The Official Vapers Tongue Thread

A lick of Marmite, and your taste buds get such a fright, they will never disappoint you again ;)

Doesn't matter. Filtered or instant. Try it. Vape a little, then take a mouthful of coffee and then vape again. You'll see. :)

just tried it. it definitely seems to work. Thank you!! When I feel brave ill definitely try the marmite as well.
As @zadiac said, coffee really works. Last time I had massive flu and some vaper's tongue. Chewed 4 or 5 coffee beans whole, swallowed off with a liter or so of water and switched to unflavored menthol for a day.
This morning I had filled my tank with Lemon Bar from Clouds of Icarus (6mg nic) and after a sip on my nespresso, thought my taste buds had died, tasted worse than licking marmite, quickly changed to Purple Alien and "back to normal". Probably only me, but Lemon Bar and coffee just do not go together.
drop your Nic % helps as well. Nic masks the flavour with its pepperiness.
Well dropping nic strength definitely makes juice taste better. 3mg is more flavourful than 12mg.
But in the case of vapours tongue the tastebuds have actually fatigued. Its gotten so use to a particular flavour that you actually don't taste it. Happens to me with strawberry vapes I love em so much I'll vape it for weeks straight.
In that case lowering nic is going to do jack. I normally brush my teeth and tongue, drink lots of water and switch to unflavoured or menthol for a bit.
It happens to new vapers alot because they haven't learnt to switch up flavours and hydrate.
Also the buds are recovering from years of abuse and now you assulting them flavours that haven't tasted so good in years.
I have tried 11mg and 0, replaced coils, cleaned the tank etc. One thing I did try is pull out the old neti pot, quick saline rinse and boom. Taste is better but still not the same. Double Mint with red bull flavour is workable for now.
Tea. Regularly sipping tea (hot or cold) any type helps.
at least that's what I use and I haven't had problems
Water, fruit, and a cycle of different flavour based juices keeps it at bay. Coffee is definitely an instant reset.
What do you use when coffee and gum doesn't work anymore and how often should one change flavours?
What do you use when coffee and gum doesn't work anymore and how often should one change flavours?

a lick of the horrendous Marmaite, (one lick and your taste buds will kneel forever more):

What do you use when coffee and gum doesn't work anymore and how often should one change flavours?
Hi @Ravynheart, I smoke 2 - 3 different flavours a day now and it hasn't happened again. One tank at a time. I have about 15 different flavours to choose from. PS What fixed this for me was a tank of menthol through a regular 2 ohm dual coil ecig. The reason I am mentioning this lower powered device is because having 2-4 second pulls on the higher resistance coil obviously has more contact time for the menthol on the palette compared to sub ohm vaping. The coffee, gum etc didn't work. Only provided short term relief. Same as lemon or lime in water. Also increase your water intake.
They say that deeply inhaling the aroma of fresh coffee beans, until you no longer smell the beans does a full reset of your olfactory receptors.
Honestly, I tried it all. lemon, coffee, marmite, citrus fruits, mouth wash, brushing my teeth 3 times a day, etc. Everything short of actually replacing my mouth. The best thing for me was a good strong menthol, 3ml tank. next day sorted.
I can't use menthol. It doesn't agree with my asthma, along with very acidic citrus vapes. (the only time vaping ever affect my asthma actually.) coffee stopped working. I'm thinking of cutting down on my usage but the last time I did that I got horrid nicotine withdrawal.
Thinking of trying the coffee beans. It's annoying because I can't taste anything I vape unless I exhale through my nose
Coffee. I use only coffee. Works the best. Preferably strong and black. Resets the pallet quickly. Every vape after a mouthful off coffee is like a first taste of the juice.
Must admit I wasn't sure what this vapers tongue is, but I tend to agree with you, beeing a coffee junkie might explain why I didn't know what it was;)
Nespresso and / or good imported filter coffee, flavoured sparkling water
Using strepsils (got a mildly sore throat) and filtered coffee. It's definitely helping. Hope I have enough taste restored by tomorrow morning for the mini vape meet
Really try this, chew 5-10 coffee beans. I suck them first to soften them a bit. The slowly chew. Chew, hold, chew, hold etc etc. Swallow down with a liter of water. Any flavour milkshake. I prefer banana or bubblegum. Vape you shittiest juice for abit ( to discourage further vaping). Did that last nigh and was fine this morning. Some good mouthwash also helps. Drop the power and do mouth to lung for the evening too.