Stuff that happened to you that doesnt deserve a thread

Is popular opinion the only opinion?

Hey guys, as a barber/hairdresser in a small/holiday town I am exposed to people from all walks of life, everything from the drug dependant homeless, free minded artists to self made millionaires

From a business perspective I need to be relatively thick skinned then it comes to clients views and opinions as it can effect my performance and the family business as a whole

The reality is that 9/10 clients dont give a shit about you, and thats perfectly ok, Im paid for my service/skill not my friendship

Its the 1/10 that are challenging, clients who become friends, largely because my "professional image" is not a mirror reflection of who I am (does that make sense?)

When asked personal questions regarding religion / politics / abortion ect. I fall out of my "zone" I can no longer concentrate on the task at hand, simply because I need to be careful of what I say as my opinion/view rarely align with the popular conservative opinion

Am I being over sensitive or does anyone share my position?

Love and peace

Best to steer clear or redirect such coversations. If need be make your dicomfort known siting not viewing it as professional behaviour in the work environment. Actually as you said it above should work just fine. Just leave out the last bit describing your views. If asked why its because each of your clients has his own views wnd opinions and you do not want to be seen favouring one above the other. It is the truth after all.

@Scissorhands You asked, "Is popular opinion the only opinion?" Answer: Yes, when you're working with the public.

Since you rely on the public for your business you unfortunately can't express your opinions honestly - especially if they're out of sync with the majority. Unfortunately, the majority can't differentiate between your skill as a hairdresser and your personal views. If your views are quite different from theirs, they'll find another hairdresser. I can quite understand that you need to watch what you say. I also live in a small, conservative town, but I do not work with the public!

So, at work don your professional mask - and be yourself at home.
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@GregF You asked, "Is popular opinion the only opinion?" Answer: Yes, when you're working with the public.

Since you rely on the public for your business you unfortunately can't express your opinions honestly - especially if they're out of sync with the majority. Unfortunately, the majority can't differentiate between your skill as a hairdresser and your personal views. If your views are quite different from theirs, they'll find another hairdresser. I can quite understand that you need to watch what you say. I also live in a small, conservative town, but I do not work with the public!

So, at work don your professional mask - and be yourself at home.
I think you meant @Scissorhands
Stay away from Politics and Religion in any environment. It can only go wrong.

Society dictates that we do that, because most have not learned to respect differences. We don't have to agree on everything / just recognize and accept that we may be different. Everything in life is like vaping - different strokes for different folks.

Sent by iDad's iPhone
So exactly 1 year after making my worst decision ever that would turn my and my family's lives upside down , I'm sitting on the back stoep of my new place, vaping some lemon canoli, belly full of pizza, looking forward to a nice hot shower to slough off the results of the day's manual labour.

It may not be Clifton or Morningside , but I got a lease agreement saying its all mine to use and it's a crap load more than a large number of my country men & women have, for which i am eternally grateful, especially considering how close I came to losing everything .

Now go hug someone.
So exactly 1 year after making my worst decision ever that would turn my and my family's lives upside down , I'm sitting on the back stoep of my new place, vaping some lemon canoli, belly full of pizza, looking forward to a nice hot shower to slough off the results of the day's manual labour.

It may not be Clifton or Morningside , but I got a lease agreement saying its all mine to use and it's a crap load more than a large number of my country men & women have, for which i am eternally grateful, especially considering how close I came to losing everything .

Now go hug someone.

@craigb Good for you for turning your life around after whatever it was that happened :clap:. May you have many more happy days and happy vapes on your stoep!

It's not how big the house is.jpg
So exactly 1 year after making my worst decision ever that would turn my and my family's lives upside down , I'm sitting on the back stoep of my new place, vaping some lemon canoli, belly full of pizza, looking forward to a nice hot shower to slough off the results of the day's manual labour.

It may not be Clifton or Morningside , but I got a lease agreement saying its all mine to use and it's a crap load more than a large number of my country men & women have, for which i am eternally grateful, especially considering how close I came to losing everything .

Now go hug someone.

Brother, if you think about it, if it were not for that darkness, you would not have appreciated the light as you do now. Something money can not buy.

Thanks for sharing your joy.

So exactly 1 year after making my worst decision ever that would turn my and my family's lives upside down , I'm sitting on the back stoep of my new place, vaping some lemon canoli, belly full of pizza, looking forward to a nice hot shower to slough off the results of the day's manual labour.

It may not be Clifton or Morningside , but I got a lease agreement saying its all mine to use and it's a crap load more than a large number of my country men & women have, for which i am eternally grateful, especially considering how close I came to losing everything .

Now go hug someone.
Awesome @craigb We share you happiness.

Down here in the Cape, the showers are quick affairs nowadays!
So exactly 1 year after making my worst decision ever that would turn my and my family's lives upside down , I'm sitting on the back stoep of my new place, vaping some lemon canoli, belly full of pizza, looking forward to a nice hot shower to slough off the results of the day's manual labour.

It may not be Clifton or Morningside , but I got a lease agreement saying its all mine to use and it's a crap load more than a large number of my country men & women have, for which i am eternally grateful, especially considering how close I came to losing everything .

Now go hug someone.
Congrats bud! May it bring you many happy memories. Nothing like a new house for a fresh change of mindset.
Is popular opinion the only opinion?

Hey guys, as a barber/hairdresser in a small/holiday town I am exposed to people from all walks of life, everything from the drug dependant homeless, free minded artists to self made millionaires

From a business perspective I need to be relatively thick skinned then it comes to clients views and opinions as it can effect my performance and the family business as a whole

The reality is that 9/10 clients dont give a shit about you, and thats perfectly ok, Im paid for my service/skill not my friendship

Its the 1/10 that are challenging, clients who become friends, largely because my "professional image" is not a mirror reflection of who I am (does that make sense?)

When asked personal questions regarding religion / politics / abortion ect. I fall out of my "zone" I can no longer concentrate on the task at hand, simply because I need to be careful of what I say as my opinion/view rarely align with the popular conservative opinion

Am I being over sensitive or does anyone share my position?

Love and peace

WORK IS WORK and the plebeians need to respect that, I see this far too often not just in a service provider sense but even within interactions between acquaintances, every body these days seems to think any one who talks to them is instantly their god damn friend and is owed some kind of deep personal commitment. I blame social media for helping to manufacture intimacy and I guess 90% of the average Joe's utilizes these apps and networks so they think it extends to real life. I personally would just beat them with a broom while screaming, 'HOW DO YOU LIKE ME NOW?'
Lately something has been bothering me on social media.

I am Afrikaans speaking, but read a lot of English books. Spelling mistakes bother me! Sometimes I have to read a sentence more than once to understand the meaning. Today I found the word SAMWAN in a post. It took me a while to decipher it as SOMEONE!
A following post asked what a Samwan is. And then the jeering started. A lot of people belittled the asker! Spelling police and what ever!
I believe the person in the original post is dyslexic, but what harm is there in clarifying it for others?

Is it really so bad to correct a spelling mistake? Isn’t it better to learn, rather than keep on making ignorant mistakes?

I find it terribly sad that people will rather fight than learn something.
Is it a feeling of entitlement, or just no respect?

And I would like to link this to the ‘Hey julle’ post by @Hooked.
Well meaning advice gets trashed most awfully, and so unnecessarily.

i am Afrikaans i cant spell it takes me 10 min to type a small post.
spell check helps sometimes, as you have to have same spelling right
have no idea how i past grade 12
i work with my hands so no need to write in my job but same writing is needed
sorry if i miss spell things
i am Afrikaans i cant spell it takes me 10 min to type a small post.
spell check helps sometimes, as you have to have same spelling right
have no idea how i past grade 12
i work with my hands so no need to write in my job but same writing is needed
sorry if i miss spell things
Does it bother you when people correct your spelling, @Moerse Rooikat ?
I am Afrikaans but grew up with a grandfather who was still schooled in English, and he was a fanatic when it came to spelling in both languages. Although I will correct if asked, I accept that some people don't like or appreciate it. So most times I just decipher their hieroglyphics and move on with life, and this includes my sons.

Some are better at it than others, but I am not a teacher and don't assume that I have a right to correct them, but make a point never to belittle someone. I will clarify if it becomes a problem in getting a message over that is important, it's the right thing to do then. It's of no use trying to clarifyi something to people who are already ignorant, and engaging in behavior that is belittling, they would not appreciate it due to their narrow mindedness Some people can only spell in their home language and battle in another. Heck, even my kids sometimes stuff it up, they were English until school going age, and due to a move had to suddenly go to an Afrikaans school. And autocorrect is still going to get a lot of us into trouble, it does not always understand the context and we don't double check as we accept that a machine knows everything and rely on its judgement, which it doesn't have.

Moral of my story, accept that nothing is perfect, there is always someone better at something than what you are, ignore the grammar police but assist if needed and asked, and yes, I also sometimes cringe when I see spelling and grammar, help if asked to do so, respect others for who they are, never judge a book by its cover, judge people by their actions and values, realize that we are all human and that advice given in good faith is not always welcomed by all.

Einde van die preek, geniet Afrikaans en leef saam met die Engelse spelling wat nie altyd perfek is nie.

I had to select every single word in the statement in Afrikaans as autocorrect could not interpret it. It now knows the words on my machine because it remembers it once used, but cannot write another sentence because of this, only the words.
I can live with spelling mistakes.
I don’t like it when people get angry at the spelling police.
It’s like getting angry at a whistle blower. I mean, if you did something wrong, you are in the wrong, and you got found out. You should be angry at yourself!!
Lately something has been bothering me on social media.

I am Afrikaans speaking, but read a lot of English books. Spelling mistakes bother me! Sometimes I have to read a sentence more than once to understand the meaning. Today I found the word SAMWAN in a post. It took me a while to decipher it as SOMEONE!
A following post asked what a Samwan is. And then the jeering started. A lot of people belittled the asker! Spelling police and what ever!
I believe the person in the original post is dyslexic, but what harm is there in clarifying it for others?

Is it really so bad to correct a spelling mistake? Isn’t it better to learn, rather than keep on making ignorant mistakes?

I find it terribly sad that people will rather fight than learn something.
Is it a feeling of entitlement, or just no respect?

And I would like to link this to the ‘Hey julle’ post by @Hooked.
Well meaning advice gets trashed most awfully, and so unnecessarily.


@AniDey I also can't stand it when a question is asked and others make fun of the person asking the question. But wait ... Karma finds a way to sort things out and then the last laugh will be on them! >:)

And as for you not understanding a post with spelling mistakes ... being Afrikaans isn't the cause. I'm English and I also have to figure out what is being said sometimes.

Thanks for your comment about my "Hey julle" post.
i am Afrikaans i cant spell it takes me 10 min to type a small post.
spell check helps sometimes, as you have to have same spelling right
have no idea how i past grade 12
i work with my hands so no need to write in my job but same writing is needed
sorry if i miss spell things

Don't worry @Moerse Rooikat" - my brother can't spell to save his life and, quite frankly, an automatic spell-check can sometimes lead to even worse e.g. you might have spelt a word as "their" instead of "there" but the spell-check wouldn't pick that up, because "their" is spelt correctly - it's just not the correct word for the context.

If you ever need to do a long or important post on the forum, you're welcome to PM the draft to me - or PM me and I'll give you my email. I'll correct your draft and send it back to you. Even if it's not forum-related, I'd be happy to help you.
Don't worry @Moerse Rooikat" - my brother can't spell to save his life and, quite frankly, an automatic spell-check can sometimes lead to even worse e.g. you might have spelt a word as "their" instead of "there" but the spell-check wouldn't pick that up, because "their" is spelt correctly - it's just not the correct word for the context.

If you ever need to do a long or important post on the forum, you're welcome to PM the draft to me - or PM me and I'll give you my email. I'll correct your draft and send it back to you. Even if it's not forum-related, I'd be happy to help you.
thanks for the offer my wife do it for me wen she is around
Lately something has been bothering me on social media.

I am Afrikaans speaking, but read a lot of English books. Spelling mistakes bother me! Sometimes I have to read a sentence more than once to understand the meaning. Today I found the word SAMWAN in a post. It took me a while to decipher it as SOMEONE!
A following post asked what a Samwan is. And then the jeering started. A lot of people belittled the asker! Spelling police and what ever!
I believe the person in the original post is dyslexic, but what harm is there in clarifying it for others?

Is it really so bad to correct a spelling mistake? Isn’t it better to learn, rather than keep on making ignorant mistakes?

I find it terribly sad that people will rather fight than learn something.
Is it a feeling of entitlement, or just no respect?

And I would like to link this to the ‘Hey julle’ post by @Hooked.
Well meaning advice gets trashed most awfully, and so unnecessarily.

If you correct people's spelling, you will become very unpopular very quickly, and you will have a full time job. If you have to do it, rather do it via PM. Not referring to you personally @AniDey, but in general.

I, for one, would not be angry if someone corrects my spelling mistakes, but many would imho.

Spelling mistakes do not bother me at all. As long as the message is understandable. If not, I will just pass it by. Unless it is important enough for me to take it up with the poster via PM.
Lately something has been bothering me on social media.

I am Afrikaans speaking, but read a lot of English books. Spelling mistakes bother me! Sometimes I have to read a sentence more than once to understand the meaning. Today I found the word SAMWAN in a post. It took me a while to decipher it as SOMEONE!
A following post asked what a Samwan is. And then the jeering started. A lot of people belittled the asker! Spelling police and what ever!
I believe the person in the original post is dyslexic, but what harm is there in clarifying it for others?

Is it really so bad to correct a spelling mistake? Isn’t it better to learn, rather than keep on making ignorant mistakes?

I find it terribly sad that people will rather fight than learn something.
Is it a feeling of entitlement, or just no respect?

And I would like to link this to the ‘Hey julle’ post by @Hooked.
Well meaning advice gets trashed most awfully, and so unnecessarily.


I understand it can be frustrating for many, reading through a post (be it here or on social media or elsewhere) and there are spelling mistakes which may make it hard to decipher what a person is trying to say. For me, I agree with @Andre - as long as the message is understandable, I don't have a problem with it.

Commenting on what you said, "and then the jeering started"..

We all have our faults, and we all have our strengths and weaknesses. Some are brilliant at spelling, others not so much. I think what would be more appropriate, if you see a person that makes a spelling mistake(s) and you really feel you must say something, then try privately messaging them about it and perhaps the person will be more willing to take it without feeling insulted. I think it automatically becomes insulting for some, if a person is called out publicly for everyone else to see and then comment on.

The internet can be a great source of learning of course, but it can also be a place that just tears others apart. :(