

New Vaper
Hi All,

Quick question, has anyone suffered with mouth ulcers since switching to ecigs?

When I stopped smoking cigarettes, I started to get ulcers in my mouth and I was told by my doctor that it is a normal side effect of stopping tobacco products.

I found a ecig shop in Melrose Arch, and was told by the guy there that it's probably due to getting the Vape Juice in my mouth so bought a bottom burning coil tank.

This however has not solved my problem.

I have been vaping for nearly 4 months now and I still keep getting ulcers in my mouth.

Has anyone experienced this, and if so have you been able to stop this?
my bro had the same issue, but he was using liqua.

my guess is its prolly got something to do with the PG/VG in the juice.

i havent experienced any ulcers since i quit smoking and ive used Liqua from day 1 (up until last week :D)
my bro had the same issue, but he was using liqua.

my guess is its prolly got something to do with the PG/VG in the juice.

i havent experienced any ulcers since i quit smoking and ive used Liqua from day 1 (up until last week :D)
What you using now?
Vapor Mountain, and loving it

dont know how i managed for 11 months on liqua LOL

maybe you should try a different juice and see if it helps
Vapor Mountain, and loving it

dont know how i managed for 11 months on liqua LOL

maybe you should try a different juice and see if it helps
Maybe I should but it's not easy getting liquids without having to buy them online
Fortunately it did not happen to me, but seems to be quite common. Go to ECF and type "mouth ulcers" in the search box. You will get lots of information. Seems what might help is drinking lots of water, gurgling listerine and the like and switch juices (read some have a reaction to the sweetener in juice).
See I would buy them online but I did that already with the Liqua. I paid 400 bucks and the stuff tasted kak.
VM juices are tried and tested, many reviews under our review section. You should not have the same problem as with the Liqua.
@Matthee Thanks for the info, I'll go look it up. It's annoying though, because after so long I don't want to smoke again but this mouth ulcer thing is getting out of hand. The other day I counted 8 in mouth, I even had one on the outside of my lip.
@Matthee Thanks for the info, I'll go look it up. It's annoying though, because after so long I don't want to smoke again but this mouth ulcer thing is getting out of hand. The other day I counted 8 in mouth, I even had one on the outside of my lip.
I can imagine and have seen the same reaction from peeps on ECF. Do you know what the PG/VG ratio in your current juice is? Maybe try a juice with more VG. Do drink lots of water. Let us know how it is going.
I can imagine and have seen the same reaction from peeps on ECF. Do you know what the PG/VG ratio in your current juice is? Maybe try a juice with more VG. Do drink lots of water. Let us know how it is going.

I actually don't know what the ratio is with the Twisp juice. I don't even know the nicotine content. I have tried to look but I cant seem to find the info anywhere.
I had the exact same problem. Lasted about a month and hasn't come back.

Can't tell you exactly what i did to fix it but come to think of it, it was about that time when I switched to the VM juices.

I feel your pain... I almost stopped vaping because the relentless ulcers.
I had the exact same problem. Lasted about a month and hasn't come back.

Can't tell you exactly what i did to fix it but come to think of it, it was about that time when I switched to the VM juices.

I feel your pain... I almost stopped vaping because the relentless ulcers.

I'm at that point now where I wanna stop cos I'm tired of them. I must say that I'm glad to know that I'm not alone!
I'm at that point now where I wanna stop cos I'm tired of them. I must say that I'm glad to know that I'm not alone!

The worst for me.. I love spicy food. Can't even eat a packet of Mexican chilli chips without severe pain.

Don't give up... Just try a few different things.

My wife also battled for about a week but i think that was juice that got onto her tongue... she's fine now though
All I can think of is it has to be an allergic reaction! Either be the PG or the sweetner! Lucky for me I haven't had any reactions to vaping except the usual nic buzz while cleaning my gear as the nic gets absorbed through my fingers! Gotta get me some gloves when cleaning.

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Could be one of a few things... or combination of a few things.

When quitting smoking, you may find that you develop mouth ulcers. This is a normal reaction in some people. Your body is ridding itself of hundreds of toxins and dealing with the change in chemicals in your body. After giving up smoking, any increase in mouth ulcers should be temporary, so don't let it put you off stopping smoking. The long-term health benefits of not smoking are far greater than the short-term discomfort of mouth ulcers.

When you start vaping the PG and sometimes VG in the liquids can also cause your mouth to dry out while your body adapts, so drink lots of water. Some people also have weird reactions to juices with high PG content, so try something with higher VG content, like a 50/50 juice instead of a 70/30. When your mouth is very dry your chances of developing ulcers are higher, so drinking enough water is most important. It also helps to flush out the toxins from your system faster.

Hang in there... don't give up!
I've also been battling with chest pains.

From smoking I had a 'thick' feeling in my chest. Since vaping that has gone but I get a sharp type pain. I found it a bit worse with fruity flavors... I think you could be onto something with the allergy.
@Oupa Thanks for the advice. Do you make a juice that has a higher VG?
I actually don't know what the ratio is with the Twisp juice. I don't even know the nicotine content. I have tried to look but I cant seem to find the info anywhere.
I think their juices are 18 mg and quite high in PG.
Chest pains could also be related to PG sensitivity, vaping juice with higher nicotine content than what is comfortable to you, your lungs cleaning itself of tar and other tobacco related gunk or of course a more serious medical issue. Once you have ruled out all the common factors, you might want to have it checked out by your doctor.

Oh, and direct lung inhales... they will surely give you some chest pain or discomfort if you are not used to it. So rather stick to mouth to lung inhales.
Thanks oupa... gonna mix some 100 VG juices with the DIY kit and see how it goes. Made some 100 VG litchi the other day and enjoyed it... Just enjoying guevera a lot at the moment.

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