SXK Billet BoX 70W for Sale


Experienced Vaper
Durbanville, Cape Town
Item for Sale :- SXK Billet Box (70W Version) with all original spares and adapters. Includes 2 spare burros ( 1 Black, 1 White), 1 Exocet, 1 Insider. Doesn’t include battery.
Selling Price :- R1300 or will consider trade for another mod with RDA.
Condition :- Excellent - 10/10
Age of the item :- 1 Week. Received it brand new.
Clone or Authentic :- Clone (All SXK)
Location of item :- Durbanville, Cape Town
Delivery/Collection :- Either (Delivery on buyer)
Reason for sale:- Enjoyed the BB but realized it’s not my style of vaping and enjoy dripping more.
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Batteries - Not included

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Eish bud. Sad to see it go so soon. But different strokes hey. At least you tried it :)

Good price btw! This thing will go quickly :)
Eish bud. Sad to see it go so soon. But different strokes hey. At least you tried it :)

Good price btw! This thing will go quickly :)

Hahaha.... I know man. Didn’t want to leave the BB scene so soon. Unfortunately, I just kind that it wasn’t my thing as I was expecting hey. Still prefer something with slightly more airflow. Who knows, maybe squonking next

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Hahaha.... I know man. Didn’t want to leave the BB scene so soon. Unfortunately, I just kind that it wasn’t my thing as I was expecting hey. Still prefer something with slightly more airflow. Who knows, maybe squonking next

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I completely understand. My first BB lasted a week.
I only came back because my vaping style has since changed and the BB is now more suitable.
If you like your RDA's squonking is a very interesting option to venture into!
Hahaha.... I know man. Didn’t want to leave the BB scene so soon. Unfortunately, I just kind that it wasn’t my thing as I was expecting hey. Still prefer something with slightly more airflow. Who knows, maybe squonking next

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Funny that - between the BB and Hadaly, I have now been converted to a more restricted style of vaping. iPanther's baby sister should find a good home soon

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Funny that - between the BB and Hadaly, I have now been converted to a more restricted style of vaping. iPanther's baby sister should find a good home soon

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Amazing how all our styles change hey iDad... I also thought I was heading more in that direction till I tried it.
I also think though that for me personally, I found myself enjoying the flavor a bit more from my RDA.

I still target .35 - .4 builds with reduced airflow in my RDA but not as restricted as the BB.

When the build and the wicking in the BB is right, it’s damn nice but have gone back to something that’s a little more forgiving .

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Amazing how all our styles change hey iDad... I also thought I was heading more in that direction till I tried it.
I also think though that for me personally, I found myself enjoying the flavor a bit more from my RDA.

I still target .35 - .4 builds with reduced airflow in my RDA but not as restricted as the BB.

When the build and the wicking in the BB is right, it’s damn nice but have gone back to something that’s a little more forgiving .

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I've said this a million times but I will say it again... vaping is such a personal thing.
There is no right or wrong, only right for you ... and that right for you can very well change over time.

The absolute most important part is that you are enjoying what you are doing.
Its always good to try new things (twice in case you did it wrong the first time :p) but at the end of the day you like what you like and something specific will work better for you :)

I'm curious bud, what is your go to setup at the moment? (mod, rda, wire, wick and wattage)

And I assume you don't mind the spam here considering the BB seems pretty much sold :p
I've said this a million times but I will say it again... vaping is such a personal thing.
There is no right or wrong, only right for you ... and that right for you can very well change over time.

The absolute most important part is that you are enjoying what you are doing.
Its always good to try new things (twice in case you did it wrong the first time :p) but at the end of the day you like what you like and something specific will work better for you :)

I'm curious bud, what is your go to setup at the moment? (mod, rda, wire, wick and wattage)

And I assume you don't mind the spam here considering the BB seems pretty much sold :p

Hahaha... all good bud. The BB deal is done so I don’t mind at all.

I must say, I am definitely enjoying the vaping journey and it’s a sh%t load better than gwaaing. So I have only been on this journey for about 6 months now and as result, still fairly new to it.

As a result of this, I am still looking for that perfect setup which has resulted in quite a few impulsive buys based on hype as well as what I “think” I will enjoy.

I currently only have 1 set up in rotation as a result of the search for the right set up. The deets are:

- Minikin v2,
- Dead Rabbit RDA,
- Geekvape 24ga Ni80 (7 wraps) resulting in .35 ohm build,
-Using Streaky Cotton for the Wick,
- Vaping at 50W
- I do restrict the airflow to about 3/4 open as I find I prefer having better flavor as opposed to trying to change the weather forecast. Also can’t do the lip melter temps so try to keep the builds down a bit and keep in the 40-50W range.
- Still vape commercial juice which I think may also play a part as I am yet to find that one juice I absolutely love and have to vape all the time. Possibly DIY’ing it would also help me settle down as I can control what I want to vape.

Now that I have sold the BB, I would like to get me a second set up consisting of MOD and RDA of some sorts.
I tend to try things things a lot and if I don’t. Like it, move onto the next but for some reason, found I have enjoyed the dual coils setup.

Based on @BioHAZarD ‘s experience, have been looking at getting an OG Goon, possibly CSMNT, or Reload RDA on a nice little dual batt mod.

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Hahaha... all good bud. The BB deal is done so I don’t mind at all.

I must say, I am definitely enjoying the vaping journey and it’s a sh%t load better than gwaaing. So I have only been on this journey for about 6 months now and as result, still fairly new to it.

As a result of this, I am still looking for that perfect setup which has resulted in quite a few impulsive buys based on hype as well as what I “think” I will enjoy.

I currently only have 1 set up in rotation as a result of the search for the right set up. The deets are:

- Minikin v2,
- Dead Rabbit RDA,
- Geekvape 24ga Ni80 (7 wraps) resulting in .35 ohm build,
-Using Streaky Cotton for the Wick,
- Vaping at 50W
- I do restrict the airflow to about 3/4 open as I find I prefer having better flavor as opposed to trying to change the weather forecast. Also can’t do the lip melter temps so try to keep the builds down a bit and keep in the 40-50W range.
- Still vape commercial juice which I think may also play a part as I am yet to find that one juice I absolutely love and have to vape all the time. Possibly DIY’ing it would also help me settle down as I can control what I want to vape.

Now that I have sold the BB, I would like to get me a second set up consisting of MOD and RDA of some sorts.
I tend to try things things a lot and if I don’t. Like it, move onto the next but for some reason, found I have enjoyed the dual coils setup.

Based on @BioHAZarD ‘s experience, have been looking at getting an OG Goon, possibly CSMNT, or Reload RDA on a nice little dual batt mod.

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Sorry 10 wraps on each coil....

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Awesome. Thanks for the detailed response. An interesting read!
I'll post a proper response once in back home.
To be continued...
@shaun2707, excuse the late response. I've been out for the day.

Minikin v2 + Dead Rabbit is a dead sexy combination. I was very sad to let both those items out of my life but it was time to move on to different things for me.
I love 24ga Ni80 wire. Probably my most used wire at the moment. I build spaced single coils between 0.35Ω and 0.5Ω and just have a most fantastic vaping experience between 20W and 32W depending on device, juice and mood.

I think 6 months in is where this journey gets really interesting (it was for me at least). You build up some knowledge and experience but you haven't necessarily tried enough to find your personal preference.
I've been buying, trying and selling gear in the pursuit of happiness and I really feel that I'm approaching the destination. Not that that will be the end at all... I'll just have a smaller more focused pool of toys to try I think :)

All 3 those mods that you are interested in for your 2nd setup sounds very good. Haven't heard complaints about any of them.
And don't even get me started on mods... too many bloody options out there :p
Hey Admin... apologies for not doing this sooner but could you archive this one? Deals done and dusted. Thanks

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