2ling Noob Vaper LV 9 Joined 10/8/16 Posts 2 Awards 6 Age 34 Location Rustenburg, North West, South Africa 2/8/17 #1 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
zadiac Sub Ohm & Flavor Junkie Staff member Moderator VIP LV 50 Joined 24/3/14 Posts 6,513 Awards 38 Age 53 Location Deneysville 2/8/17 #2 2ling said: Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Click to expand... And? How is it? PS: There is an existing vapemail thread here
2ling said: Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Click to expand... And? How is it? PS: There is an existing vapemail thread here
2ling Noob Vaper LV 9 Joined 10/8/16 Posts 2 Awards 6 Age 34 Location Rustenburg, North West, South Africa 2/8/17 #3 Haha dont know how to post on forum sorry but it is a realy nice vape dense vapour and loads of flavour just dont build to as low as they say you can Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Haha dont know how to post on forum sorry but it is a realy nice vape dense vapour and loads of flavour just dont build to as low as they say you can Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
GerritVisagie Elite Vaper LV 18 Joined 14/8/16 Posts 1,150 Awards 22 Age 42 Location Rustenburg 2/8/17 #4 So much want! Sent from my iPhone 7+ using Tapatalk
aktorsyl Elite Vaper LV 27 Joined 7/4/17 Posts 1,225 Awards 24 Age 40 Location Cape Town 2/8/17 #5 I read that title completely wrong.
M5000 Experienced Vaper ECIGSSA Donor LV 13 Joined 17/10/15 Posts 411 Awards 15 Age 38 Location Durban 2/8/17 #6 That looks cool, so does this biturbo electric car have what it takes to take on the TFV12? But the brave name aside, how does it vape?
That looks cool, so does this biturbo electric car have what it takes to take on the TFV12? But the brave name aside, how does it vape?
daniel craig Vaping Addict LV 40 Joined 28/5/15 Posts 2,405 Awards 30 Location south africa, KZN 2/8/17 #7 XXX in that bi-turbo