Uhm, ja well no fine........

I find dark flavors cause absolute chaos with the coils.

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Oh god, I'm nauseous from just looking at some of the pictures on this thread:MEEH:
Can I borrow some pitch to fix my roof pls

Resistance is futile
Everyone who's sitting here shocked... I was in a WhatsApp group a long while back and one of the vendors in the group would regularly post these photos. This happens way more often than you'd think. These vendors used to just recoil and rewick and send them on their way without explaining how bad this is for the lungs and then have the same thing a month later. It's the reason I left the group. Those vendors should have explained the detriment that this can cause and teach those people how to do it themselves. Instead they would just charge the poor saps every month for new coils and a rewick.
Everyone who's sitting here shocked... I was in a WhatsApp group a long while back and one of the vendors in the group would regularly post these photos. This happens way more often than you'd think. These vendors used to just recoil and rewick and send them on their way without explaining how bad this is for the lungs and then have the same thing a month later. It's the reason I left the group. Those vendors should have explained the detriment that this can cause and teach those people how to do it themselves. Instead they would just charge the poor saps every month for new coils and a rewick.

Just out of interests sake would you then recommend changing liquid? Or is it the setup in the tank causing it? When the wife notices a change in flavor and cloud she gives it to me and I just strip it down clean the coils or replace and rewick. Coils are dual Clapton’s 26 + 32 kanthal 2,5 id homing at 0.23. Wick is either cotton bacon or cotton candy.

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Just out of interests sake would you then recommend changing liquid? Or is it the setup in the tank causing it? When the wife notices a change in flavor and cloud she gives it to me and I just strip it down clean the coils or replace and rewick. Coils are dual Clapton’s 26 + 32 kanthal 2,5 id homing at 0.23. Wick is either cotton bacon or cotton candy.

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What juice was vaped in that thing.I need to stay clear

Resistance is futile

It has absolutely nothing to do with the juice vaped. It's just the duration that these guys are vaping on a coil without rewicking. 1-2 months without rewicking.
It has absolutely nothing to do with the juice vaped. It's just the duration that these guys are vaping on a coil without rewicking. 1-2 months without rewicking.

Resistance is futile
View attachment 122505

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Hahahaha, my wifes coil and wick has looked like this before :-D

I rewick and dry burn my atties on a weekly basis but sometimes forget to sort out my wifes atty.

She never complained i had to take a drag off her atty and say jeepers your flavour tastes muted and burnt and realised i hadn't rewicked in about a month :-D

Then i get blamed that im trying to poison her and im like " but couldn't you taste that it was burnt " response was " i dont know, you suppose to sort it out for me"

Hahahaha, my wifes coil and wick has looked like this before :-D

I rewick and dry burn my atties on a weekly basis but sometimes forget to sort out my wifes atty.

She never complained i had to take a drag off her atty and say jeepers your flavour tastes muted and burnt and realised i hadn't rewicked in about a month :-D

Then i get blamed that im trying to poison her and im like " but couldn't you taste that it was burnt " response was " i dont know, you suppose to sort it out for me"


Bwahahaha. Sounds like our wife’s need to get together then. That’s exactly my situation.
Made a point of it to rewick last night. With me in bed with a back injury it was kinda nice, I had time to rewick and clean all tanks and even tried some of my coffee cake that has been steeping.

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Hahahaha, my wifes coil and wick has looked like this before :-D

I rewick and dry burn my atties on a weekly basis but sometimes forget to sort out my wifes atty.

She never complained i had to take a drag off her atty and say jeepers your flavour tastes muted and burnt and realised i hadn't rewicked in about a month :-D

Then i get blamed that im trying to poison her and im like " but couldn't you taste that it was burnt " response was " i dont know, you suppose to sort it out for me"

Now that is "reading forum as a non vaper" fodder if ever I have seen it.

Try getting yourself out of this one C4D...
