So The Road Begins

My First coil.
28g .. ID (some small screwdriver) 6 wraps .. 1.4 ohm on multimeter minus 0.2 ohm for the leads, 1.2 ohm :)


@duckduck Report sofar on the VTR

I took out the brass pin in the wheel and tru some rubbing alcohol down there and spin the hell out of it. There came alot of stuff out. I also took the bottom of and in the back of the 510 i also put some alcohol and spun some more.

She is better now, not so eratic on the readings. With the dripper coil i get 1.2 ohm with the meter and she reads it at 1.4 and it goes to 2.4 not so very high any more. With the Rocket it is between 1 and 2 ohms

I like the little dripper, Thx. I think @johan can converm. The refrech your pipe is more of a ritual lol, not just mindless taking a stinky out and lighting it, and the dripper fill that gap for me. Just one thing, the flavour is kinda mute, but i suspect it can be y tastebuds taking a rest. If not how can i emprove the flavour

On the coil reading 1.4 i tried from 8 to 11 watt and stiill very mute, i am just waiting for my tank to dry and will try the same juice in there.

Otherwise i am realy enjoying the stuff thank you :)
Awesome stuff @kimbo!

Glad to hear you have already stripped the VTR, and good idea on cleaning out the connector. I couldn't work out how to disassemble the connector, so if you can work that out you can probably fix the problem

If you are not getting much flavour from the dripper try dropping the coil right down low, so it is just above the deck.

Generally in a dripper you get best flavour low down, and towards the edge of the chamber, like in this pic:

Obviously in this pic the posts are not like in the ERA, but you get the idea. For even more flavour push the coil right to the edge of the deck, just make sure it does not touch the cover when you close it.

Also maybe try wicking the dripper with the Silica, the cotton I sent you may be muting the flavours a little bit. First try moving the coil around, then retry with silica
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@duckduck Report on VTR

Wel she is 95% fixed, between a bad earth and dry joint on the big red comming from the botom she is reading the ohms spot on. Just for some reason when you start her up the first two readings is 0.5 ohm high, but after that she settles in nicely :)

Would you mind if i gave her a make over?
@duckduck Report on VTR

Wel she is 95% fixed, between a bad earth and dry joint on the big red comming from the botom she is reading the ohms spot on. Just for some reason when you start her up the first two readings is 0.5 ohm high, but after that she settles in nicely :)

Would you mind if i gave her a make over?
Your are a handy man, a MacGyver @Rob Fisher would say. I am impressed. Sure duckie won't mind, as long as we get to see pictures of the process.
@kimbo that is awesome news! I am super impressed you nailed it down. I checked the mechanical side of things when I stripped it, didnt think of checking electrical aspects. Def sending a mod for repairs if I have issues in tge future :p

Go wild on the makeover, make her all yours :) I am the first to admit the foil job was not a good one
@duckduck @Andre My dad alwys told me, if there are an electrical problem in a car. 95% of the time it is a bad earth, i am just lucky it turned out the same here.

I could not find any other person on the net looking at the electrical side of the VTR just the 510 wond
er why
no fair... it says the video is private and i'm not allowed to watch... ;(
Well played Kimbo!

She is looking good, and is in good hands now.... Also amazed to see it working with an aerotank.

Have you tried vaping at higher Watts?
Thx @duckduck

Most of the Youtube vids i watched on the VTR they complain bout the waight, but i like it allot. It feels like you hold something not some toy :)

Yea the Aerotank on her realy works nice, i am on my second tank of Surffet. Dont know if it is the nice taste or the tank that works so well.

I have great plans for her, i will take pics as i go along

Thx again @duckduck it was a really awsome gift from you
I found the Smurfette to be fun at first, but quickly got a little too much flowery type of flavour, almost like a rose or sweet petal type of thing.

I am really happy you are enjoying your VTR, it gives me much pleasure to see another vaper getting use out of something that I could not use
Well played Kimbo!

She is looking good, and is in good hands now.... Also amazed to see it working with an aerotank.

Have you tried vaping at higher Watts?

Yea if i put the dripper on i go to bout 12 watt, did not wanna try with a tank will it be save?
lol ok i just tried the Aero tank at 15watt, she is actuly quite happy there :) and the clouds wowow

Edit: Now i get the whole warm vape thing :D
lol ok i just tried the Aero tank at 15watt, she is actuly quite happy there :) and the clouds wowow

Edit: Now i get the whole warm vape thing :D

you will find with the tanks that if you go too much power then the wick can't feed juice to the coil fast enough, and then you will get a dry hit.

Usually I find anything above 10W in tanks too much, because the wick can't feed fast enough

EDIT: But that has alot to do with the thickness of the juice you are using. The thinner juices can wick much faster
The courier was just here



@Gizmo @Stroodlepuff @PeterHarris WoW Thank you :h:

Now i just need someone to give me advice on using a mec mod. Do i just pop the battery in press the botton and suck?

Who ever send the blue battery Thank you :h:

My table is starting to look like a mad sientist lab table lol

To all the ppl who donated gear and helped with advise i cannot express my gratetude enough, as i said some time back i have been on the internet for a long time and i never seen this kindness

My article i posted all over the Behcets forums is getting very good reaction :)
Wow @kimbo, your collection keeps growing!!! :rock: this is so amazing dude!!! enjoy every second of this amazing vaping journey :hug:
well done guys. Kimbo you are blessed my lord!

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The courier was just here



@Gizmo @Stroodlepuff @PeterHarris WoW Thank you :h:

Now i just need someone to give me advice on using a mec mod. Do i just pop the battery in press the botton and suck?

Who ever send the blue battery Thank you :h:

My table is starting to look like a mad sientist lab table lol

To all the ppl who donated gear and helped with advise i cannot express my gratetude enough, as i said some time back i have been on the internet for a long time and i never seen this kindness

My article i posted all over the Behcets forums is getting very good reaction :)

Wow!!! That is an amazing PIF. Congratulations @kimbo!!! Enjoy!!!!