VapeClub - SX Mini M Class Pre-Order- Completed!

There's a rumour going around that @VandaL aka Donnie wants to sell his before his arrives? Can you confirm this please cos I wouldn't mind 2
Isn't that called mod scalping? :p

No fix on the shipping date yet, I'll make some more noise with YiHi...
@JakesSA if the shipping date is simewhat delayed and by some miracle they now have the silver / black..... Make a plan. Also please enquire about silicon sleeves for this puppy. Thx
There's a rumour going around that @VandaL aka Donnie wants to sell his before his arrives? Can you confirm this please cos I wouldn't mind 2
They call me Vandsnow:emo:

If it is at all possible to get the silver / black then winner winner chicken dinner. :makeup:
Feedback from YiHi is that the parcel will ship before the end of the week, not exactly a specific date but still on track for delivery before the end of April.
Feedback from YiHi is that the parcel will ship before the end of the week, not exactly a specific date but still on track for delivery before the end of April.
Be sure to change @capetocuba shipping address to mine, I purchased his earlier for 1999:call::dance::rock:
Awesome stuff thanks jaco!!!!
Yay cant wait lets hope customs don't hold them up.
I was fine waiting till i saw they're in the country :p Now the suspense is killing me :p
I'm ok as I have had @VandaL fanning me down ... he's a good mate ;)
As you can see @JakesSA we have forum members in distress needing to be fanned down, so please be considerate of the community (specially the old and decrepit) and get these wonderful boxes to us this week :D :rolleyes: