Using SS316 on a mechanical mod.


Vaping Addict
Brackenfell, Cape Town
Hi, just an observation I would like to test.

I have been using SS316L since my first ventures into TC vaping a couple of years ago. Naturally when I converted to the squonk religion January this year, I stuck with this wire type as a.) It's what I am used to and know the best, b.) I have hundreds of feet of the stuff in various gauges.

I have tried Nichrome, NI200 as well and although I can not find fault with any of these, but would rather stick to what I know. That said, I do believe there is one reason SS is the better coil wire for mech vaping.

At this point let me point out that what follows is a theoretical exercise and I by no means support or promote exceeding the recommended CDR values of cells. In reality my own build always leave ten or more percent headroom as safety barrier. Use or test what follows at own risk and stay within recommended limits of cold coils irrespective.

A picture speaks a thousand words so let me start off by presenting my observation as such:
SS316 Amp Curve.PNG

Because the resistance increases as the coil heats up, one can build a coil with fast ramp up with a resistance close to the upper limits of your cells capacity but which uses less power and amp draw once hot. Resulting in longer battery life (less stress), better utilisation of cell capacity and an overall "safer" vape.

Although not recommended, the above graph shows that were one to build at 0.2 ohm using a 20 amp CDR cell, the initial amp draw of 21 amps would quickly decrease to within acceptable limits probably leveling out at about 17.5 Amps (250 deg / 73W). This gives >10% headroom on a build that starts off with none.
One would thus only be pulsing over CDR during initial ramp up but the larger portion of the draw would be within safety limits.

Or at least this is my perception, please correct me if I am wrong.

(Think this needs testing on a DNA mod connected to EScribe in monitoring mode.)

Very interesting @Raindance
Sounds correct to me in theory
Where did you get the temp and corresponding resistance values?
The theory behind this intrigues me heavily.
Thanx for the graph, I'll be doing some testing on this too.
This should hold true even if I clapton with ni80 yes?

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The theory behind this intrigues me heavily.
Thanx for the graph, I'll be doing some testing on this too.
This should hold true even if I clapton with ni80 yes?

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Ni80 does change resistance a little as it heats up if I am not mistaken.
