So last night it rained in Cape Town. Leaving work at something past six I was met with the kind of traffic I try to avoid by leaving at this time. Let me just admit, Capies can not drive in the rain. Its a sad fact, no need to argue. However, seems they have a total inability at using any freaking function of their vehicles as intended as well. Fog fxxxxg lights are meant for use in foggy fxxxxg conditions not on on dark rainy nights where the glare they create blank out all else. What are these idiots thinking, that its safer driving a car when the red glow being emited from rear freaking fog lights renders their brake and indicator lights invisible and its reflection on the wet road surface blanks out all else? What the XXX people?
Sorry for pulling a Jai Haze on you but damn!
Sorry for pulling a Jai Haze on you but damn!