SOLD: REO's for sale

My gosh @Imthiaz Khan , i remember these Reos like it was yesterday
You selling all!
This must be the biggest Classified Reo sale ever
They look stunning

Just for anyone out there considering, @Imthiaz Khan is a solid member and forumite and these Reos are for real.

Good luck with the sales. New owners will be lucky methinks
I am so,so,so tempted but with 5 on stock, I am still thinking of an explanation to HRH. I need one for menthols. Bottom line.
I will sleep on it, and let you know tomorrow morning.....geeeeeez:facepalm:
Good Morning.
Thanks for the offer my friend. I am out not because of the deal , but I want some other members to enjoy Reoville.
@Imthiaz Khan - Unfortunately something has just come up that takes precedence, sadly I'm going to have to pass on this fantastic deal. I hope it goes to someone who really appreciates it. GLWS