I find this a very interesting topic
What temperature do you like in your vape? Coolish or warmish?
And does it depend on the juice, the time of day or some other factor?
Reason I ask is that I have noticed I generally like a coolish "crisp" vape on most juices. Especially the menthol ones. When the heat goes up too much I dont enjoy it.
On some tobaccoes i dont mind it a bit warmer but not too hot. Same applies to dessert and spicy juices, but I dont vape those often.
How about you?
What temperature do you like in your vape? Coolish or warmish?
And does it depend on the juice, the time of day or some other factor?
Reason I ask is that I have noticed I generally like a coolish "crisp" vape on most juices. Especially the menthol ones. When the heat goes up too much I dont enjoy it.
On some tobaccoes i dont mind it a bit warmer but not too hot. Same applies to dessert and spicy juices, but I dont vape those often.
How about you?