Squonk Genius - Squonk on any mod

Similar to this but for all mods.
I would imagine that the overhang (or rather underhang) on some RDAs (with the Squonk Genius)will bug the hell out of some vaperists. This wouldn't bug me. Would like to find an honest review of both of them.
Not sure if this is hybrid safe...

Looking at the first photo it seems as though the positive pin is fairly protruding, as long as it isn't sprung or self adjusting I'm sure it would be safe.
That looks like a floating pin simular to those found on RTAs

Waiting for a review because not sure i trust this at the moment

Will it come in copper or brass?
I have to also wonder how badly this will affect the resistance reading of your coil. I have to assume that much extra metal between the mod and atty would throw off the reading by a bit, just not sure how much.