The Face Behind The Post

Going way back too many years ago.. think it was 1997. My little sister and me


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I beat you :p i was only born in 1990

I was born in 84 and my ow my there some very handsome and beautiful people in our community..
Time to revive this thread.

Let us see how you look like in real life. NO vaping pictures. Post as many pictures as you like. Just add a description.

A little incentive again. A Coil Gizmo by Artistic Wire to the best picture. See video and images below. To be judged by @Smokyg (if our previous winner consents to do so?) using any criterium/criteria he wishes. Winner to be announced during the day of the the 17th of April 2014. Smokyg may only post a picture/s in this thread after that date. Of course the thread will stay open for posting for anyone thereafter. Let's play again!


Not entering the competition, merely to support this thread:

2013 still on the stinkies!


The wife and I amazed by something


Feeling important


Hiding behind the wife

Time to revive this thread.

Let us see how you look like in real life. NO vaping pictures. Post as many pictures as you like. Just add a description.

A little incentive again. A Coil Gizmo by Artistic Wire to the best picture. See video and images below. To be judged by @Smokyg (if our previous winner consents to do so?) using any criterium/criteria he wishes. Winner to be announced during the day of the the 17th of April 2014. Smokyg may only post a picture/s in this thread after that date. Of course the thread will stay open for posting for anyone thereafter. Let's play again!

I would be honored to judge the new competition. I can see we already have some contenders!

Lets play! :D
Me and AngelinaDSCF1018.JPG

Me in the pit lane. Abu Dhabi - Yas Marina Circuit

Me in pole position!
Thought I'd contribute....


Me at work now. :(

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Not entering the competition just in good spirits :) shaved my head about a month ago and thought I'd share it with you all :p10003504_438751486259055_1677272132_n.jpg

And a more recent shot now that its grown a bit with all the inlaws :)

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Me in front of the fastest F1 car to date! (2004 Micheal Schumacher's Ferrari!) in Rome's biggest Ferrari shop.

2012-12-16 16.24.43.jpg
In the process or shaving my head lol!

Waiting for passengers in Wau, Sudan. I'm the dude in shorts.

Me and a buddy geared up at the climbing gym. I'm the dude on the left.

Having drinks at a rooftop market in Newtown, Johannesburg. Again, the dude on the left.

Here's the 94.7 Mountain Challenge

A Swiss, an Italian, a Kenyan, a Ukrainian, a Russian, an Israeli and a South African chowing caviar in a Township in Sudan!

That is that and crack is wack yo! :D
Ooooo that was close! almost made a big mistake by pressing "like" button under another man's wife's photo - if the remove rating didn't work, I ment it well!Oops.jpg