9.5/10
The three e-liquids from Tmax-Juices are a bit special and i possibly haven't done them justice in my descriptions as they seem layered very differently from other e-liquid i have tried, this layering of flavour really can't be described at least by someone with my limitations.
I would once again like to thank Simon from Tmax-juices for sending their flavours for the purpose of this review.

Snake Oil was Tmax-juices first (and only e-liquid) for 3 years and is very popular in Europe, especially in France and Spain. I received the high vg version and also high vg and original recipe short-fills to try. The original recipe is at it's best used as a MTL vape with the high vg version being introduced with the rise in sub-ohm vaping. The high vg version is a 80vg/20pg 3mg mix, The High vg short-fill i added the 100% vg nic shot to again make it a 80vg/20vg 3mg mix. The original recipe short-fill rather than there being space for 10ml to be added there is space for 20ml to be added to complete the e-liquid. I received 2 50/50 nic shots and 2 50/50 10ml base liquids, which allowed me to have this e-liquid has a 50/50 0mg, 3mg or 6mg i went for the 6mg mix.
The original recipe Snake Oil is also available in 6mg, 12mg and 18mg.


The second flavour i received was Sands of Time that was released in 2016 for sub -ohm vaping in mind, i recieved the 3mg high vg version which is a 20pg/80vg mix, it is also available in the original recipe of 40pg/60vg in the choice of 6mg, 12mg or 18mg.

The third flavour is Cold Brew which is only available as a short-fill and came with a 100%vg 10ml base mix and a 10ml 100%vg nic shot, i added the nic shot which gave me a 3mg 24pg/76vg mix.

All Short-fills come in 60ml capacity gorilla bottles with removable nozzles for easy addition of any wanted nic shots or base liquid.
Below is a message from Tmax-Juices:
About Us - by Tmax
My name is Simon Wilson, my background is the catering trade. Until 2009 I ran a UK company specialising in value-added meat products to hotels and restaurants in London.
I started smoking "full time" at the age of 15, and have smoked 30 per day for 35 years. I stopped smoking cigarettes in 2013 when I got my first e-cigarette. This was a simple cig-a-like, with an automatic battery and cartridges containing a tobacco flavoured juice.
Snake Oil was part design and part accident!
It was the result of careful research and even more careful and documented trials. I knew I wanted something with the flavours layered, which helps complexity, and adds depth to the juice.
Together with my son Alex, we started Tmax Juices, to sell our Snake Oil, with the aim to help people stop, or reduce their dependency on tobacco.
For 3 years we only had the one juice, from the initial success in the UK, Snake Oil became very popular in France, Norway and Spain, and then spread to other countries across Europe.r
In 2016 we introduced our second juice, Sands of Time, designed primarily for the current trend of sub-ohm vaping.
We are an ISO 9001 accredited business, which ety from our website, and also through a network of vendors within Europe.

Testing Equipment
I tested Snake Oil high vg recipe (both ready to vape and Short-fill), Sands of Time and Cold brew with the Geekvape Zeus (0.28 (<0.02> variant) at 35W) and the Asmodus Nefarius (0.18 (<0.03>variant) build at 60W). I tested the Snake Oil original recipe short-fill with the Berserker Mini (0.9 build at 16W) to try it as a MTL vape.
All Short-fills were steeped for 10 days as recommended and the wicking material i used was Jellyfish cotton and coils are Cobweb (both from Vapjoy).

Before i get to my thoughts about the flavours from Tmax-Juices i want to share an email message i got because it shows the passion behind Tmax-Juices:
I am 55 years old, and smoked "full time" from the age of 15 !!!! - In fact I had my first ciggy with my cousin when we were both 7 !!!! (awful!!!!) - sound unbelievable but we used to get them from a vending machine outside the newsagents 10p for pack of 10 (Embassy No 6)
I bought my first ecigarette on 26 Feb 2013, and have never smoked tobacco since !!!!! - From day 1 with a simple cigalike I knew I could do this instead
I used to be very active on the UKVpers forum, in those days we all helped each other out with what to buy and where to get it (if you could) - I starting mixing DIY and came up with the recipe which is now Snake Oil. One guy wrote a very good review about it, others then asked me for samples. For 2 months I was mixing and giving away samples free - not ever thinking of starting a new business - I was just doing it for the love of it - but as I look back I probably enjoyed some notoriety on the forums
In July 2013 I started mixing Snake Oil for sale. My son Alex, had just finished Uni and was unemployed, so I said you can help me !!!! We started the Tmax Juices website and it has sold well ever since.
By the end of 2013, it was being talked about on the French forums, and a couple of shops asked me to supply them. We still sell 80% of all our production to France and Spain.
Everything is still hand done - each batch is made weekly by Alex and I, and we have a couple of other members of staff who help bottle and pack. It is still mixed only once each week and steeped for 10 days in each batch before bottling. This gives a very consistent product.
My background was food catering, I was in the meat trade, selling to hotels and restaurants in London. I had a medium sized operation doing this, employing about 17 butchers and 20 drivers. So my speciality is really systems. So I applied my knowledge of food prep and controls to the ecig industry. I have always been careful about traceability, correct labelling and regulation.
I just wanted to get over to you that our products and business ethos, really is quite different to most/many juice makers. We take care of every element in the manufacturer of the products, and it is very much a small operation. We operate from a small Industrial Unit in Croydon where our lab and offices are.
I answer all emails myself, and have advised and helped many vapers over the years to make the transition from smoking to vaping.
About 85% of all our website customers are 45+ and are vaping for health reasons - they tend to be MTL style vapers who are staying off ciggies. I have always thought the cloud chasing style was a red herring for the industry, and we are now only just seeing that the craze is starting to diminish. We have also seen a big resurgence of MTL style devices come on the market recently
My current stock coil setup is the Innokin Kroma-A Mod with the Zenith tank. For RBA then the Doggystyle, Beserker, Siren and Ares tanks are all great also.
Snake Oil
Tmax thoughts:
A delicate balance of mild anise and citrus flavours, with a refreshing exhale
My thoughts:
I don't know whether to give my thoughts on this liquid when i started testing it, in the middle or towards the end. I received three different versions of Snake Oil and due to it's nature of growing on me as i tested it over a longer period of time than usual. The flavour without doubt gets better and better with age problem is i just couldn't see myself able to leave this to age for a long period of time without being too tempted to vape it.
The main flavour to me is black liquorice but it doesn't dominate and overpower and over time doesn't diminish but rather stretches out in the background it really is hard to explain and of course referring to the black liquorice as the main flavour and then using the term background sounds confusing but it's not a flavour i have tried before quite crafted like this. The citrus that comes through is the main force rather than the main flavour which again makes little sense and changes on inhale and exhale sometimes orange rules, other times lemon conquers and at other times just an equal balance, both the inhale and exhale is very cool.
I enjoyed all three versions of Snake Oil and belive the 12mg and 18mg versions which i didn't receive would be ideal for new vapers coming off the ciggies, what an awesome e-liquid.
Score: 9.75/10
Sands of Time
Tmax's thoughts:
A sweet/citrus flavour balanced with a floral overtone and a touch of cream
My thoughts:
Another juice that benefits from a good steep, Tmax's second juice keeps the citrus theme but this time rather than Anise has floral notes with a subtle sweet cream background. Before trying this e-liquid when i read floral alarm bells rang as a lot of floral flavours i have tried in the past have left a per-fumy aftertaste but i had no need to worry. The inhale had a floral citrus mix with as mentioned a subtle sweet cream sitting in the background. The exhale see's the floral subside and the sweet cream grow especially towards the back end of the exhale leaving a very pleasant sweet cream aftertaste. Another very well crafted e-liquid.
Score: 9.5/10
Cold Brew
Tmax's thoughts:
A subtle mix of creamy coffee balanced with a nutty cool finish
My thoughts:
In theory this should be right up my street as i'm a big coffee drinker and love the use of nut flavour in e-liquids. However in the past i have found coffee not really my thing as an e-liquid flavour and had some what i can only describe as nasty tasting ones, until recently when i received one for review that i really enjoyed, so how will Cold Brew fair?
I like this, the inhale is coffee but not a strong in your face coffee and cream doesn't just sit in the background but is very evident taking away any harshness from the coffee, it's topped off with hazelnut and Koolada giving it a refreshing taste, the exhale is much of the same, if anything both the hazelnut and Koolada is even more evident. This is the only coffee flavour i have tried which i can see making a good all day vape.
Score: 9.5/10
The three e-liquids from Tmax-Juices are a bit special and i possibly haven't done them justice in my descriptions as they seem layered very differently from other e-liquid i have tried, this layering of flavour really can't be described at least by someone with my limitations.
I would once again like to thank Simon from Tmax-juices for sending their flavours for the purpose of this review.
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