Tingling Tongue


Dedicated Vaper
I've been vaping for a month now and have recently been experiencing a strong tingling sensation on my tongue when I pull. It's rather unpleasant and I can only pull for a few seconds before it becomes unbearable.

I'm using a Vision Spinner 2 with a Genitank, vaping Liqua 18mg liquids. Usually on 4.5 volts with a 1.5ohm coil. It's happening with all my liquids - Tobaccos, Energy Drink, Berry Mix, which I never had a problem with before. The only flavour which I don't experience this with is the Mint.

Liqua is a 70/30 PG mix - I'm thinking it may be due to this and the fact that my taste buds are renewing, they are becoming more sensitive to the PG.

What do you think?
Note - it is worst in the mornings and afternoons and barely happens in the evenings.
Could be high nic or PG causing it. Try 50/50 and maybe go down to 12mg.
Are you talking about little pinpricks of 'pain' stinging your tongue as you draw vapour into your mouth?
Maybe juice splattering on your tongue? That does burn/sting a bit as its hot...
No, it's not physical pain like that, more like sensational pain like Derick is implying.
Yes @Derick, that's exactly it!
Those are tiny little droplets of e-liquid that is bubbling from the coil and hitting your tongue - they are very tiny so the heat dissipates quickly.

I got it a lot in the beginning as well, and also with liqua - All I can think is that perhaps with the higher PG liquids that are more runny, it happens easier - you can counter it by turning your voltage down a bit - that will prevent it from bubbling to much on your coil - or try switching to an e-liquid with more VG.

I still get it sometimes, especially on a fresh coil and high voltage - but once I figured out what it was, it bugs me a lot less, so I just keep on vaping :)
Sometimes that happens if the drip tip directs the vapour to one spot all the time. Try a wider bore drip tip or try directing the vapour to different places in your mouth. Could also be the PG, see if a higher VG juice has the same effect.
Or just try a different kind of tank/clearomizer and see if you get the same sensation?
If you listen carefully they will actually coincide with the popping/crackling noise your atomizer makes - but yeah, try different driptips, atomizers as the others suggest, not everyone experiences this, so perhaps it is also in the tank design.
Ah, that makes sense. So that cracking noise from the coil is the bubbling of the juice. I'd hate to have to keep the voltage down because the high temp really brings out the best in the tobacco flavours for me. But I'll try just to see if that's the problem and then I'll have to move to lower PG when I finish these juices.
Ah, that makes sense. So that cracking noise from the coil is the bubbling of the juice. I'd hate to have to keep the voltage down because the high temp really brings out the best in the tobacco flavours for me. But I'll try just to see if that's the problem and then I'll have to move to lower PG when I finish these juices.
Yeah - I meant to turn the voltage down to confirm if that is the problem - then at least you know for sure where it is coming from :)
Ah, that makes sense. So that cracking noise from the coil is the bubbling of the juice. I'd hate to have to keep the voltage down because the high temp really brings out the best in the tobacco flavours for me. But I'll try just to see if that's the problem and then I'll have to move to lower PG when I finish these juices.
A longer drip tip might help prevent that.
Or just maybe - something I did in the beginning was to suck as hard on a e-cig as I did on a stinky. With an e-cig you actually need to draw your puff a lot slower (not talking about sub-ohm builds here) into your mouth. I can see that sucking too hard might get some of those droplets into your mouth.

With a slower, longer draw you will actually get more and denser vapour - it's not like with a stinky where the strength of your puff produced more smoke
Or just maybe - something I did in the beginning was to suck as hard on a e-cig as I did on a stinky. With an e-cig you actually need to draw your puff a lot slower (not talking about sub-ohm builds here) into your mouth. I can see that sucking too hard might get some of those droplets into your mouth.

With a slower, longer draw you will actually get more and denser vapour - it's not like with a stinky where the strength of your puff produced more smoke

I've noticed that too, when I started on the Eleaf Ikit I sucked the life out of that poor thing and was going though coils at an alarming rate. Does drawing slower lengthen the coil's life?

@Derick @Oupa @Andre

Thanks all for the input, love this forum!
Hi @Wesley

I agree with all the suggestions above

Another thing is you could try a few different juice brands

I have noticed that the different juice brands vaporise with different intensity. That may also help you
I've noticed that too, when I started on the Eleaf Ikit I sucked the life out of that poor thing and was going though coils at an alarming rate. Does drawing slower lengthen the coil's life?

@Derick @Oupa @Andre

Thanks all for the input, love this forum!
Not sure if sucking harder will use up the coil quicker - but I think when we start to vape we tend to have longer vaping sessions - as previously you knew to stop when the stinky was finished. With no 'end of stinky' to stop us, you just kinda keep going :)