Vape Tongue


Noob Vaper
Hello People,

Was hoping for some help/pointers. I vaped way back when and never had any issues but couldn't give up cigarettes so stopped. Recently needed to stop smoking for a procedure and managed to switch over to Nic salts. Loving not smoking but seem to keep on getting vape tongue or i don't know how to explain it sort of like my tongue/mouth feels like it has something clogged on it. Also sinus feels blocked. I am switching between 3 very different flavours this doesn't seem to help. Any advice or will a device switch help? I am vaping a fair bit and the only solution so far seems to be cutting way way back on how much I vape. I've tried lemon and coffee beans and as mentioned flavor switches. Never seemed to have this issue with freebase nicotine but that doesn't hit the Nic craving and worried I will end up back on cigarettes if I try that again.

Sorry if this is a bit of a ramble and hope it makes some sense.


Hello People,

Was hoping for some help/pointers. I vaped way back when and never had any issues but couldn't give up cigarettes so stopped. Recently needed to stop smoking for a procedure and managed to switch over to Nic salts. Loving not smoking but seem to keep on getting vape tongue or i don't know how to explain it sort of like my tongue/mouth feels like it has something clogged on it. Also sinus feels blocked. I am switching between 3 very different flavours this doesn't seem to help. Any advice or will a device switch help? I am vaping a fair bit and the only solution so far seems to be cutting way way back on how much I vape. I've tried lemon and coffee beans and as mentioned flavor switches. Never seemed to have this issue with freebase nicotine but that doesn't hit the Nic craving and worried I will end up back on cigarettes if I try that again.

Sorry if this is a bit of a ramble and hope it makes some sense.


Bro same happen to me. Feels like there's stuff growing from my cheeks and I get ulcers.
High nic freebase is my best advice
I'd agree with @Resistance ,also had similar experiences with salts, moved to freebase and haven't experienced them again, I vape between a 12mg and a 15mg depending on the juice
12 to 15mg FB? WOW!!!
Anything over 5mg is overkill in Freebase. And yes, I was a 2 pack a day smoker before making the switch to vaping.
12 to 15mg FB? WOW!!!
Anything over 5mg is overkill in Freebase. And yes, I was a 2 pack a day smoker before making the switch to vaping.
Pssssst..., MTL dude, MTL!

5-6mg Is what I do DL
Hello People,

Was hoping for some help/pointers. I vaped way back when and never had any issues but couldn't give up cigarettes so stopped. Recently needed to stop smoking for a procedure and managed to switch over to Nic salts. Loving not smoking but seem to keep on getting vape tongue or i don't know how to explain it sort of like my tongue/mouth feels like it has something clogged on it. Also sinus feels blocked. I am switching between 3 very different flavours this doesn't seem to help. Any advice or will a device switch help? I am vaping a fair bit and the only solution so far seems to be cutting way way back on how much I vape. I've tried lemon and coffee beans and as mentioned flavor switches. Never seemed to have this issue with freebase nicotine but that doesn't hit the Nic craving and worried I will end up back on cigarettes if I try that again.

Sorry if this is a bit of a ramble and hope it makes some sense.



hi, take a teaspoon of Bovril, put in your mouth and suck on it

Hello People,

Was hoping for some help/pointers. I vaped way back when and never had any issues but couldn't give up cigarettes so stopped. Recently needed to stop smoking for a procedure and managed to switch over to Nic salts. Loving not smoking but seem to keep on getting vape tongue or i don't know how to explain it sort of like my tongue/mouth feels like it has something clogged on it. Also sinus feels blocked. I am switching between 3 very different flavours this doesn't seem to help. Any advice or will a device switch help? I am vaping a fair bit and the only solution so far seems to be cutting way way back on how much I vape. I've tried lemon and coffee beans and as mentioned flavor switches. Never seemed to have this issue with freebase nicotine but that doesn't hit the Nic craving and worried I will end up back on cigarettes if I try that again.

Sorry if this is a bit of a ramble and hope it makes some sense for disposable vape.


I don't usually vape a lot, but I recently started DIY juice and made a nice strawberry flavor. Since most other flavors need to steep, I just vaped strawberry all day. Well, Now I got that dreaded vapors tongue. I've had it twice before, but it was like 4 years ago, and now I cannot remember how long it lasted. Does anyone remember how long Vapor's tongue usually lasts? Is it okay to vape menthol/minty flavors until it goes away, or better to quit vaping for a while?