The Chatroom

"What's in my hand right now?"


Kanger Subtank Mini 22mm and Nano 18mm, say pre-orders will ship in 15 days...
They say 4-5ml in the Mini - call it 4ml, not bad, good for people who need the 22mm.
They say 4-5ml in the Mini - call it 4ml, not bad, good for people who need the 22mm.

Wow, that's better than I expected. That would probably put the RBA size at around 3ml, fairly decent for a small device :)
Altho someone said the Subtank RBA was hard to build on, so these smaller ones would be worse. The air ring looks quite different on the Nano but i didn't look closely at all the pics. The usual good photos on . Prices are good, 59, 49, 39.
Altho someone said the Subtank RBA was hard to build on, so these smaller ones would be worse. The air ring looks quite different on the Nano but i didn't look closely at all the pics. The usual good photos on . Prices are good, 59, 49, 39.

Actually after looking at the build deck I think the mini might even be the easier one to build on - it has two "posts" instead of a solid base which will make it far easier in the confined space.

And these are indeed priced very well...the price on the Authentic KF4 is looking more ridiculous every day ;)
Yes! Exactly. That got me the first time i saw a pic of one. Really silly, isn't it.
Been a while since I lasted posted here.

To me it looks like she got them all right, I didnt see fail in any of those
:rofl: it reminds me of the fanny Cloupor video - someone picked on some point of her demo and she said ''im not a vaper...' :rofl:
It has :(

Let's fix that....

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But the entire forum seems to be a bit "slower" at the start of the year as everyone gets back to business...hope it will pick up again once the dust settles ;)
I noticed this. In December you couldn't get a word, now there is an echo