Danger of vaping.
Ok I have to warn EVERYONE about the dangers of vaping. The following statements have been researched and can be obtained an a plethora of websites.
Vaping has up to 90% less chemicals in them than normal cicarettes. Your lungs NEED 214 times more diacytol than currently available in vapes.
Vapeing has little to no harmfull effects as second hand smoke. Please take people around you in consideration, they need the harmfull effects of up to 298 chemicals found in second hand smoke. You are inconsiderate if you vape instead of smoking.
Vaping does not leave you with the fantastic ashtray smell of normal cigarettes. This is really not good as 98% of people love the fact that you smell like a 5 day old dumpster.
Cigarettes have cancer causing chemicals and it is in poor form to vape something that does not produce and or recipicate cancer cells. This takes away possible job creation for doctors and is frowned upon.
Vaping allows you to choose from more than 1.8 billion different flavour combinations. This is unacceptable as you are not allowed more than the 82 locally available cigarette vlavours.
In closing - Due to vapeing being better for you in almost any concievable way, you are refusing cigarette companies, doctors, merchants, chainstores and cornerstores the oppertunity to assist you in obtaining cancer and related sicknesses.
So why vape ? Cause I LOVE IT !!
Ok I have to warn EVERYONE about the dangers of vaping. The following statements have been researched and can be obtained an a plethora of websites.
Vaping has up to 90% less chemicals in them than normal cicarettes. Your lungs NEED 214 times more diacytol than currently available in vapes.
Vapeing has little to no harmfull effects as second hand smoke. Please take people around you in consideration, they need the harmfull effects of up to 298 chemicals found in second hand smoke. You are inconsiderate if you vape instead of smoking.
Vaping does not leave you with the fantastic ashtray smell of normal cigarettes. This is really not good as 98% of people love the fact that you smell like a 5 day old dumpster.
Cigarettes have cancer causing chemicals and it is in poor form to vape something that does not produce and or recipicate cancer cells. This takes away possible job creation for doctors and is frowned upon.
Vaping allows you to choose from more than 1.8 billion different flavour combinations. This is unacceptable as you are not allowed more than the 82 locally available cigarette vlavours.
In closing - Due to vapeing being better for you in almost any concievable way, you are refusing cigarette companies, doctors, merchants, chainstores and cornerstores the oppertunity to assist you in obtaining cancer and related sicknesses.
So why vape ? Cause I LOVE IT !!