So Vapecon was attended yesterday and we enjoyed every bit of it. So here is a quick little rundown of my day yesterday.
I think the first person i met as we got to Vapecon was @SparkySA , Was great to meet you bud and thank you for the juice? Profile smells sort of tobaccoy? what is it again?
it was great to finally meet @Chanelr and also glad to see you had fun!
I was testing flavors at most stores, Alot of great specials and noticed that some vendors started running even bigger specials, the one had 3x 100mls for R300 and the flavors were really good!
Went past and said hi to @Rude Rudi (Sorry Benji @Oupa you were busy having a dik conversation with other vapers lol) But i tested Bar 1 and must say this is on the dot the chocolate and its really good, not overly sweet but also not too little sweetner.
Met @Adephi as we walked outside looking for my SO as she and her friend lost us, lol, Was great to meet you sir!
Greeted @HPBotha as well, Such an awesome guy and had a lekker chat!
Went past Vaporesso and met the head of digital marketing and exchanged contact details, Also congratulations on winning best stand for Vapecon 2019 @Vaporesso
Went to Mr Hardwicks and got me some Spyder Nic 100mg and tested the Rabbit juice which is also very very good and on the dot white rabbit sweets, I was given one and yeah its good! Went back later the day to meet @method1 and was great to finally meet you Sir. I will give you feedback on the Spyder nic!
Scored a whole bunch of Dinner Lady juices as they were literately walking around handing out 60ml bottles,
Got some Tobacco MTL juice at Pitbull for the Bident at R40 a 10ml bottle as i battled to find much tobacco MTL juices?
Had a lekker ice cold bear outside and finally had my Tacos this year and was a great vibe outside while everyone was having drinks or biting down on a burger or pizza!
Noticed a couple of big vendors that wasnt part of vapecon this year, alot of new international vendors were there and must say some of the stands looked out of this world!!!
I took a photo at @BaD Mountain stall for their contest they are running!
Got to meet @Silver and waved at @Rob Fisher while sitting on the side of the stage just before the contest winner announcements.
Big ups to all of Vapecon [USERGROUP=3]@Admins[/USERGROUP] , @Rob Fisher and @Silver and @Christos for the well organized event, You guys are all legends!
All in all was a great vapecon, although i feel it was quieter than last year on sunday
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