I started smoking whilst still at school, during the December holidays between (what was then) Standard 7 and 8. After school I tried multiple times to quit, but with little success.
My Mom was a smoker and she passed away on 31 January 2017 (after her third or fourth heart attack). My daughter was just over a month old when my Mom passed away. She would grow up without ever knowing her Grandmother and I realised that I had to quit if I were to see my daughter grow up and if I were to be a part of her life, but with my track record, I wasn't sure whether I would have much success.
In 2018 a colleague and friend allowed me to take a hit on his setup (correct me if I'm wrong with the date here @Hypersonic136). A little while thereafter, I bought the exact same mod, but with a different RTA than the one he had. I got a Voopoo Drag with a Wotofo Bravo.
I tried my best, but was only able to alternate between vaping and smoking. I'd start my day off with a Stuyvesant Menthol (Boost) and a cup of coffee, and would have a couple of smokes during the course of the day and vaping in between. The wife often reminded me that I had wasted money on buying a vape setup whilst still smoking and complained more often than not about the way I smelled after having a smoke, which I can understand.
It took a long time for me to alternate between smoking and vaping during the day and only vaping at night, when I was at home with my wife and daughter.
On the evening of the 23rd of November 2019, we had a braai at my house with family members. It was a bit of bender and I had smoked more that evening than I had in a long time. I woke up the next morning, lungs hurting a bit, and decided that I was going to pick up my mod instead of my pack of smokes, or what was left of it.
Today marks the 68th day since I last had a smoke.
I clearly remember a comment my brother had made at yet another braai. It was about two weeks after I last had a smoke and I said to him that I missed the taste of a cigarette while sipping away on a "beverage"I was definitely not intending on lighting up, but at that moment, I missed the taste.
He said "If you haven't had a smoke in two weeks, you'll only make an ass of yourself if you light up now". Since then I've had good days and bad days (like we all do), but every time I thought of how I missed the taste, or if I was in a stressful situation, or just plain stripped my moer, I thought of what my brother had said to me and, instead of lighting up, I grabbed a hold of my mod and puffed away.
Everybody is unique. For some, the change is easier than for others. For some, it takes a little longer to make the change than for others. Some relapse and others don't. To this day I can't tell you what exactly flipped the switch in my brain on that specific day, after more than a year of trying to quit. Maybe I was just gatvol, maybe it was just perseverance.
All I can say is that we are all here and we all share a common goal, to quit and to keep it that way for as long as we can. We're all human and chances are some of us will relapse at some point in time. I commend you for reaching out and trying your level best to quit.
This is an amazing community and I think I speak for everyone here when I say that we will always be here to support our brothers and sisters in our battle to quit. I don't care how many times you, or anyone else, has relapsed, a) don't be too hard on yourself, b) reach out and speak up for help/advice, c) perseverance is key!!
Keep doing what you're doing and let us know how it goes.
Bro,that's Awesome and respect to your bro. for the audible adjustment.
I also get that feeling sometimes and when I do the Twisp tobacco is my go to.
But then again any Twisp juice takes my cravings away no matter the NIC content and flavour.
Congrats on the achievement and keep it up.