Tank upgrade, which one?

Over the two you listed : Goblin Mini is awesome if you have patience, dont mind bottom filling and are not paranoid about loosing misiscule parts. The bellus is a very nice tank, I havent played with it, but flavour wise it is great. Overall tho the one you dont have on the list is the aromamizer - which beats those two completely. I mean if a total noob like me can build on it anyone can, and flavour wise its amazing.
I'm very happy with my Bellus at the moment. However, one tank that you didn't mention and that might also be a very worthy contender is the OBS Crius V3. It seems to have a much better top fill system than the Bellus (no removal of top cap and complete juice flow control - so no leaking whilst top filling, even if you're wicking is not 110 % perfect for that) and a Velocity style build deck like the Aromamizer (haven't used the Aromamizer, but I agree completely with @Wyvern that Velocity style decks are awesome to build on and for me it beats the Bellus deck {I actually prefer quad posts to the 2 post single hole deck of the Bellus} hands down). The only negative that I can see at this stage is that the post holes are open on the 'non screw side', so you'd have to be quite careful not to snap your wires when tightening.

I'm hopefully getting mine this week (also considerably cheaper than most of the tanks mentioned here and even quite a bit cheaper than the Mutation) and will report back.
I have the Crius V3 for a couple of days now and im loving it more and more.
It has the Bellus beat in every department so far except maybe flavour(more or less even) and you cant build single coil as far as i can see.
Way easier to build and wick, easier to fill, no leaking and i find the airflow much smoother and even though i hate clear drip tips i must say that the drip tip that comes standard is awesome.
I cant really fault it on any department, will probably be keeping this for a long time.
Building on Goblin Mini is very easy, short wicks do the trick. I've become so used to the screw filling it doesn't bother me. In fact I got another bottom fill tank, the PSO Silverplay Nano, another very well built small tank. I need to polish up on how I wick the Silverplay Nano but it's very close in flavour and performance to the Goblin Mini. Another very good tank that's just been released is the UD Zephyrus v2.
Building on Goblin Mini is very easy, short wicks do the trick. I've become so used to the screw filling it doesn't bother me. In fact I got another bottom fill tank, the PSO Silverplay Nano, another very well built small tank. I need to polish up on how I wick the Silverplay Nano but it's very close in flavour and performance to the Goblin Mini. Another very good tank that's just been released is the UD Zephyrus v2.

Yeah i found the Goblin much easier to build on than the Bellus, wickign was also easy. Put the chimney on, cut the wicks and stuff them in no problems.
But that bottom fill screw...i cant imagine doing that when im out and about at a pub, with the Crius i could probably do it at a red robot no problem.
Yeah i found the Goblin much easier to build on than the Bellus, wickign was also easy. Put the chimney on, cut the wicks and stuff them in no problems.
But that bottom fill screw...i cant imagine doing that when im out and about at a pub, with the Crius i could probably do it at a red robot no problem.
I agree, it's a little awkward sitting at a pub or restaurant and pulling out a screw driver to fill your lol. There's just something about these low profile tanks. Love them.

I agree, it's a little awkward sitting at a pub or restaurant and pulling out a screw driver to fill your lol. There's just something about these low profile tanks. Love them.

Wont argue, the flavour and the looks of a goblin mini is amazing.
I have the Crius V3 for a couple of days now and im loving it more and more.
It has the Bellus beat in every department so far except maybe flavour(more or less even) and you cant build single coil as far as i can see.
Way easier to build and wick, easier to fill, no leaking and i find the airflow much smoother and even though i hate clear drip tips i must say that the drip tip that comes standard is awesome.
I cant really fault it on any department, will probably be keeping this for a long time.

@Heckers that's very high praise for a tank and it has perked up my interest... where did you get it?
I've got this one from VapeClub, it's brilliant.
Kayfun Monster V2 Styled RTA Rebuildable Tank Atomizer

Check out the reviews on fasttech https://www.fasttech.com/reviews/2482501/p/1
+1 on the Kayfun Monster V2 Clone @Alex

Got mine from VapeKing about 2 months ago because Rob Fisher was liking it.

I use it with the BellCap. Doesnt take much juice and you have to fill it with the screw port underneath, but it certainly produces lovely flavour. Airflow is not adjustable but it works perfectly for me as a restrictive lung hit. I have pretty much only vaped one juice in it which is Paulie's DIY Guava with my added menthol. Blissful. I have it on the iStick50. Not a problem for 2 months. Easy to wick. I have a single coil. Simple 1.2 ohm. Low power in my application - about 15 Watts
Actually @KlutcH , in my view, the monster Kayfun V2 is not a MTL device. Its a bit too open for that. I think its a great restrictive lung hit...
Thanks all for the replies lol, you guys have now added more tanks to my hard decision hahahahaha.
I luv the Bellus, Recently been playing with a TFV4 mini and the Clapton base. Flavour is also awesome on that. I had an Aromamizer and did not like it at all. loads of clouds, less flavour compared to both the TFV4 and the Bellus.

You guys probably know this guy, but if you want awesome reviews search for "Richard Ng" on youtube.
Don't worry, by this time next week you'll have at least another 5 tanks to consider, lol!
... and the tanks you were looking at will be going dirt cheap in the classified, if you still want it, lol
I am still very interested in the bellus lol, I have watched tons and tons of reviews and everyone seems to like the tank. But then again I am still 2 minded hahahaha
I am still very interested in the bellus lol, I have watched tons and tons of reviews and everyone seems to like the tank. But then again I am still 2 minded hahahaha

I know what you mean.
These forums love the bellus. But you will be hard pressed to find someone who has not yet had some leaking on the thing.
As much as I want it, I haven't been able to convince myself to place that order. Who wants to takes days to learn how to wick a specific tank when there are so many amazing options?
I know what you mean.
These forums love the bellus. But you will be hard pressed to find someone who has not yet had some leaking on the thing.
As much as I want it, I haven't been able to convince myself to place that order. Who wants to takes days to learn how to wick a specific tank when there are so many amazing options?

Maybe I should wait for the new year for a "newer version" or something new from UD,