Travelling to Thailand in 2024 - Vaping Laws?


Elite Vaper
Istanbul, Turkey
Hi all,

I have been a few years ago and have had no issues but you never know how quickly laws change in countries around vaping.

Has anyone travelled to Thailand recently with e-cigarettes? If so what was your experience? Were you able to get in and out with your devices? Were you allowed to vape in public there?

I am visiting Thailand next month and am planning to take a few pod devices along. Should I be taking them or will I be forced to travel with disposables (which I don't like)?

Any help would be appreciated here.
It wasn't an issue a few years back, but as far as I know, they have banned vaping, so I have taken Thailand off my list along with a few other vape unfriendly countries!
Hey there,

While I haven't been to Thailand myself, I've travelled with my vape gear to a few countries where vaping is banned, like Ethiopia and Uganda. Generally, I've found that as long as you're respectful of local laws and regulations, you can usually bring your devices without major issues.

As for Thailand, it's always good to stay updated on current regulations because they can change quickly. I've heard mixed reports about vaping in Thailand—it's technically illegal to import, sell, or use e-cigarettes there. Some travellers have had no issues bringing their devices for personal use, while others prefer to play it safe with disposables to avoid any potential hassles.

Ultimately, it's up to you, but my advice is to be discreet and respectful of local laws. Sometimes, playing dumb is your best bet. If you do decide to take a vape with you, make it disposable. If you get stopped at the airport, play dumb, apologise and throw it away. If you get past customs, you are mostly in the clear. Just don't vape in public. Enjoy your trip!
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