Wow thats awesome! Well done man! Where do you get the Ultrasonic bath?Did an experiment yesterday (after reading about it on Speedup steeping in ultrasonic bath. When first mixed (RY4 5.5ml + Cherry 7.3ml + Menthol 7.2ml) the cherry was totally overwhelming and the menthol gave me a BALL-KICK in the throat. No juice left and can not wait for 2 - 3 weeks. I know they use ultrasonic devices in chemical labs to mix stuff, so I put the freshly mix in the ultrasonic bath and kept the water temp under 50C so as not to oxidize the nicotine. In the 3 hours plus cool down time I almost took a stinkie. Well I was surprised beyond all stinkies when I took the first vape - it worked; the cherry and menthol was very subtle afterthoughts and I could "taste" the RY4 for the first time what it's suppose to be. No more KICK-N-THE-BALLS throat hit, but as I like it. Vaped myself in a stupor last night.