User selling fake goods as Authentic @George49

@George49 is from cape town, I am very confident that he bought the i just s kits from China town here.
I visited the shop my self and they have a huge collection of clones. To be honest I have bought a few myself and I would say for that price they work pretty good.
And yes, all products you buy here will have a serial number but like the @RenaldoRheeder pointed out they have identical serial number.

Just for information purposes I have made a list of items they sell. If you see these products for sale make sure you check thoroughly:-
Few of the items they sell are :-
- I just 2 S
- Kangertech topbox mini starter kit
- Smok alien (full kit)
- Smok Vape pen 22 (I bought it for R180, works fine)
- Smok GX2 (R1400)
- Smok cloud beast (bought it for R210, works great!!!)
- Melo 3 (bought it just for R130)
- Eleaf 80W box mod (bought it for R290, replaced it twice !!)
- Bacon cotton (R 20),
- wires for as cheap as R30 for 10 meters
- replacement coils.(R10-15)
- They have RTA`s for R100 !!!
- Coil master kit (R280 bought it myself, quality is good and the resistance tester works fine)
- LG choc batteries( R20 each !!!)
- AWT batteries (R20 each)
Last time I visited the sales guy told me that they are getting few squonk mods as well !!

Again I am not trying to support them or advertise, just wanted to let you know whats in the market so everyone can be careful.