The E-Liquid Project - Juice Reviews

@Barak thank you for the awesome review!
I am glad you picked up that Amazon is not a Looper clone :) It was never the intention for it to be a clone - rather an original take on the Fruit Loops style liquid!
PS - I will keep it noted and charge you double gladly next order :p
i w
@Barak thank you for the awesome review!
I am glad you picked up that Amazon is not a Looper clone :) It was never the intention for it to be a clone - rather an original take on the Fruit Loops style liquid!
PS - I will keep it noted and charge you double gladly next order :p
I wont even be mad :-D
So i went to go buy frootloop. When did this happen? 105 bucks for cereal?


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Hi all

Picked up a bottle of E-Liquid Project Pink Lady from @KieranD at VapeCartel a few months back and it's been sitting quietly in the cupboard. I cracked open the bottle and have been vaping it in two Reos for the past 10 days.

For those who don't know, VapeCartel is an awesome retailer that has grown from strength to strength. They bring in some high quality international juices and stock great vaping gear. E-liquid Project is their in-house locally manufactured juice line. It was launched earlier this year.

What attracted me to Pink Lady was the Lemonade angle. I like sour tasting things and am looking for a great sour tangy vape.

This juice has a 12mg nic strength. The 30ml bottle cost me R140. Not sure about the PG/VG ratio but I think it is 60% VG. Perhaps @KieranD can confirm?

The E-Liquid Project - PINK LADY (12mg)

Bottom line - A very pleasant lemon flavoured vape. I liked it for the lemon sourness and the soft texture. For me, a bit of a let down was the over-ripe odour I got in the aftertaste and vapour. Although I enjoyed vaping it, I probably would not re-order.

IMG_0842 - ELP - Pink Lady.jpg

The juice has a light orange colour and a pleasant sweetish lemon smell.

On the vape I first get a lemon taste. It's very pleasant. A bit of sour. Not a sour that makes you cringe your face, just a light sourness. "Sherbety" in nature. Quite tangy. This is good. Then I get a slight sweetness in the background. Can't really make it out but perhaps a strawberry. The sweetness is more prominent on the second and third toots. Overall, I find the lemon taste and the sweetness are nicely rounded and complement each other quite well. The flavours are of medium strength.

But then after a few toots and a few exhales I get this overripe odour coming through in the aftertaste and the vapour. It's an over-ripe fruit taste. For me, it detracts and is a bit unpleasant.

I try to forget the juice description from the manufacturer when I am reviewing a juice. It sometimes distorts my impressions. But after the over-ripe taste I was getting I decided to check out the description. They say "Strawberry, Lemonade and Vanilla Ice Cream". I certainly get the lemonade as the main feature. That sweetness I am detecting is probably the strawberry. Not sure where the vanilla ice cream is, I can't detect that. Maybe that has something to do with the over-ripe odour coming through. Not sure.

It's more sour than sweet, despite the little bit of sweetness in it. I find it more on the dry side than wet. It's not a cool or warm vape - somewhere in-between. It does taste natural.

This juice has reasonable throat hit for a 12mg. It's quite smooth but I found the throat hit satisfactory. Vapour production was good - I would say a bit above average - that's why I think its probably a 60% VG mix.

It has quite a "sherbety" and soft texture to it. I liked that a lot. Goes well with the Lemon taste. It is quite a mellow vape and has fairly good all-day potential. It vaped well in my gear without any problems.

I vaped Pink Lady a fair amount in two devices and for me it was much better on higher power in lung hit mode:
  • Reo/Nuppin at 0.4 ohms (lung hit) - by far my preferred vape for this juice. On this setup it brought out more of the sourness and lemon for me.
  • Reo/RM2 at 0.9 ohms (mouth to lung) - I did not enjoy this juice on the RM2 at all. I found it a bit sweeter, and muted. Far less of the sourness and lemon zing. Perhaps the lower power accentuating the sweet flavours.
Overall, I enjoyed vaping Pink Lady. I liked the texture and the bit of sour in the lemon main flavour. For me, the only let down was the over-ripe odour and flavour after a few toots.

  • Good packaging - clear glass bottle with long thin-tipped glass dripper
  • Labelling is adequate - it has the name and the strength but I could not see the PG/VG ratio. Also, the name and the strength are too small in my view.
  • The cap is not of the "child deterrent" variety
  • Bear in mind I got this juice a few months ago - so perhaps the packaging has changed since. I am only commenting on what I have.

Equipment used:
  • REO Grand/Nuppin1 - dual 0.40 ohm coil - Rayon wicks - (36 to 44 Watts, depending on battery level)
  • REO Grand/RM2 - single 0.9 ohm coil - Rayon and organic cotton wicks - (16 to 20 Watts, depending on battery level)
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Guys I've only heard really great reviews about daddler so I decided to order a bottle in 0mg. I tested it on my subtank mini 0.5 OCC coil head at 30 watts as well as my plume veil 22g 3mm ID at 55 watts and on both occasions I am getting a sort of burnt nuts taste. I just wanted to know if maybe I should let it steep or if something might be wrong. Because everyone else seems to love the stuff
So i went to go buy frootloop. When did this happen? 105 bucks for cereal?

I heard that the machines producing Fruit Loops broke down and there's a shortage worldwide.

Back to topic - The E-Liquid Project fluids are amazing. Nothing (at that price point especially) is as good. The Amazon and Cowboy's Apple Pie are just class. Definitely recommend these.

Vaping the 3mg in an ASPIRE CF Mod with a Kangertech Subtank Mini.
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Setup : TFV4 on T8 @ 85w

Got E-Liquid Project Special Reserve today, great vape, complex flavour that I think initial taste a bit similar to Phillip Rocke Grand Reserve. (without the wiskey part) The Creme note make me feel like grabbing a creme brulee, and a bit of tart crust towards the end is just a great finish.

The after taste is a bit loose, there is a creamy sweet taste, but still feel like something is missing for the finishing note. perhaps I am not vaping at the right temp. will try with different setup to see where is the sweet spot for this juice.

All and all, it is another great Juice by Kieran. Thank you!
Vape Cartel - E-Liquid Project > Select Reserve Batch # 1

Review :

i tried this juice at the ecigssa meet and after the first hit i immediately bought 2x bottles. i then vaped this exclusively until it was finished... 2 days later. this is unreal! the last time i had a juice that i vaped repeatedly tank after tank was when the derringer was released ! this juice is so good that i had it running in 2 different mods at the same time. its flavorful and produces thick clouds at high wattage.

there was something on the inhale that brought back childhood memories when every dessert was a celebration. like an ice cream cone that is dripping all over your hand and your licking your fingers to get every last drop. the custards are perfectly blended with the creams and the undertone of tobacco adds more of a warm baked taste.@KieranD needs to make this into an edible dessert and it needs to be devoured on christmas day for breakfast, lunch an supper !

verdict : this is amazing ! @KieranD has successfully found magic and bottled it. this is the elixir of the gods and without a doubt has a place in my top 5 all time favorites.
I have to say that I agree with you about this juice

I got mine delivered today and was a little hesitant about it as ELP Cowboys Apple Pie is my ADV.
I got home, cleaned out the bellus and loaded it with the Select Reserve #1.

I have to say it is AWESOME! It is a very unique flavor, and has a perfect blend of sweet and tobacco.

Well done @KieranD.
I just hope you make it in 100ml's soon as I know this is now my ADV
I have to say that I agree with you about this juice

I got mine delivered today and was a little hesitant about it as ELP Cowboys Apple Pie is my ADV.
I got home, cleaned out the bellus and loaded it with the Select Reserve #1.

I have to say it is AWESOME! It is a very unique flavor, and has a perfect blend of sweet and tobacco.

Well done @KieranD.
I just hope you make it in 100ml's soon as I know this is now my ADV

Thank you guys! It really means a lot to get this feed back from all of you!

I will be doing a very small batch of 100mls in Batch #2!
Batch #2 will be release end of January/Early February
This juice needs to steep ;)

Just waiting on a concentrate order to produce the next batch :D
So i got my stock today from Vape Cartel.

Straw Dogs and General Custard.

Mod: Sigelei Mini 30W
Watts: 25W

Atomiser: Kangertech Mini Subtank RDA
Coil Resistance: 0.5ohm

Coil Resistance:
0.26ohm (20G 4xWrap)

Wicking Material:
Natural Cotton (Dove - R9.99 at Spar)

Review: Straw Dogs
Strength: 12mg
Price: R340 (100ml)

Website blurb:
The perfect harmony of sweet, ripe strawberries, fresh milk, rich creams and vanilla custards, this e-liquid will tantalise the tastebuds and send you on a flavour journey you will not want to step off of.

My Notes:
From the moment you open this juice you will know you have made the right decision. When people talk about this juice in reviews and say how good it is they arent joking. Smells like an extraordinary vanilla bomb, sweet on the nose with a hint of custard in the background. If you have ever had purple alien, this is very close to it, except a whole lot better. The flavor has been intensified and an extra ingredient (strawberry) has been added. I didnt taste the strawberry that well in my tank, but in the dripper it came through quite a bit more.

Similar to: Rocket Sheep - Purple Alien
Avoid if: You dont like ejuice!
ADV : I will buy a bottle of this each and every time, my new ADV!

Review: General Custard
Strength: 6mg
Price: R340 (100ml)

Website blurb:
Silky smooth vanilla custard. Plain and simple!

My Notes:
This is exactly what it says on the bottle, a full on vanilla with some custard in. Smells like vanilla! Tastes like vanilla and a slight bit of tobacco (which i think is the custard). Its a simple vape and you could use it as a nice base, or as an all day vape. This vanilla is definitely vanilla, none of that it has a vanilla flower sticker on so must probably be vanilla.

Similar to: No other vanilla
Avoid if: You like lots of flavour
ADV: Definitely, i like plain juice every now and again.
If you dont have this yet... No excuses! Go get it now!

Always good to see South Africans doing some reviews, far too few. So long as they're not like Triple Fibbers getting 2% :DUMBLOL:

Nah, I don't believe that neither...:rolleyes:
Just have to say thank you for the great service as always guys!

evic-VTC Mini
Watts: 40W

Atomiser: Goliath II
Coil Resistance: 0.29Ω

Coil Resistance: 0.26Ω (20G 4xWrap)

Wicking Material:
Pure Organic Japanese Cotton

Review: Amazon
Strength: 6mg
Price: R375 (115ml)

Website blurb:
Our very own spin of the huge hit Fruit Loops. We have doused these in a refreshing full cream milk that is sure to satisfy the most discerning palate!

My Notes:
Tastes a whole lot like Lemon Creams, which are great and the flavor is really full and juicy. I would make one note though, a little bit more full cream milk and a bit less Fruit Loops to even out the flavor. Ill let it sit for a few more weeks and give it another go. I really like the flavor but I've tasted it before and was hoping for something a bit smoother.

Similar to: ANML - Looper
Avoid if: You don't like Lemon Creams.
ADV : Its extremely flavorful, wont be my ADV but i wont waste a drop.
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