Hi All,
We are extremely excited and pleased to announce VapeCon 2016 - brought to you by ECIGSSA.
It will take place on Saturday 27 August 2016 and will be held at the Heartfelt Arena in Pretoria.
The venue is superb for this event. It is going to be an epic day of fun and excitement for all.
There are going to be lots of competitions, giveaways and prizes. While this event is open to all, we are going to do something special for the ECIGSSA members. For some of these giveaways, we are going to be making use of the RSVP list. So please RSVP with the blue button below. (with a normal browser - not Tapatalk)
SA's best vaping vendors under one roof!
There are over 40 amazing vendors confirmed so far for VapeCon 2016 - so you can see and meet them all in one location. And of course, get your favourite gear and juices. See the confirmed vendors thread here:
VapeCon website : http://vapecon.co.za
Buy tickets online for R50 and save!
(R70 if you buy at the door)
The event is brought to you by ECIGSSA so the team here is going to be working hard in the coming months to make it a success. @Silver will be handling vendors for the event and both @Rob Fisher and @Silver will be the official spokespersons.
Please save the date and be sure to join us for a most memorable vaping day at VapeCon 2016.

[RSVP=22094]Click here to RSVP[/RSVP]
**Vape Dutchess** - 1
0FTG0 - 1 - This will be a first for me
Abbas - 1
Abdul Khaleeq - 1
ace_d_house_cat - 3
acorn - 1
Afroman - 1
Aldine Delport - 4 - Just want as much info as i can get about this industry
Alex - 1
alex1501 - 2
Alexander Scott - 1 - This is gonna be Epic!! Can't wait!
Alex_GW - 1 - Can't wait
Allsop - 1 - So excited (I just can't hide it)
André Wiese - 1
Anees M Kara - 1
Angelica - 2 - Can't wait!
ankles - 1 - Going to be legendary

Anomie - 5
AnthonyTE - 3 - Part of trick comp
Anubis - 1
Archangel2203 - 2
ATOMIZE.CO.ZA - 2 - Can't Wait!
Atsbitscrisp - 2 - Woohoo! +1 non vaper. Hoping to make a convert of him...
Attie - 2
Baardmeester - 3
Baby Blue$ - 2
Bachus - 2 - Vape On !! Cannot Wait !!
Baker - 1
Basiegru - 2 - Not missing this for the world!!!!
BeardedVaper93 - 4 - Can't Wait!!!
Beatlegease - 5 - Me and the guys going to the VapeCon! Hope it rocks!
Benjamin Cripps - 1
BibbyBubbly - 1
BigAnt - 3
BigGuy - 1
BlackScholes - 1
BLFM - 1 - GO!
Blox - 1 - Newbie to vaping, hope to gain an ocean of knowledge at the VAPECON
Blu_Marlin - 1
Bobino - 2
Boktiet - 1 - Can't wait!!
BooRad - 2
brandonglaeser - 2
BrendzZ - 2 - Cant Wait!!
Brian - Vape-bos - 3
BrizzyZA (VapeLife) - 2
brotiform - 2
BumbleBee - 2 -
Bundu - 1
Byron - 1 - WHAAT
cam - 1 - there like a bear
capetocuba - 1 - Quick in and out!
Caramia - 2
Carel1966 - 2 - Wife and I will be there! Looking forward
Carla du Preez - 4 - Extremely Excited!!!!
Casper - 1 - It is gonna be MothaFreekinEpic
cassimk - 1 - Really looking forward to my 1st vapecon
Cave Johnson - 1 - 1000
Caveman - 1 - worth the drive from JHB
ChadB - 2
ChaNoreXia - 3
Chantel - 6 - Looking Forward! #excited
Charl Young - 1 - Looking forward to it
Chezzig - 3
Chhaya - 3 - I'll be there on time, I'll be there the whole day, and I'm looking forward to the give away's. I would never miss it! See you soon!
Chothia - 2
chris17 - 2
ChrisAngel447 - 2 - Will be EPIC!!!!! So Excited!!!
ChrisFJS - 1 - Time to start saving!!!!
Chrisp - 1
Cinder - 4
circles - 2
CJ van Tonder - 2
Claire - 3 - One disabled
Clintmavro - 2
Clouder - 1
Cloudervap278 - 2
CloudmanJHB - 2
Clouds4Days - 3 - Pretoria are you ready... Vape on...
Cobrali - 2 - Amped!
Colin Gooderham - 1
Comfort Vape - 1
ComplexChaos - 1
Constavapeted - 3
CookieMonster101 - 1 - *Looks at mod* -"The vape is strong with this one"
CraftyZA - 1
Create-A-Cloud - 2 - We go hard. We go BIG. VapeFAM
Crittilian23 - 1
Cruzz_33 - 4
Cuan - 2
Cybermoo - 2 - Cybermoo from the Campos Clan!
Dale Edwards - 6
Dame84 - 2
Damion - 1 - Whoop cant wait
Daniel Alves - 2 - cant wait, clouds for dayz
Daniel Heilbrunn - 5
Dannythebigg - 2
Darrylth - 1
Dave1 - 1 - It's gonna be Cloudy, guaranteed!!!!
Dave557 - 2
ddk1979 - 1
De Waal - 1
Deadz - 2
Dean - 1 - Yeh BOiiiiii
Deckie - 1
DeeJona - 1
Devon Strydom - 3
Didi-vapes - 2
DieKloppers - 1 - Yaba daba doo!
Dimi - 2
Dimitri_jk - 1
Dom@01 - 2 - First time
dominic.hartze - 2 - Need a new mod
Dr Phil - 2
drew - 2
Drew M - 2
DrSirus-88 - 3
dstroya - 2
DuncanG - 4
Duster - 2
Dw3rG - 4 - First time at a Vapecon! Super Excited!
Dylan van Deventer - 3 -
DylanF - 4
Eben21 - 1
Ebrahim Gangat - 2
Eequinox - 2
element0709 - 2
Eliz-mari - 2
Elwray - 2 - Best day ever
Erika Muller - 1
ErnstZA - 3
Estiaan - 1 - been waiting sooo long
ET - 1 - VapeCon Baby Yeah !!!!
ettiennedj - 1
Ezekiel - 1
Falco Swanepoel - 2 - Can't wait
Fandelz - 1 - Excited!!!
Farhaan Joosub - 2 - Can't wait!
Feliks Karp - 2
Fidah - 3 - First time attending Vapecon
Firetrap vape - 4 - Very excited!,,
First Lady - 1
Flash696 - 1 - 3
Flux - 1
Footlongzebra - 2
footpeg - 1 - cant wait to see u all there will be my first vapecon! only 3mg nic lol
Forfcuksakes - 2
FrakkenPrawn - 1 - Well why the heck not!
Frederik - 1 - Cant wait
Frikkie6000 - 1
Frostbite - 2 - Bummed Atomix as a store won't be there!
Fydo - 2
G-Step - 1
Garyg1 - 2
gatecrasherza1 - 2
GavinPoon1 - 1 - Trick comp!
gbuckley - 2 - This is going to be an epic day huge amounts of organization has guaranteed that
Gdiggity - 3 - Can't wait!
Gerhard Jansen van Vuuren - 4
Gerrit Visagie - 2
gertvanjoe - 1 - Let there be clouds
Ghostza - 2 - Almost Time
Gibo - 1
Gizmo - 15
Golden Goose - 2
GreenyZA - 2 - Better hide some money for A Vape Bugdet boost!!
GregF - 2
GrimReaper - 2 - Lets give it a blow☁
Guy13 - 2
Haasman - 2
Handro - 2
Harmlessguy - 1
Harvey - 4
Hcassim - 2
Hero - 2 - This Is going to be EPIC...........
HouseOfVape - 7
incredible_hullk - 1 - Waterkloof AFB needs to close for the day...visibility will be impaired with clouders!!
Ivan Babachev - 3
Ivan David - 2 - Really excited for this!
Jaco Moller - 4
JacoV - 1 - im in
jagga8008 - 2
Jaime - 1 - So ready for the meet
Jakes46 - 2
Jakey - 1 - Oviaaaas
Janine Swart - 6 - we're going to be the biggest gang of cloud chasers! #justclouds
JanVanRiebeeckVaped - 4 - Super amped !
Jasonjardine07 - 2
Jaun - 2 - There is maybe going to be 3 people coming with me
Jay Jay - 1
Jaypstagrammar - 2
JB1987 - 1
Jebula999 - 2 - Me and the misses coming from Cape Town
Jeice7861 - 2 - Hell yeah
Jerakeen - 2
Jerod - 1 - gonna buy something decent while there
Jesslith - 2 - Vape on
Jimbo - 1
Jimmyza - 4
Jivesh - 1
JoeBlowsClouds - 2
JoeSmoke - 2 - Looking forward to it
Joey786 - 8
Johan R - 1
Johan Rademeyer - 4
Johann van de Venter - 2 - Yea Baby...!!! Let's do this!!
John - 1 - Bring the clouds!!!
JohnoF - 2
JonathanF - 2
JOPO Strydom - 4 - My Girlfriend and 2 of our friends will be there
Josh1625 - 2 - Going to be epic
Joshb - 3
Jouma - 2 - See u there
Joyce L'dy Vape - 8 - yhoop yhoop
JpJoubert - 1
Jrsteenkamp - 4
Juan Human - 1
Justin Pattrick - 2 - Yeeeeeeaaah
Justink - 2 - Wifey comming along! Woot!
Kaizer - 1
Karel - 2 - Uberly excited!!!
kbgvirus - 1
KBR - 1
Keagan Maistry - 3 - First timer
Keith Milton - 5
Kendall - 1 - RSVP Vapecon
Kevin Dreyer - 2
Khabir Tayob - 2
KieranD - 8 - BOOOOOOOYA Yo Biscuit!!!
Kiki_bear - 1 - Whoop whoop
kimbo - 2
KimVapeDashian - 4
KingSize - 2
kitsokay - 2
kittyjvr1 - 2 - This is. First-time for us
Kittylovescake - 1
kiwi_wannabe - 2
Koobz - 1
krib - 1 - cant wait
Kuhlkatz - 1
Kungfubadge - 4 - 4ish people i will be dragging a few people to this they just dont know it yet
Kwaadbaard - 1 - Super excited
kyle_redbull - 6
Kyli3boi - 1 - Can't wait!
Lamont_kasselman - 2 - My guest's name is Jeandre
Legendg2 - 2
LeonG - 4
LFC - 1
Lian - 2
Lim - 1 - too close to home to miss
LindiMarx - 3 - Super excited to be chasing clouds all day
Lingogrey - 1
Lord Vetinari - 1 - lock and load... this will be my holiday traveling all the way from the Cape
Lushen - 3
m.y vape - 3 - Going to be awwsam!!!
Mac75 - 2
MaddyJ - 1
Maknash - 1
Manus - 3
Marga - 2 - Super excited and hoping to collect loads of samples and freebies. Also looking to buy my very first vape (currently using Twisp and can't wait to change).
Marianka - 4 - Marianka Le Roux
Marius Combrink - 2 - OMG OMG OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Marius1991 - 2
MariusKruger - 2 - Can't wait anymore
MarkDBN - 2 - Bringing the haze!
Markus - 2
Matthew Barrett - 4 - Can't wait!! It's going to be amazing!
mcgeerj35 - 2 - Bring the foggg(first vapecon of many)
mc_zamo - 1
MdeWet - 1
Melissa31 - 2 - Super Excited!!!
Melsi - 4
MetalGearX - 1
Michael Buys - 3
michael dos santos - 2
Michael the Vapor - 1
Michael van Jaarsveld - 6 - Legend of VAPE TRICKS!!! #gameon
Mikhail - 1
mildly.inked - 1
minicoil - 3 - Ready to unveil something AWESOME to pretoria
Misterty - 1
mo24 - 1
Mobee - 1
Moe Shi - 1
MoeB786 - 8 - First Vapecon Event
Moepresso - 3
moey0208 - 6 - Cant wait! it's going to be epic
Mohamed Alaudin - 1 - First time
mohamedk.khan - 2 - Excited for days
moolies86 - 1
Moosa86 - 3
morras - 2 - lekker man , lekker
Mos - 1 - Yeeeeha
Mozia - 2 - Wazaaaaaaaap!
Mo_MZ - 3 - Looking fwd to VapeCon
MrDeedz - 2 - my 1st vapecon, cant wait to try em Juicesssss
MrPresident - 1
MR_F - 1 - In it to WIn it!!!
Muaaz - 3 - If possible I would pay extra at the door for great seating. (My tickets will be bought at the door)
Muchis - 1
Muhammad Peer - 1
Mukhtaar - 3
MunG - 3
MurderDoll - 1
n0ugh7_zw - 3 - hells yes! I guess I'll have time to look at maps for this Pretoria place
Nabeel_Vally - 2
Nadim_Paruk - 2 - First vapecon attending... Excited!
Naeemhoosen - 1
Naeem_M - 3 - Can't wait!
Nafz - 1
NAM1KAZ3 - 3
Naresh Harie - 1
Nash Chetty - 3 - NONE
Natalie - 8 - Bought extra tickets - first for Liqua & Hats
NeOAsus - 2
NewOobY - 2 - woot - can't wait. This is gonna be sick
Nibbler - 2 - I make ejuice vanish
Nicholas Grove - 2
Nico wzl - 3 - Gona be awesomeness itself boom
Nicus - 1
Nightfearz - 2
Nizamudeen - 2 - Not much to say on instructions just really excited to be apart of the vape life
Nizo - 4 - #FirstVapeCon
Norman - 2 - First VapeCon - Keen on the diffirent builds and coil setups - Alien Clapton here i come
Nosvarato - 1
notna - 1 - My poor wallet!
Novi - 4 - Driving all the way from KZN just for this!!! Just for clouds!!!!
oldtimerZA - 1
Ollie - 2 - ........Drumroll.........
Omar_mk5 - 4 - #vapecon can't wait
omgmutantniknak - 5
OnePowerfulCorsa - 1
OreO - 2
OriginalRob - 2
Orrin Gradwell - 4
Oupa - 3
Oupoot - 2 - Gonna be the best ever whoop whoop
Patches - 2
Paul vermaak - 2
Paulie - 1 - YAY!!
PauloDF - 3 - Can't Wait...
PeterHarris - 1
pfftpfft - 1 - my first vapecon cant wait!
Phill - 2
picautomaton - 1
PieterRoodt - 2
PiffleZz - 2 - Surprise for Bae
Pinksunshine - 2
pixi - 1
Pixstar - 3
Po7713 - 2 - Who will be taking responsibility for my cash flow problems after Vapecon
Poppie - 2 - I'm sure its going to be great
PrenessaM - 2
Prian - 2
PrinceVlad - 2
Proton - 1 - First time... better late than never hehe..
PutRid - 1
Quakes - 2 - Tickets already bought!!! Can't wait!
Quintiss - 3
raihaan - 2 - Il be there!!
Raisa - 1 -
Raks92 - 1
Ralph - 1 - Can't wait. Planning on getting a new setup
Rameez_VGod - 3
Random-Hero - 2 - Lekker in my Hometown
Random_Sheep - 2
RBoy - 2 - Can't wait ! A first for me !
Redman2u - 4
RedRaven - 4
Retro Vape Co - 3
Rhapsody - 3
Riaan Aitkem - 2
Ricardo2394 - 2
Ricky000666 - 2
RicoVapes88 - 4
Rishmia - 2
Riyash - 1
Rob Fisher - 1 - Bring it on Baby!
Robert Howes - 2
rogue zombie - 2
Roodt - 1 - Super stoked
Rooigevaar - 1
Ross Holland - 1
Rossouw - 1
ROV - Republic of Vape - 2
Roxy - 1 - Yeah baby!!!!!
Royston - 1 - My First vapecon! So Stoked!
Ruan Botha - 2
Rude Rudi - 1
Rudo Fourie - 4 - Going to be one sick day cant wait.
RuMDoRVapeS - 2 - RuMDoR
rvdwesth - 2
Ryangriffon - 1
Safwaan Osman - 5 - It's going to be awesome
Sakkie - 1
Sakuru - 2
Sam Haskins - 3
Sarx - 2 - vape on!
Satans_Stick - 2 - OH MY GLOB YES
sato - 1 - satovape
SAVapeGear - 1
SAVaper - 6
Schalk4 - 4
scoobz707 - 3 - learning experiance
Scouse45 - 1
Sean Everts - 2
Sean Mostert - 3 - Need to get a new mod... My hexohm v3 broke :'(
Serial Vapist - 3 - Me and 2/3 friends
shabbar - 2
Shabbz - 2
Shahzaadh - 3
Shane - 5
Shantz - 2
Sharne Bergman - 3 - So happy, this'll be the first vape con for me
Shaun Bath - 2
shaunnadan - 2 - OH yeah !!!
Shay23 - 2
shaylin - 1
Shaz - 1
Shelley - 2 - Yay!
ShipWreck - 6 - Can't wait. !!!
Shooterbuddy - 2 - Yay!!!
sideshowruki - 2
Silent Echo - 4 - Yeah! Vape squad assemble!
Silver - 2 - Can't wait!!!
Sir Vape - 3 - Whhhhhhhhhoooooop
Sir Vape@lot - 1 - Ticket paid for online

Siven - 2
Skilpad - 2 - Looking forward
SkinnyCheese - 1 - Cant wait ***
skola - 1
Skoldzer - 2 - thnx
SkollieG - 1
Slade Boender - 2
Smoke187 - 3
SmokGuy - 2
Smoky Jordan - 2
Smurfi129 - 1 - super stoked
Soprono - 4
Soutie - 4
Spazmanpanic - 2 - hopefully it wont be postponed due to cloud cover
spiv - 2
Static - 2
Stefan123 - 1 - No special instuctions , just there to vape on ecigssa
Sterling Vape - 1
Steve Claassen - 1
Stoefnick - 4 - HerpaDerpa
Stooge - 1
Stroodlepuff - 3 - Hellllll Yeah
suhail - 8
Suhail Surtee - 1 - Very Pleased and Excited to be part of this spectacle
sukie - 3
Super Buttons - 4 - caint wait cloud comp
Systematical - 2
Taariq404 - 1
Tank88 - 2
Tayla God - 1 - Can't wait!!!!!!!
Tenille von Marschall - 2 - Super amped.
Tevin - 2
th1rte3n - 2
That Guy - 3
The Vape Hub - 2
The Wolf - 4 - Lord, Give Me Coffee to Change Things I Can, Wine to Forget the Things I Can’t, and 30 ml of E-juice so I Can Figure Out the Difference
TheBarnacle - 1
TheFrozenRogue - 2
therazia - 3 - AMAZING! Gonna enjoy the cloudy day
TheSaint742757 - 5
TheVapeBrewer - 2
theyettie - 2 - Rock on!!
The_Fran - 3
Thinus - 2
Tian - 2
TimmyShacks - 3 - Stoked!!!
Tinonino13 - 3
TisH - 2
Tisha - 1
Titan69 - 1
Tobie - 2
TommyL - 2
Tony82 - 4
TrevDaDev - 2
TrueTenacity - 1 - 1st Vape event ever
Tyron - 3 - Can't wait....
u4ria - 2
Umar Osman - 3
UrbanLegend - 2
Valkyrie_Vape - 1
VandaL - 4
Vape addict - 4
Vape Starter - 2
Vapebends - 1
Vapefree - 1 - Time?
Vapemeister - 1
Vapester Steve - 1 - Neeeeed to GO!!!!!!
vaping Ruan - 2 - cant wait
Vaping Vaas - 2 - Can't wait, left the icky sticks - almost 1 year without smoking!! Whoohoo!!
VapingEvan - 4 - looking forward to it
Vapington - 8
vaporbud77 - 2
Vapordude - 1
veeman - 1
Vetsak - 1
Viashen - 2
Vinay - 3 - Human Fog machine on its way!
vincevape - 3
VisionVapes - 2 - CantWait
VIVIAN 187 - 4
Wabbit - 2
WacWiz - 5
waja09 - 1
Warlock - 1 - Will be joining Willyza---so should my count be zero?
Waseem411 - 4 - This is going to be EPIC!!!
wazarmoto - 5
Weaselwebb - 1
Wendyvz - 2
White Cloud - 1
Willan - 3 - Can't wait!
Willbbass - 2
Willem(veXy) - 2
WillemMuller - 1 - 3
Willem_B - 2
Willyza - 2
Witu - 3
Wookiee92 - 2
yaronkark1 - 2
YeOldeOke - 2
Yiannaki - 3
Yoda - 2
Yolande08 - 2
yuganp - 1
Yulas - 2
Yusuf Cape Vaper - 3
Zaa - 4
Zaahid - 1 - Super Excited...
Zaahid237 - 2
Zacdaniel - 48 - Vape Society WhatsApp Group
zadiac - 1
Zambezi Vapers - 2 - Definitely gonna try get there!
Zander - 4
Zebeebee - 8 - Notifying more vaping friends of this and they shall all come along! bwuahaha
Zee01 - 1
Zeruks - 2
Zubair Randeree - 4 - Cant wait #FirstVapeCon
Total: 1254
We are extremely excited and pleased to announce VapeCon 2016 - brought to you by ECIGSSA.
It will take place on Saturday 27 August 2016 and will be held at the Heartfelt Arena in Pretoria.
The venue is superb for this event. It is going to be an epic day of fun and excitement for all.
There are going to be lots of competitions, giveaways and prizes. While this event is open to all, we are going to do something special for the ECIGSSA members. For some of these giveaways, we are going to be making use of the RSVP list. So please RSVP with the blue button below. (with a normal browser - not Tapatalk)
SA's best vaping vendors under one roof!
There are over 40 amazing vendors confirmed so far for VapeCon 2016 - so you can see and meet them all in one location. And of course, get your favourite gear and juices. See the confirmed vendors thread here:
VapeCon website : http://vapecon.co.za
Buy tickets online for R50 and save!
(R70 if you buy at the door)
The event is brought to you by ECIGSSA so the team here is going to be working hard in the coming months to make it a success. @Silver will be handling vendors for the event and both @Rob Fisher and @Silver will be the official spokespersons.
Please save the date and be sure to join us for a most memorable vaping day at VapeCon 2016.

[RSVP=22094]Click here to RSVP[/RSVP]
**Vape Dutchess** - 1
0FTG0 - 1 - This will be a first for me
Abbas - 1
Abdul Khaleeq - 1
ace_d_house_cat - 3
acorn - 1
Afroman - 1
Aldine Delport - 4 - Just want as much info as i can get about this industry
Alex - 1
alex1501 - 2
Alexander Scott - 1 - This is gonna be Epic!! Can't wait!
Alex_GW - 1 - Can't wait
Allsop - 1 - So excited (I just can't hide it)
André Wiese - 1
Anees M Kara - 1
Angelica - 2 - Can't wait!
ankles - 1 - Going to be legendary

Anomie - 5
AnthonyTE - 3 - Part of trick comp
Anubis - 1
Archangel2203 - 2
ATOMIZE.CO.ZA - 2 - Can't Wait!
Atsbitscrisp - 2 - Woohoo! +1 non vaper. Hoping to make a convert of him...
Attie - 2
Baardmeester - 3
Baby Blue$ - 2
Bachus - 2 - Vape On !! Cannot Wait !!
Baker - 1
Basiegru - 2 - Not missing this for the world!!!!
BeardedVaper93 - 4 - Can't Wait!!!
Beatlegease - 5 - Me and the guys going to the VapeCon! Hope it rocks!
Benjamin Cripps - 1
BibbyBubbly - 1
BigAnt - 3
BigGuy - 1
BlackScholes - 1
BLFM - 1 - GO!
Blox - 1 - Newbie to vaping, hope to gain an ocean of knowledge at the VAPECON
Blu_Marlin - 1
Bobino - 2
Boktiet - 1 - Can't wait!!
BooRad - 2
brandonglaeser - 2
BrendzZ - 2 - Cant Wait!!
Brian - Vape-bos - 3
BrizzyZA (VapeLife) - 2
brotiform - 2
BumbleBee - 2 -
Bundu - 1
Byron - 1 - WHAAT
cam - 1 - there like a bear
capetocuba - 1 - Quick in and out!
Caramia - 2
Carel1966 - 2 - Wife and I will be there! Looking forward
Carla du Preez - 4 - Extremely Excited!!!!
Casper - 1 - It is gonna be MothaFreekinEpic
cassimk - 1 - Really looking forward to my 1st vapecon
Cave Johnson - 1 - 1000
Caveman - 1 - worth the drive from JHB
ChadB - 2
ChaNoreXia - 3
Chantel - 6 - Looking Forward! #excited
Charl Young - 1 - Looking forward to it
Chezzig - 3
Chhaya - 3 - I'll be there on time, I'll be there the whole day, and I'm looking forward to the give away's. I would never miss it! See you soon!
Chothia - 2
chris17 - 2
ChrisAngel447 - 2 - Will be EPIC!!!!! So Excited!!!
ChrisFJS - 1 - Time to start saving!!!!
Chrisp - 1
Cinder - 4
circles - 2
CJ van Tonder - 2
Claire - 3 - One disabled
Clintmavro - 2
Clouder - 1
Cloudervap278 - 2
CloudmanJHB - 2
Clouds4Days - 3 - Pretoria are you ready... Vape on...
Cobrali - 2 - Amped!
Colin Gooderham - 1
Comfort Vape - 1
ComplexChaos - 1
Constavapeted - 3
CookieMonster101 - 1 - *Looks at mod* -"The vape is strong with this one"
CraftyZA - 1
Create-A-Cloud - 2 - We go hard. We go BIG. VapeFAM
Crittilian23 - 1
Cruzz_33 - 4
Cuan - 2
Cybermoo - 2 - Cybermoo from the Campos Clan!
Dale Edwards - 6
Dame84 - 2
Damion - 1 - Whoop cant wait
Daniel Alves - 2 - cant wait, clouds for dayz
Daniel Heilbrunn - 5
Dannythebigg - 2
Darrylth - 1
Dave1 - 1 - It's gonna be Cloudy, guaranteed!!!!
Dave557 - 2
ddk1979 - 1
De Waal - 1
Deadz - 2
Dean - 1 - Yeh BOiiiiii
Deckie - 1
DeeJona - 1
Devon Strydom - 3
Didi-vapes - 2
DieKloppers - 1 - Yaba daba doo!
Dimi - 2
Dimitri_jk - 1
Dom@01 - 2 - First time
dominic.hartze - 2 - Need a new mod
Dr Phil - 2
drew - 2
Drew M - 2
DrSirus-88 - 3
dstroya - 2
DuncanG - 4
Duster - 2
Dw3rG - 4 - First time at a Vapecon! Super Excited!
Dylan van Deventer - 3 -
DylanF - 4
Eben21 - 1
Ebrahim Gangat - 2
Eequinox - 2
element0709 - 2
Eliz-mari - 2
Elwray - 2 - Best day ever
Erika Muller - 1
ErnstZA - 3
Estiaan - 1 - been waiting sooo long
ET - 1 - VapeCon Baby Yeah !!!!
ettiennedj - 1
Ezekiel - 1
Falco Swanepoel - 2 - Can't wait
Fandelz - 1 - Excited!!!
Farhaan Joosub - 2 - Can't wait!
Feliks Karp - 2
Fidah - 3 - First time attending Vapecon
Firetrap vape - 4 - Very excited!,,
First Lady - 1
Flash696 - 1 - 3
Flux - 1
Footlongzebra - 2
footpeg - 1 - cant wait to see u all there will be my first vapecon! only 3mg nic lol
Forfcuksakes - 2
FrakkenPrawn - 1 - Well why the heck not!
Frederik - 1 - Cant wait
Frikkie6000 - 1
Frostbite - 2 - Bummed Atomix as a store won't be there!
Fydo - 2
G-Step - 1
Garyg1 - 2
gatecrasherza1 - 2
GavinPoon1 - 1 - Trick comp!
gbuckley - 2 - This is going to be an epic day huge amounts of organization has guaranteed that
Gdiggity - 3 - Can't wait!
Gerhard Jansen van Vuuren - 4
Gerrit Visagie - 2
gertvanjoe - 1 - Let there be clouds
Ghostza - 2 - Almost Time
Gibo - 1
Gizmo - 15
Golden Goose - 2
GreenyZA - 2 - Better hide some money for A Vape Bugdet boost!!
GregF - 2
GrimReaper - 2 - Lets give it a blow☁
Guy13 - 2
Haasman - 2
Handro - 2
Harmlessguy - 1
Harvey - 4
Hcassim - 2
Hero - 2 - This Is going to be EPIC...........
HouseOfVape - 7
incredible_hullk - 1 - Waterkloof AFB needs to close for the day...visibility will be impaired with clouders!!
Ivan Babachev - 3
Ivan David - 2 - Really excited for this!
Jaco Moller - 4
JacoV - 1 - im in
jagga8008 - 2
Jaime - 1 - So ready for the meet
Jakes46 - 2
Jakey - 1 - Oviaaaas
Janine Swart - 6 - we're going to be the biggest gang of cloud chasers! #justclouds
JanVanRiebeeckVaped - 4 - Super amped !
Jasonjardine07 - 2
Jaun - 2 - There is maybe going to be 3 people coming with me
Jay Jay - 1
Jaypstagrammar - 2
JB1987 - 1
Jebula999 - 2 - Me and the misses coming from Cape Town
Jeice7861 - 2 - Hell yeah
Jerakeen - 2
Jerod - 1 - gonna buy something decent while there
Jesslith - 2 - Vape on
Jimbo - 1
Jimmyza - 4
Jivesh - 1
JoeBlowsClouds - 2
JoeSmoke - 2 - Looking forward to it
Joey786 - 8
Johan R - 1
Johan Rademeyer - 4
Johann van de Venter - 2 - Yea Baby...!!! Let's do this!!
John - 1 - Bring the clouds!!!
JohnoF - 2
JonathanF - 2
JOPO Strydom - 4 - My Girlfriend and 2 of our friends will be there
Josh1625 - 2 - Going to be epic
Joshb - 3
Jouma - 2 - See u there
Joyce L'dy Vape - 8 - yhoop yhoop
JpJoubert - 1
Jrsteenkamp - 4
Juan Human - 1
Justin Pattrick - 2 - Yeeeeeeaaah
Justink - 2 - Wifey comming along! Woot!
Kaizer - 1
Karel - 2 - Uberly excited!!!
kbgvirus - 1
KBR - 1
Keagan Maistry - 3 - First timer
Keith Milton - 5
Kendall - 1 - RSVP Vapecon
Kevin Dreyer - 2
Khabir Tayob - 2
KieranD - 8 - BOOOOOOOYA Yo Biscuit!!!
Kiki_bear - 1 - Whoop whoop
kimbo - 2
KimVapeDashian - 4
KingSize - 2
kitsokay - 2
kittyjvr1 - 2 - This is. First-time for us
Kittylovescake - 1
kiwi_wannabe - 2
Koobz - 1
krib - 1 - cant wait
Kuhlkatz - 1
Kungfubadge - 4 - 4ish people i will be dragging a few people to this they just dont know it yet
Kwaadbaard - 1 - Super excited
kyle_redbull - 6
Kyli3boi - 1 - Can't wait!
Lamont_kasselman - 2 - My guest's name is Jeandre
Legendg2 - 2
LeonG - 4
LFC - 1
Lian - 2
Lim - 1 - too close to home to miss
LindiMarx - 3 - Super excited to be chasing clouds all day
Lingogrey - 1
Lord Vetinari - 1 - lock and load... this will be my holiday traveling all the way from the Cape
Lushen - 3
m.y vape - 3 - Going to be awwsam!!!
Mac75 - 2
MaddyJ - 1
Maknash - 1
Manus - 3
Marga - 2 - Super excited and hoping to collect loads of samples and freebies. Also looking to buy my very first vape (currently using Twisp and can't wait to change).
Marianka - 4 - Marianka Le Roux
Marius Combrink - 2 - OMG OMG OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Marius1991 - 2
MariusKruger - 2 - Can't wait anymore
MarkDBN - 2 - Bringing the haze!
Markus - 2
Matthew Barrett - 4 - Can't wait!! It's going to be amazing!
mcgeerj35 - 2 - Bring the foggg(first vapecon of many)
mc_zamo - 1
MdeWet - 1
Melissa31 - 2 - Super Excited!!!
Melsi - 4
MetalGearX - 1
Michael Buys - 3
michael dos santos - 2
Michael the Vapor - 1
Michael van Jaarsveld - 6 - Legend of VAPE TRICKS!!! #gameon
Mikhail - 1
mildly.inked - 1
minicoil - 3 - Ready to unveil something AWESOME to pretoria
Misterty - 1
mo24 - 1
Mobee - 1
Moe Shi - 1
MoeB786 - 8 - First Vapecon Event
Moepresso - 3
moey0208 - 6 - Cant wait! it's going to be epic
Mohamed Alaudin - 1 - First time
mohamedk.khan - 2 - Excited for days
moolies86 - 1
Moosa86 - 3
morras - 2 - lekker man , lekker
Mos - 1 - Yeeeeha
Mozia - 2 - Wazaaaaaaaap!
Mo_MZ - 3 - Looking fwd to VapeCon
MrDeedz - 2 - my 1st vapecon, cant wait to try em Juicesssss
MrPresident - 1
MR_F - 1 - In it to WIn it!!!
Muaaz - 3 - If possible I would pay extra at the door for great seating. (My tickets will be bought at the door)
Muchis - 1
Muhammad Peer - 1
Mukhtaar - 3
MunG - 3
MurderDoll - 1
n0ugh7_zw - 3 - hells yes! I guess I'll have time to look at maps for this Pretoria place
Nabeel_Vally - 2
Nadim_Paruk - 2 - First vapecon attending... Excited!
Naeemhoosen - 1
Naeem_M - 3 - Can't wait!
Nafz - 1
NAM1KAZ3 - 3
Naresh Harie - 1
Nash Chetty - 3 - NONE
Natalie - 8 - Bought extra tickets - first for Liqua & Hats
NeOAsus - 2
NewOobY - 2 - woot - can't wait. This is gonna be sick
Nibbler - 2 - I make ejuice vanish
Nicholas Grove - 2
Nico wzl - 3 - Gona be awesomeness itself boom
Nicus - 1
Nightfearz - 2
Nizamudeen - 2 - Not much to say on instructions just really excited to be apart of the vape life
Nizo - 4 - #FirstVapeCon
Norman - 2 - First VapeCon - Keen on the diffirent builds and coil setups - Alien Clapton here i come
Nosvarato - 1
notna - 1 - My poor wallet!
Novi - 4 - Driving all the way from KZN just for this!!! Just for clouds!!!!
oldtimerZA - 1
Ollie - 2 - ........Drumroll.........
Omar_mk5 - 4 - #vapecon can't wait
omgmutantniknak - 5
OnePowerfulCorsa - 1
OreO - 2
OriginalRob - 2
Orrin Gradwell - 4
Oupa - 3
Oupoot - 2 - Gonna be the best ever whoop whoop
Patches - 2
Paul vermaak - 2
Paulie - 1 - YAY!!
PauloDF - 3 - Can't Wait...
PeterHarris - 1
pfftpfft - 1 - my first vapecon cant wait!
Phill - 2
picautomaton - 1
PieterRoodt - 2
PiffleZz - 2 - Surprise for Bae
Pinksunshine - 2
pixi - 1
Pixstar - 3
Po7713 - 2 - Who will be taking responsibility for my cash flow problems after Vapecon
Poppie - 2 - I'm sure its going to be great
PrenessaM - 2
Prian - 2
PrinceVlad - 2
Proton - 1 - First time... better late than never hehe..
PutRid - 1
Quakes - 2 - Tickets already bought!!! Can't wait!
Quintiss - 3
raihaan - 2 - Il be there!!
Raisa - 1 -
Raks92 - 1
Ralph - 1 - Can't wait. Planning on getting a new setup
Rameez_VGod - 3
Random-Hero - 2 - Lekker in my Hometown
Random_Sheep - 2
RBoy - 2 - Can't wait ! A first for me !
Redman2u - 4
RedRaven - 4
Retro Vape Co - 3
Rhapsody - 3
Riaan Aitkem - 2
Ricardo2394 - 2
Ricky000666 - 2
RicoVapes88 - 4
Rishmia - 2
Riyash - 1
Rob Fisher - 1 - Bring it on Baby!
Robert Howes - 2
rogue zombie - 2
Roodt - 1 - Super stoked
Rooigevaar - 1
Ross Holland - 1
Rossouw - 1
ROV - Republic of Vape - 2
Roxy - 1 - Yeah baby!!!!!
Royston - 1 - My First vapecon! So Stoked!
Ruan Botha - 2
Rude Rudi - 1
Rudo Fourie - 4 - Going to be one sick day cant wait.
RuMDoRVapeS - 2 - RuMDoR
rvdwesth - 2
Ryangriffon - 1
Safwaan Osman - 5 - It's going to be awesome
Sakkie - 1
Sakuru - 2
Sam Haskins - 3
Sarx - 2 - vape on!
Satans_Stick - 2 - OH MY GLOB YES
sato - 1 - satovape
SAVapeGear - 1
SAVaper - 6
Schalk4 - 4
scoobz707 - 3 - learning experiance
Scouse45 - 1
Sean Everts - 2
Sean Mostert - 3 - Need to get a new mod... My hexohm v3 broke :'(
Serial Vapist - 3 - Me and 2/3 friends
shabbar - 2
Shabbz - 2
Shahzaadh - 3
Shane - 5
Shantz - 2
Sharne Bergman - 3 - So happy, this'll be the first vape con for me
Shaun Bath - 2
shaunnadan - 2 - OH yeah !!!
Shay23 - 2
shaylin - 1
Shaz - 1
Shelley - 2 - Yay!
ShipWreck - 6 - Can't wait. !!!
Shooterbuddy - 2 - Yay!!!
sideshowruki - 2
Silent Echo - 4 - Yeah! Vape squad assemble!
Silver - 2 - Can't wait!!!
Sir Vape - 3 - Whhhhhhhhhoooooop
Sir Vape@lot - 1 - Ticket paid for online
Siven - 2
Skilpad - 2 - Looking forward
SkinnyCheese - 1 - Cant wait ***
skola - 1
Skoldzer - 2 - thnx
SkollieG - 1
Slade Boender - 2
Smoke187 - 3
SmokGuy - 2
Smoky Jordan - 2
Smurfi129 - 1 - super stoked
Soprono - 4
Soutie - 4
Spazmanpanic - 2 - hopefully it wont be postponed due to cloud cover
spiv - 2
Static - 2
Stefan123 - 1 - No special instuctions , just there to vape on ecigssa
Sterling Vape - 1
Steve Claassen - 1
Stoefnick - 4 - HerpaDerpa
Stooge - 1
Stroodlepuff - 3 - Hellllll Yeah
suhail - 8
Suhail Surtee - 1 - Very Pleased and Excited to be part of this spectacle
sukie - 3
Super Buttons - 4 - caint wait cloud comp
Systematical - 2
Taariq404 - 1
Tank88 - 2
Tayla God - 1 - Can't wait!!!!!!!
Tenille von Marschall - 2 - Super amped.
Tevin - 2
th1rte3n - 2
That Guy - 3
The Vape Hub - 2
The Wolf - 4 - Lord, Give Me Coffee to Change Things I Can, Wine to Forget the Things I Can’t, and 30 ml of E-juice so I Can Figure Out the Difference
TheBarnacle - 1
TheFrozenRogue - 2
therazia - 3 - AMAZING! Gonna enjoy the cloudy day
TheSaint742757 - 5
TheVapeBrewer - 2
theyettie - 2 - Rock on!!
The_Fran - 3
Thinus - 2
Tian - 2
TimmyShacks - 3 - Stoked!!!
Tinonino13 - 3
TisH - 2
Tisha - 1
Titan69 - 1
Tobie - 2
TommyL - 2
Tony82 - 4
TrevDaDev - 2
TrueTenacity - 1 - 1st Vape event ever
Tyron - 3 - Can't wait....
u4ria - 2
Umar Osman - 3
UrbanLegend - 2
Valkyrie_Vape - 1
VandaL - 4
Vape addict - 4
Vape Starter - 2
Vapebends - 1
Vapefree - 1 - Time?
Vapemeister - 1
Vapester Steve - 1 - Neeeeed to GO!!!!!!
vaping Ruan - 2 - cant wait
Vaping Vaas - 2 - Can't wait, left the icky sticks - almost 1 year without smoking!! Whoohoo!!
VapingEvan - 4 - looking forward to it
Vapington - 8
vaporbud77 - 2
Vapordude - 1
veeman - 1
Vetsak - 1
Viashen - 2
Vinay - 3 - Human Fog machine on its way!
vincevape - 3
VisionVapes - 2 - CantWait
VIVIAN 187 - 4
Wabbit - 2
WacWiz - 5
waja09 - 1
Warlock - 1 - Will be joining Willyza---so should my count be zero?
Waseem411 - 4 - This is going to be EPIC!!!
wazarmoto - 5
Weaselwebb - 1
Wendyvz - 2
White Cloud - 1
Willan - 3 - Can't wait!
Willbbass - 2
Willem(veXy) - 2
WillemMuller - 1 - 3
Willem_B - 2
Willyza - 2
Witu - 3
Wookiee92 - 2
yaronkark1 - 2
YeOldeOke - 2
Yiannaki - 3
Yoda - 2
Yolande08 - 2
yuganp - 1
Yulas - 2
Yusuf Cape Vaper - 3
Zaa - 4
Zaahid - 1 - Super Excited...
Zaahid237 - 2
Zacdaniel - 48 - Vape Society WhatsApp Group
zadiac - 1
Zambezi Vapers - 2 - Definitely gonna try get there!
Zander - 4
Zebeebee - 8 - Notifying more vaping friends of this and they shall all come along! bwuahaha
Zee01 - 1
Zeruks - 2
Zubair Randeree - 4 - Cant wait #FirstVapeCon
Total: 1254
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