SOS!!! Flavour coils???


Dedicated Vaper
Port Edward
Good evening fellow Ecigssa-ers. I think I just broke my flavour :( . Had framed staples .17ohm in my Dead Rabbit rta with this amazing dih (did it himself) juice, thank you Ettiene from Sir Vape for the sample, Strawberry & Cookie flavour. The cookie was very prominent and was simply awesome BUT now I changed to multi strand fused claptons that decided to end up at .09ohm instead of .16 and its like my cookie was stolen from the juice.

Am I using the wrong coils for flavour or should I just blame Eskom for this? No but really I think I messed up, pleeeease help?

Edit - I'm vaping at 60w
Good evening fellow Ecigssa-ers. I think I just broke my flavour :( . Had framed staples .17ohm in my Dead Rabbit rta with this amazing dih (did it himself) juice, thank you Ettiene from Sir Vape for the sample, Strawberry & Cookie flavour. The cookie was very prominent and was simply awesome BUT now I changed to multi strand fused claptons that decided to end up at .09ohm instead of .16 and its like my cookie was stolen from the juice.

Am I using the wrong coils for flavour or should I just blame Eskom for this? No but really I think I messed up, pleeeease help?

Edit - I'm vaping at 60w

Miss read- delete the
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Good evening fellow Ecigssa-ers. I think I just broke my flavour :( . Had framed staples .17ohm in my Dead Rabbit rta with this amazing dih (did it himself) juice, thank you Ettiene from Sir Vape for the sample, Strawberry & Cookie flavour. The cookie was very prominent and was simply awesome BUT now I changed to multi strand fused claptons that decided to end up at .09ohm instead of .16 and its like my cookie was stolen from the juice.

Am I using the wrong coils for flavour or should I just blame Eskom for this? No but really I think I messed up, pleeeease help?

Edit - I'm vaping at 60w

A lower/higher resistance coil could impact the notes of the flavour, especially with dessert profiles. I'm thinking the 0.09 ohm might be the culprit.
Good evening fellow Ecigssa-ers. I think I just broke my flavour :( . Had framed staples .17ohm in my Dead Rabbit rta with this amazing dih (did it himself) juice, thank you Ettiene from Sir Vape for the sample, Strawberry & Cookie flavour. The cookie was very prominent and was simply awesome BUT now I changed to multi strand fused claptons that decided to end up at .09ohm instead of .16 and its like my cookie was stolen from the juice.

Am I using the wrong coils for flavour or should I just blame Eskom for this? No but really I think I messed up, pleeeease help?

Edit - I'm vaping at 60w
Before anything, try increasing the wattage to 90w and gradually increase from there until you find a better place for flavour. 60w is way too low for a 0.09 ohm resistance, especially for creamy notes.
Thank you guys! Joh 90w?? Okay I will try that, just need to find a fire extinghuiser, in case! LOL will update on the flavour, installing fresh batteries now.
At 90w there is n big improvement on the flavour, thank you! No one in the lounge could see the tv....:rofl:

Will be changing coils again thats for sure. What do you recommend for flavour? I only have, fused clapton, framed staple, multi strand, juggernaut, tricore fused clapton, staple and a pair of aliens from geekvape.
At 90w there is n big improvement on the flavour, thank you! No one in the lounge could see the tv....:rofl:

Will be changing coils again thats for sure. What do you recommend for flavour? I only have, fused clapton, framed staple, multi strand, juggernaut, tricore fused clapton, staple and a pair of aliens from geekvape.

Holy hell are you serious? I think you just missing tigers them you have covered them all. :rofl:
At 90w there is n big improvement on the flavour, thank you! No one in the lounge could see the tv....:rofl:

Will be changing coils again thats for sure. What do you recommend for flavour? I only have, fused clapton, framed staple, multi strand, juggernaut, tricore fused clapton, staple and a pair of aliens from geekvape.
Try some good old Clapton or multi core fused Clapton’s, think I use 2*26 x 36 and 5 coil 3 id puts me in the .2 to .3 range if I remember correctly.

You can play around a bit from about 0.20 to .45 and see what differences that made. I usually build higher and the flavour is great, but then I like a cooler vape on a lower wattage. Only oven is my OBS Nano Engines that I like running in the .20 to .30range at about 30 to 40 w with great cloud and flavour. Also the reason my Name came into being.:D
Holy hell are you serious? I think you just missing tigers them you have covered them all. :rofl:
I am indeed serious lol! Im still a new vaper and seems like when you new to vaping you buy EvErYtHiNg that you DoNt need, good thing is ill be able to open my own vape shop one day with all the shiny stuff im buying now:-D
Try some good old Clapton or multi core fused Clapton’s, think I use 2*26 x 36 and 5 coil 3 id puts me in the .2 to .3 range if I remember correctly.

You can play around a bit from about 0.20 to .45 and see what differences that made. I usually build higher and the flavour is great, but then I like a cooler vape on a lower wattage. Only oven is my OBS Nano Engines that I like running in the .20 to .30range at about 30 to 40 w with great cloud and flavour. Also the reason my Name came into being.:D
Thanks @Room Fogger im going to try my claptons, not sure of the specs at this moment. Cant seem to find
Try some good old Clapton or multi core fused Clapton’s, think I use 2*26 x 36 and 5 coil 3 id puts me in the .2 to .3 range if I remember correctly.

You can play around a bit from about 0.20 to .45 and see what differences that made. I usually build higher and the flavour is great, but then I like a cooler vape on a lower wattage. Only oven is my OBS Nano Engines that I like running in the .20 to .30range at about 30 to 40 w with great cloud and flavour. Also the reason my Name came into being.:D
Thanks @Room Fogger im going to try my claptons, not sure of the specs at this moment. Cant seem to find any coils that will give me .4 on my Dead Rabbit rta. I really dont like my Profile of Gear and they are both single coil.
Thanks @Room Fogger im going to try my claptons, not sure of the specs at this moment. Cant seem to find

Thanks @Room Fogger im going to try my claptons, not sure of the specs at this moment. Cant seem to find any coils that will give me .4 on my Dead Rabbit rta. I really dont like my Profile of Gear and they are both single coil.
Simple 26 gauge nichrome wire with maybe 7 wrap and 3mm id will give you roughly 0.4 ohms in dual coil.
Simple 26 gauge nichrome wire with maybe 7 wrap and 3mm id will give you roughly 0.4 ohms in dual coil.
This seems to be the answer, my coils are all 5 wrap if im not mistaken, will add 2 wraps and see what happens. The package says my fused claptons are .32 each. Thank you @Nadz1972
Just to clarify, more wraps should take lets say a .3 to a .7?
Get some sandvik N80 coils, SmileLykumeanit, Coil Company, etc.
Alien Framed Staples, Fused Claptons or whatever you prefer.
It really makes a difference in flavor and vape experience.
Does any of your mods have a bypass mode? Bypass is almost like a mech. So if you have bypass, when you have a new coil, put it in bypass, then you should see whereabout the watts should be, then you can go back to normal mode and play around at that wattage
Does any of your mods have a bypass mode? Bypass is almost like a mech. So if you have bypass, when you have a new coil, put it in bypass, then you should see whereabout the watts should be, then you can go back to normal mode and play around at that wattage
Yes my shogun has bypass. I'm going to try that as soon as I get home, jislike but you people are clever!!
Hi @Juan_G

The thing about coils, resistance and power when it comes to flavour is that its all quite personal.

I have noticed that on a regulated mod, the power one tends to find oneself near to is the "true mech equivalent" power for that coil. So what @Jean claude Vaaldamme suggested above by putting it on bypass mode to see what power it is. Alternatively, you can use the ohms law equation which says P=Vsquared/R. With V of 4 volts, so 16/R should be somewhere around the true mech power for that coil. I.e. the power that would be generated if on a mech.

That's just a rough guide but I have found that on my regulated mods I am usually not far off that power.

Then there's the juice. Some juices just taste better at lower powers with higher resistance coils and others want more power with lower resistance coils.

You need to experiment till you find your happy place. It can take a while but dont be scared to change the coil type and resistance quite a bit to see what you prefer.

Broadly speaking from my own observations:
Higher resistance coils - say 0.5 ohms and up - lower power - around 30 Watts and lower - less clouds - cooler vape. Suited to fruity menthols for me - and some stronger nic juices - like tobaccoes

Lower resistance coils - say below 0.5 ohms (for me) - more power - say 50 Watts and up - more clouds - warmer vape typically. And I find this is better suited to dessert vapes - but I dont vape them often so this is not my usual style - the other guys would advise you better in this area.
Hi @Juan_G

The thing about coils, resistance and power when it comes to flavour is that its all quite personal.

I have noticed that on a regulated mod, the power one tends to find oneself near to is the "true mech equivalent" power for that coil. So what @Jean claude Vaaldamme suggested above by putting it on bypass mode to see what power it is. Alternatively, you can use the ohms law equation which says P=Vsquared/R. With V of 4 volts, so 16/R should be somewhere around the true mech power for that coil. I.e. the power that would be generated if on a mech.

That's just a rough guide but I have found that on my regulated mods I am usually not far off that power.

Then there's the juice. Some juices just taste better at lower powers with higher resistance coils and others want more power with lower resistance coils.

You need to experiment till you find your happy place. It can take a while but dont be scared to change the coil type and resistance quite a bit to see what you prefer.

Broadly speaking from my own observations:
Higher resistance coils - say 0.5 ohms and up - lower power - around 30 Watts and lower - less clouds - cooler vape. Suited to fruity menthols for me - and some stronger nic juices - like tobaccoes

Lower resistance coils - say below 0.5 ohms (for me) - more power - say 50 Watts and up - more clouds - warmer vape typically. And I find this is better suited to dessert vapes - but I dont vape them often so this is not my usual style - the other guys would advise you better in this area.
Agreed. In addition to this, the inner diameter plays a big role, depending on the atomizer. Ideally, you want to have the air flowing around the could with the bulk of the air hitting the center of the coil. Too much airflow missing the coil will dramatically reduce the flavour and most likely produce overheating of the coil. I typically aim for enough power that can allow the suction to control the maximum heat produced. If this doesn't happen, then not enough air is hitting the coil directly or the wattage is too high.
Get some sandvik N80 coils, SmileLykumeanit, Coil Company, etc.
Alien Framed Staples, Fused Claptons or whatever you prefer.
It really makes a difference in flavor and vape experience.
100%. Sandvik wire also lasts forever. You will know it's Sandvik wire when you dry burn. They turn green as opposed to the blue that other wire turns. I only use Sandvik. 26x2/34 3mm id 6 wrap staggered fused claptons with Sandvik wire will surprise you. They should ohm out at 0.18 ohms.