
@Oupa... I always thought the juices were 50/50?

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Some flavours are 60/40 and some flavours are 50/50... not much difference in consistency, but some flavours work better in 60/40. Legends are all strictly 60/40 though.
I actually don't know what the ratio is with the Twisp juice. I don't even know the nicotine content. I have tried to look but I cant seem to find the info anywhere.

Hi @Chomsky86
I have spoken to one of the Twisp directors before. He confirmed their juices are 50/50 PG/VG and their regular strength juices are 18mg/ml. They say 0.9 mg per drop but he explained that about 20 drops make up 1 ml. So it equates to 18mg.

Sorry to hear about your ulcers. Hope it gets better.

I think @Matthee and @Oupa have given great advice.

From my side, @Oupa's VM juices get my full stamp of approval in terms of quality and flavour. I have been using them for a few months and enjoy them thoroughly. I have not experienced any reactions or side effects.

But if you are allergic to PG, then you will have to give a VG juice a try.

I would first experiment with a different juice and see if it helps. Maybe its not the PG but some other ingredient.

If that fails, experiment with a VG juice and see if it helps.

I think if your ulcers continue for too long you should go see a doctor. Who knows, it may be something totally unrelated to vaping.
I read somewhere that the PG can cause ulcers in your mouth and sores on your lips if you are allergic to PG and your intake is to high. I also have the same problem and also use twisp liquid. the answer for my problem seems to be to get a liquid that have less PG and more VG .I did order from VM liquids and are receiving them today then I will give feedback to indicate if my problem is solved.
@Shadowvapor Let me know how it goes! After reading what people have said about the VM liquids I went a head and ordered from them. I should get my liquids sometime this week so I'll keep you and everyone posted as to how it goes!
@Shadowvapor Let me know how it goes! After reading what people have said about the VM liquids I went a head and ordered from them. I should get my liquids sometime this week so I'll keep you and everyone posted as to how it goes!

Good luck bro... hope you come right

My dad who has only been vaping seriously for about 2 weeks now is also complaining of ulcers. And he is only vaping VM... Eish.
Sometimes when you vape top coil, the vapor liquid gets on your tongue/mouth while it is still boiling hot, I surmise these ulcers are actually blisters, like the ones you get when boiling licked cooks skin, but because it is in the mouth, a more sensitive area, the little splotches of liquid that are boiling cause what looks like ulcers at the point of contact.

My bro was getting ulcers and changed to a bottom coil, then a week later they where gone. Also, do not take any Bob Martins, they are likely to cause 'Licking of da Bumb" syndrome, this too can also cause ulcers int he mouth.

Only jokes, in all honesty It could be a multitude of factors, including the gums starting to heal after years of stinky abuse, all those carcinogens being soaked into the pallet and mouth area could now be seeping out the other way, int he form of ulcers.
My wife said the same... as she got ulcers on her tongue.

It wouldn't explain how I got ulcers on my gums, or behind my back teeth though
That makes sense of the top and bottom coil that boils the liquid and is actually blisters. I did order a starter kit from HV Vapours with excellent service. I will also give feedback on the ulcers with the bottom coil. I am not glad to hear about the VM liquids that is also causing ulcers but is confident it wont cause ulcers.
so.... Ulcers aka Canker sores are common when stopping smoking. I wouldn't jump to any PG or VG allergies so hastily.

In fact, some studies are underway to try isolate the ulcer eliminating properties of cigerretes.

couple theories that I have found on the net:
  • PH of the mouth is out of balance since stopping smoking
  • Dehydrating effects of Vaping.
  • Your body is purging toxins from years of smoking.
  • All of the above.
As for PG/VG allergies, easy test is to rough up some skin in the joint of each elbow, take some pure PG and VG (No NIC) and apply a drop to each elbow, separately of course. Finally carry on with your day, if you notice any reaction on those areas then you probably are amongst the minority who have a legit allergy.

Best Advice, soldier on with the vaping, up you water, don't vape right before you sleep, relax, it should pass in due coarse. some have mentioned that mouthwash and bicarbonate rinse can help.

Chewing gum seems to help deal with the mouth dryness, and some gums also help stabilize PH.

I too had the Ulcers, but fortunately they gone!
Guys, PG or VG wont cause ulcers. People with sensitivity to these usually experience respiratory track irritations, sore throat, etc. The ulcers are caused by quitting smoking, for various reasons as mentioned in earlier posts and links. It is just made worse by the fact that eliquids will dry out your mouth in the first few weeks.

Bottom line, if you get ulcers when quitting smoking and starting vaping, you will get them regardless of what e-liquid you use. Read the articles in earlier posts in this thread and educate yourselves.
Very informative posts indeed.

When i switched to vaping i also had a drier mouth than im used to. After about a month it was back to normal. I drank lots of water which helped.
Thanks everyone for the input. I will explore all the different remedies suggested here and see what happens. I'm currently using a Twist battery but I have a bottom burning coil in the eLeaf tank. How often do you guys change coils because I notice that my mouth gets worse the older the coil gets.
Thanks everyone for the input. I will explore all the different remedies suggested here and see what happens. I'm currently using a Twist battery but I have a bottom burning coil in the eLeaf tank. How often do you guys change coils because I notice that my mouth gets worse the older the coil gets.

well, how much liquid are you using per day more or less?

when i was using coil tanks (protank, evod etc) i used to clean my coils at least twice a week.

thats wash with warm water and dry burn
@Riaz, I go through about 1.6ml or the equivalent of my tank a day.
I clean out my tanks and coils after every second fill. I.e. fill my tank twice then clean the tank with a good warm water soak and clean coils with warm water and dry burn (or just rebuild the coil)
@Riaz I clean my tank out after every second refill and the coils about 2 times a week, but how long I should be using them before completely changing them?
@Riaz I clean my tank out after every second refill and the coils about 2 times a week, but how long I should be using them before completely changing them?
When it no longer gives you a satisfying vape, even after cleaning and dry burning. Then rebuild or replace.