Vape haters

@Waine, I am a woman so haven't had that before, but I have had a colleague telling me "you know that thing doesn't look very feminine (an AIO)" so I told her that it's more feminine than the smell she has on her breath after a sigaret.
I must be the lucky one then. Whenever I'm puffing outside work the people(even non smokers) literally stick their nose into the clouds & go "oohh that smells nice" :D

This old balie at a mall once asked me in a very smug way if I'd found a way to kill myself faster. Initial reaction was to whack him on the head with it but after giving him a run down on vaping & how my health had improved he seemed genuinely interested in getting one for his son. Even asked me to write down some web addresses for a few vendors:)
I must be the lucky one then. Whenever I'm puffing outside work the people(even non smokers) literally stick their nose into the clouds & go "oohh that smells nice" :D

This old balie at a mall once asked me in a very smug way if I'd found a way to kill myself faster. Initial reaction was to whack him on the head with it but after giving him a run down on vaping & how my health had improved he seemed genuinely interested in getting one for his son. Even asked me to write down some web addresses for a few vendors:)
Staff at the office have figured out a way to track me down when I'm hiding trying to have a quiet vape... I often get disturbed with "I knew you were around here somewhere, I smelt that lekker fruit cloud (XXX)!"

Also any spiteful comments seem to lead to a great conversation. The way I see it, most people only bring it up out of curiousity, and because of the history of smoking, the most common way to strike up conversation about it has to be about the evils of inhaling clouds... 9 times out of 10 they are smokers that want to find out more but don't know how to simply ask.

My mother is that 1 in 10 though. She WILL cough if she sees you blowing a cloud 100 meters away from her, and give you a scornful look and mutter something about what a nob you are. Some people just know they are right, regardless of what they actually know!
Staff at the office have figured out a way to track me down when I'm hiding trying to have a quiet vape... I often get disturbed with "I knew you were around here somewhere, I smelt that lekker fruit cloud (XXX)!"

Also any spiteful comments seem to lead to a great conversation. The way I see it, most people only bring it up out of curiousity, and because of the history of smoking, the most common way to strike up conversation about it has to be about the evils of inhaling clouds... 9 times out of 10 they are smokers that want to find out more but don't know how to simply ask.

My mother is that 1 in 10 though. She WILL cough if she sees you blowing a cloud 100 meters away from her, and give you a scornful look and mutter something about what a nob you are. Some people just know they are right, regardless of what they actually know!

Haha , my moms the same .

I wholeheartedly agree with your comment regarding how it leads to great conversation. I'm very shy in general & don't strike up conversations easily. At my new job I don't think I would have gotten to know half the people I do had they not come up to me and chatted about my "cloud machine":D
I notice people dont really mind if you vape infront of them. Aslong as you not blowing the clouds in their faces. I always just blow straight up and have never gotten any complaints. I do think that no one should be vaping in malls and restaurants(unless outside). Even if you can do it. Common courtesy to not.... Except for smokers... Cause they think its worse than smoking. So for them its 100W airflow wide open and blow a big cloud in their face!!
My 2c
I get all sorts of comments from, not really haters but more uninformed (and try to explain). When I'm outside in front of the building and i exhale a cloud as someone is coming round the corner i get the :CROSSCROSS:looks. It got me thinking, when i was getting off the twisp and getting onto the iJust i had to go into a few vape stores, every time i walked into one, it would be vaped up completely and i would start to get anxious. Being an ex smoker can you imagine walking into a room full of smokers inhaling all that smoke :sick:. When i went in the first few times it was completely fine, but i still needed to "get out quick before i die" now of course i don't get anxious at all, but mostly coz i know im not going to die :rofl:
But all those people that give angry looks to my other vaper's may all have had the experience i had around smokers previously. You automatically think "SMOKE" and brace yourself for the horribleness only to be greeted by nice aromas and that confuses them even more.
Some people just want to be difficult, but most don't really know what to think :)