Suggestion: Taste Box

I think this could definitely be a winner. Although I do think there will be a lot of teething problems to get it running smoothly.
like I said, that is running in Germany with multiple boxes...and works out. the feedback there is really good. Oh, and it should not only work on juices that one does not like, all the vendors could donate some of their juices. It would certainly boost their businesses in the longer run ;)
How about we just have a juice box at the vape meets - people take or give at the meets, lot less PT and admin I think
well, if it happens regularly it would be a great idea. You could still think of a way to have an exchange between CT and JNB ;)
I really would have tried to manage or kickstart it; but as some of you know I am relocating overseas.
Ill throw in a small bottle of radiator pluid just for the fun of it :p Will decant some
you know what nobody has noticed the little green bottle in my vapemail !! how sad .. might have to review it tonight .
This is an awesome idea!!
I will offer to manage this venture if there is no one else that wants to. Can't be any more PT than managing people :p
Awesome!!! Let me open a new folder for you and then you can do threads therein to your heart's content - rules, etcetera.
@thekeeperza : It's possibly a good idea to give precedence to taste box recipients who haven't yet received the box, then at some point when no new recipients have been added or when a new box is created to start from the top of the list.

Assuming that the box will travel at max 52 times a year, perhaps each box should be limited to 52 recipients.

That or use a random pick with an exception that the last x recipients wont count?

Just some logistic thoughts.
If the schedule is fixed, there needs to be an option where a recipient that is next on the list can "pass". Just in case he/she cannot receive the box. May be overseas etc. so the previous person should confirm with the next person on the list if that person is ready to receive. The person may also have stopped vaping. If there is no response or the next person cant receive, it should go to the person after that.

Just something to think about for the rules