Vapefly Brunhilde MTL RTA Reviews


Flavour and throat hit seeker
Staff member
Vapefly Brunhilde MTL RTA - first impression

Been a while since I bought new hardware

Decided to get the Brunhilde MTL RTA

Bottom line - on first impressions and vape, I am very impressed!
  • Dense rich flavour - it’s VERY good, and has good throat hit
  • Gorgeous vaping action - feels right and it’s quiet
  • Lovely tight draw with the 1.2mm airflow insert
  • So easy to build and wick
  • Comfy driptip
  • Easy fill port (you need a needle nose bottle)
I’m Vaping a tobacco blend of Vape Elixir Pure Tobacco and Wiener Taviro with a bit of added menthol. I know this blend very well so wanted to use it for my first vape on this.

I can say that the chaps who designed this tank know what they’re doing.

Early days (still on first tank) so let’s see how it goes after a while. But so far it looks and feels very promising - so am happy I got it

Went for a superfine MTL Clapton coil instead of the included (simple round) coils. 7 wraps. 2.4mm ID. 0.8 ohms. CBv2 wick. So easy to position the coil and get the wick in. This is a tank where the juice flows up the metal rods and wets the base of the wicks. Seems to work very well.


Voila - vaping at 20W on the trusty Sig 100 plus. Notice the heat sinks on the top cap and below the drip tip. Works well. I also like the 5ml tank capacity. I checked and it’s about right because it used half a 10ml bottle to fill


Thanks to AllDay Vapes @YeOldeOke for the purchase. It came through very quickly but I only got to setting it up today.
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Also got myself one of these from @YeOldeOke. I must say I'm very impressed with it as well. Dense flavour, easy to build, easy to wick, juice capacity is awesome. I was a bit hesitant at first with the wicking due to the steel ropes, but surprisingly they actually work quite well and didn't find myself having to turn it upside down etc. Been through two builds and around 60ml of juice and all in all in very happy with it. It has become my daily driver alongside my expro v5, which I almost sold a few days ago.

@DarthBranMuffin , thanks bud, I've been struggling with the expro then I happend to find a video you did with a wicking tutorial and now it's working like a dream.
Also got myself one of these from @YeOldeOke. I must say I'm very impressed with it as well. Dense flavour, easy to build, easy to wick, juice capacity is awesome. I was a bit hesitant at first with the wicking due to the steel ropes, but surprisingly they actually work quite well and didn't find myself having to turn it upside down etc. Been through two builds and around 60ml of juice and all in all in very happy with it. It has become my daily driver alongside my expro v5, which I almost sold a few days ago.

@DarthBranMuffin , thanks bud, I've been struggling with the expro then I happend to find a video you did with a wicking tutorial and now it's working like a dream.

great to hear @Random264
Will see how she goes after a week or two
Overnight test, refill test, wait for coil and wick to settle in, check for leaks etc

but so far it’s right up there with such great flavour on first setup, so rich and dense
I am very happy
A great MTL RTA indeed! Thanks for the Rev @Silver. the only little gripe I have with it is the filling port which requires you use bottles with thin nozzle otherwise it’s juice all over the place… but it’s something you can get around quite easily.
Heads up, if you feel that it’s not wicking fast enough, just lift the rods 1 or 2mm above the tank base and you’ll notice a dramatic improvement!
I know it says MTL, but how loose is the draw with the 2.5ml airflow insert? If anyone has tried it in that config please let me know how the flavor stacks up.
A great MTL RTA indeed! Thanks for the Rev @Silver. the only little gripe I have with it is the filling port which requires you use bottles with thin nozzle otherwise it’s juice all over the place… but it’s something you can get around quite easily.
Heads up, if you feel that it’s not wicking fast enough, just lift the rods 1 or 2mm above the tank base and you’ll notice a dramatic improvement!

thanks @Grand Guru
I have a few 10ml needle nose bottles which I like to use so the filling is not a problem for me
But yes, that could be a problem for some if they get this device and don’t have one of those bottles, I can imagine the spillage. Haha

thanks for the tip on raising the rods, I haven’t had a problem so far. Getting to the last 1/3 of my first tankfuls so am keen so see how well it wicks when the juice gets quite low
I know it says MTL, but how loose is the draw with the 2.5ml airflow insert? If anyone has tried it in that config please let me know how the flavor stacks up.

I haven’t tried it in direct lung, but check out some of the reviews. I think it was Matt SMM that said it’s good flavour in both styles but on DL it’s a restricted DL, not full air
Pulled the trigger anyway so we'll see if it suits my vaping style :facepalm:
If not, @YeOldeOke will have supplied order #22181 with a very beautiful piece of art :--P:-D
Pulled the trigger anyway so we'll see if it suits my vaping style :facepalm:
If not, @YeOldeOke will have supplied order #22181 with a very beautiful piece of art :--P:-D

wishing you well with it
If you like restricted DL, I think you will love the flavour @baksteen8168

im nearly done with my first tank and the flavour is really good
Bear in mind I’m vaping a fairly strong tobacco and doing it with a tightish MTL
So dense and rich
wishing you well with it
If you like restricted DL, I think you will love the flavour @baksteen8168

im nearly done with my first tank and the flavour is really good
Bear in mind I’m vaping a fairly strong tobacco and doing it with a tightish MTL
So dense and rich
I'm primarily a DL style vaper, but after trying my wife's mtl setup I am curious to see if I can work it into my daily rotation.
It's been about 10 days since I created this thread
Have vaped a few tankfuls on this Brunhilde

I'm not as happy as I was on the first day. But probably teething problems

Firstly, it does seem its having trouble wicking fast enough. I tried lifting the rods up 1/2mm but they don't stay there - they seem to drop down? Not sure if I am doing it right. @Grand Guru , is that normal?

Second, it has sprung a bit of a leak once or twice. Just keeping it upright, which is strange. I've had some dribbling on the mod occasionally. Don't like that. Probably need to wick it a bit more.

Flavour is still very good when the wicks are full, so its worth it for me to get it dialled in nicely.
It's been about 10 days since I created this thread
Have vaped a few tankfuls on this Brunhilde

I'm not as happy as I was on the first day. But probably teething problems

Firstly, it does seem its having trouble wicking fast enough. I tried lifting the rods up 1/2mm but they don't stay there - they seem to drop down? Not sure if I am doing it right. @Grand Guru , is that normal?

Second, it has sprung a bit of a leak once or twice. Just keeping it upright, which is strange. I've had some dribbling on the mod occasionally. Don't like that. Probably need to wick it a bit more.

Flavour is still very good when the wicks are full, so its worth it for me to get it dialled in nicely.
Do you tilt it to get juice on the wicks? The cables must be properly covered with cotton otherwise it will leak when vaping! Cables are non adjustable, they will drop back into position if you lift them. When I use a RDTA I always tip it to both sides and the wicks are, this ensures both wicks get juice. The cables do wick, but the tilting ensures it keeps up when I'm chain vaping. Lastly, my RDTA has lots of cotton covering the cables, I can tilt it upside down and it will not leak, but if I keep it upside down the cotton will over saturate and start leaking.
I hope this helps with your awesome tank
Do you tilt it to get juice on the wicks? The cables must be properly covered with cotton otherwise it will leak when vaping! Cables are non adjustable, they will drop back into position if you lift them. When I use a RDTA I always tip it to both sides and the wicks are, this ensures both wicks get juice. The cables do wick, but the tilting ensures it keeps up when I'm chain vaping. Lastly, my RDTA has lots of cotton covering the cables, I can tilt it upside down and it will not leak, but if I keep it upside down the cotton will over saturate and start leaking.
I hope this helps with your awesome tank

Ok thanks @Munro31
I will try more tilting and more cotton on the decks
I was wondering what the best way is to wick this tank.
I.e. thicker wicks or thinner wicks just touching the deck/top of rods?
Ok thanks @Munro31
I will try more tilting and more cotton on the decks
I was wondering what the best way is to wick this tank.
I.e. thicker wicks or thinner wicks just touching the deck/top of rods?
Mine touch the top of the deck and cables, and I don't thin it out, I just give it a light comb to remove any obstructions and straighten the fibers. If you are used to RTAs its scary as the cotton seems a lot! But think of it as a dripper, the more cotton, the more juice is in the cotton, the better your wicking;)
Some pics of my Kylin RDTA pod, same principle applies, those wicks are Juicy Jammies!
I agree with @munro on the cotton. The more, the better. When I lift the rods they stay up there @Silver. Maybe try with the other set of rods you have in the box?
I agree with @munro on the cotton. The more, the better. When I lift the rods they stay up there @Silver. Maybe try with the other set of rods you have in the box?

If @Silver has some really small o-rings, he can try putting some on the rods just above the wick holes, that should keep them from slipping down?
I agree with @munro on the cotton. The more, the better. When I lift the rods they stay up there @Silver. Maybe try with the other set of rods you have in the box?

If @Silver has some really small o-rings, he can try putting some on the rods just above the wick holes, that should keep them from slipping down?
Why do you want the rods up? It will not wick any faster and will limit cotton space