The quick and easy build thread


Vaping Addict
Gauteng South Africa
It is rare that I do the major pitstop thing and often that I will think, let me just refresh that tank and use that for a while. This is usually done in my lunchtime.

So how do you talk about something that just took you less than 5 minutes ?

My Arbiter solo was looking forlorn and lonely and my habit is to strip out my tanks and wash them before I store them. So, new coil, 2 core clapton, 5 wraps @2.5 ID. looking for between 0.25 and 0.3. Got my 0.25 and strummed to get out the hot spots. I know to cut my legs at 5mm for this tank, it just makes life easier and fits perfectly.

BP mods cotton 3mm fits the 2.5 really well as I wanted a tight centre and loose fluffy tails just poking down the holes. A few pulses to bed in and tank put back together.

Remembered to turn the top cap to RDL and job done. A mere 20 W and my Red pill tastes really good.

So, we have a quick and easy for the solo Arbiter. Which of your set up is your quick and easy. ?
Same reason I never got to making a video for the Thunderhead Creations Tauren BF RDTA either... Used it for over 2 years straight and could almost do it with my eyes closed. So by the time I get the recording setup out, I am done rewicking all 3 of them.

Haywire 24g Flatwire 3mm id coils, prewrapped and legs cut at 4.5mm, easy drop-in coils, tight and adjust them spaced about 2mm apart. Easy dry-fire with no hotspot. CB(V2/Prime), third length of a thread and split in 3 equal pieces, two of which goes into this tank. Snug in the middle, fluffed the hell out of it, scissors on the oring, cotton pulled down, cut at 45 degrees, tuck, juice, prep, close up and vape. No airflow adjustments needed, always fully open. Was the perfect RDL setup for me.