Timesvape Heavy Hitter 26mm Adaptor cap


Mech Mods & Fruit Loops
Cape Town
Cross Post from Wanted Thread :
Looking for a 26mm Adaptor cap for a Timesvape Heavy Hitter in Brass or Black

The insulator/plastic grommet in my top cap has torn - If possible to replace this please advice - Picture is just for reference


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Cross Post from Wanted Thread :
Looking for a 26mm Adaptor cap for a Timesvape Heavy Hitter in Brass or Black

The insulator/plastic grommet in my top cap has torn - If possible to replace this please advice - Picture is just for reference
What is it made out of? ... Can you remove it and take a pic? ... It should be easy enough to make one once we know the dimensions and material(s) of it.
It may well be as simple as a plastic washer.
What is it made out of? ... Can you remove it and take a pic? ... It should be easy enough to make one once we know the dimensions and material(s) of it.
Dont have the mod with me atm - Its made from hard plastic , does not seem like I will be able to remove it in one piece , its less then a mm thick

Maybe this will help -
Time Stamp 01:35
What is it made out of? ... Can you remove it and take a pic? ... It should be easy enough to make one once we know the dimensions and material(s) of it.
It may well be as simple as a plastic washer.
Saw on the Vaping Bogans video of the mod he says its made from "Delrin"

Time Stamp 06:40
Saw on the Vaping Bogans video of the mod he says its made from "Delrin"

Time Stamp 06:40

I'm leaning towards making what would in essence be an insulating washer, to which I'd use a piece of acrylic plastic. The place I use fairly frequently I see has a branch in Cape Town, https://my.mrplastic.com/index.php/ , and they'll make it up for you in almost any thickness you want ;)