VapeClub - iStick 20 w by Eleaf - Back in stock

As I recall that chart assumed no down regulation at all?
Only once your battery is depleted enough can you get down regulation. So if you start fully charged running at 2.0 ohms you will get 9W, even if you set it at 6W?
Since its a PWM regulated mod I don't think the battery level has any impact.
Ok, so what is meant by "it runs hotter"? How do you quantify that? But let me watch the video, maybe will be a bit wiser.
Ok, think I understand. In simple terms for everyday use - this device delivers more power than the setting indicates. So, if one is used to a VV or VW mod, you have to re-calibrate yourself for this one. Should not be too difficult.

For example: If set at 3.6V, the iStick actually fires at 4.6V on a 1.6 ohm coil. That is 13W as opposed to the setting of 8W. So, in wattage mode, if you are used to vape at 8W (on a 1.6 ohm coil) your setting must be much lower on the iStick - it can go down, but only to 5.6W in this example - should be low enough.

This methinks sounds more complicated that what it will be in practice. All you should have to do is to find your sweet spot anew, you cannot compare the iStick's settings to that of other VV/VW devices out there.
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Whhaaa .. eciggies beat us to it, kudos to them!

If you have a reservation with us and feel you would rather get one from them please be so kind as to let us know? :)

So far on the reservation list blue is proving the most popular, followed by black and then silver. My money was on silver but I think I'm going to lose that bet!
Whhaaa .. eciggies beat us to it, kudos to them!

If you have a reservation with us and feel you would rather get one from them please be so kind as to let us know? :)

So far on the reservation list blue is proving the most popular, followed by black and then silver. My money was on silver but I think I'm going to lose that bet!
When do you expect your iStickymajigies?
Shipping from eLeaf on the 22nd so I would say on or just after month end.
We now have the international tracking number and the parcel is showing expected arrival 28 October, note that this is the courier's projected date and it may be change. :)

Reservations for blue is still slightly ahead, but black is catching up fast!
And the red? are you getting red in lol if so please put me down for red or blue.

So ... one of each then? :p

EDIT: And we are bringing in some of each colour as per the picture at the start of this thread..
The iSticks are now in South Africa and only the customs process remains! Reservations are still open..

Black now has a slight lead on blue, go team Black!

PS:I don't support the New Zealand rugby team ..
The iSticks are now in South Africa and only the customs process remains! Reservations are still open..

Black now has a slight lead on blue, go team Black!

PS:I don't support the New Zealand rugby team ..

Oh happy days! :rock:
@JakesSA does this mean we'll be able to get them this week? I have a wedding I have to go to on Saturday and don't want to have to take my MVP with me :dance: