Vapeowave concentrates


Dedicated Member
i was going through some vendors and came across VapeOwave. I would like to know if any of you guys gave their concentrates a try.

I do not like that they don't specify if the concentrate is from Capella or TFA, etc. Some flavors brands are better/stronger than others and I buy my flavors according to that. Until they put that on the site, I cannot buy from them, because I do not know what I'm buying. Maybe it's just me.
I'm of the same sentiments. I've been creating my own concentrates recently and even my ingredients for those are branded. If there's no chain of responsibility or MSDS, I'm not interested.
Thanks that will help me a lot in placing my order

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i was going through some vendors and came across VapeOwave. I would like to know if any of you guys gave their concentrates a try.

mailed em a while back to know if they were tfa cappela ey=tc as i wanted to order had no reply
Ok so I mixed up a bunch of different juice this morning and I must say the concentrates are very nice. Haven't steeped yet obviously so I'll report back in a week or so... :)
Look - I vape loads, and flavour is my game! I have been supporting vapeovawe - and i'm really impressed with their service, delivery, and the flavours are excellent. If you want to know what exactly is TFA or Capella - just phone them, they are really responsive on email also. They have been my concentrate vapeshop of choice for the last 4 months.
I'm gonna give it a shot, it's half the price of the TFA and CAP concentrates. Have any of you guys tried
Cream soda
Pina colada

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Look - I vape loads, and flavour is my game! I have been supporting vapeovawe - and i'm really impressed with their service, delivery, and the flavours are excellent. If you want to know what exactly is TFA or Capella - just phone them, they are really responsive on email also. They have been my concentrate vapeshop of choice for the last 4 months.

Thanks Chukin, most appreciated.
@Vapeowave why dont you state the name on the site, we all follow recipes that ask for TFA or FA and now we have to phone you to ask
@Vapeowave why dont you state the name on the site, we all follow recipes that ask for TFA or FA and now we have to phone you to ask
thats why i did not buy from them i am cautious about what i use i did mail them and had no relpy so they lost R1000.00 sale tough titties i don't slag of vendors but when it comes to bad service i will say my say
I do not like that they don't specify if the concentrate is from Capella or TFA, etc. Some flavors brands are better/stronger than others and I buy my flavors according to that. Until they put that on the site, I cannot buy from them, because I do not know what I'm buying. Maybe it's just me.

Hi Zadiac,

TFA and Capella is a brand we all know, our concertrates are sourced from a international Lab and made to spec what they have learned in the industry, these are not from china if you had that in mind, The lab has been producing natural flavor extracts for the last 19 /20 years to flavoring / food and beverage companies internationally , there is no brand to them, thus the response to many DIY'ers the brand is vapowave concertrates as i cant give a brand as there is NO brand, All Flavors are free of toxic ingredients, complies with FAO/WHO directives and has been manufactured under strict sanitary conditions. We hold a Certificate of Analysis for each flavor and this is available upon request.

Concerning the % on flavors i have made many posts for guide lines on the concertrates, i would suggest using 6-10% on most concertrates, never going over a 15 - 20% mark on more complex DIY juices.
@Vapeowave I think what people are asking is, what's the name on the invoice you get when you order your bulk stock?
mailed em a while back to know if they were tfa cappela ey=tc as i wanted to order had no reply
Hi Eequinox,
We normally work around the clock answering mails to our best ability, not sure what your mail addy is but we make sure we get to each and every mail, im almost sure we did not get a mail from you as we would of replied, if we did apologies, please drop us a mail @
We have had clients mail us at 1 or eve 2am weekdays and weekends and when we can we reply, Vapowave started as to Ex smokers that has been vaping for going 3years give or take, this is still a side business for us and its not our main income, We have tried our best to bring the comunity with the best products and at the best prices in town as you can agree with me that the vape budget can get tight, we have merge vapeowave our other business creating a local store for a client to walk in, have a look and test a flavor or 3 if she or he would like to. We have been following all the correct ways to make sure we are in the clear as we also Vapers and also have the concern what we vape, as mentioned in earlier posts all our eliquid range ie vaporfi has been FDA Approved and all our Diy concertrates, Nicotine, PG and VG is the pharmaceutical grade or better and we hold certificates of analysis on each one of these items, im not to sure but there is alot of branded names of eliquids and Diy products on the market, i have not to date had any vendor or flavor company including TFA, Flavor west and capella providing me with a full run down and certificate of analysis on there products.
We have entered into the vape community with the correct mind set as we are also fellow vapers with families, kids and responsibility and also have the same questions as each and every vaper, thus also one of the reasons we embarked on this journey, i for once can say i know what i vape and im happy to share it fellow vapers.
@Vapeowave I think what people are asking is, what's the name on the invoice you get when you order your bulk stock?
Hi Mike, i do hear you i would be glade to share this, but i don't walk into a pick and pay and ask for there invoices or supplier list as that is there success and key to there business, i can provide the appropriate certificates of analysis for any uncertainties on our DIY range from nic, pg,vg and concertrates as everything compiles with the FAO/WHO directives, does any other vendor supply this to there clients or give away a recipe to a client?
Although things like MSDS and proper analysis help, the fact that you compare that to asking PnP about their supplier raises flags for me. What people are looking for is reputability and I'm sorry to say, but Vapeowave concentrates are not reputable. How are we to be certain that there aren't things such as titanium dioxide, let alone things like acetoin or AP? What if there are trace amount of lipids or silica? The fact that you're not willing to be transparent about the source makes it sounds as though it will not hold up to scrutiny. You're a local company selling flavours from an international compositor. The big brands have all been open to be challenged and generally held up well and changed when necessary. As I've said in the past, I've been making my own concentrates and even then, the company I buy from has a name. Sadly people here in SA aren't as critical as we should be and sometimes cheap out - even here on ecigssa, guys are buying this stuff with no further proof than your word that it's safe to use - that's not a statement on you as a person as I'm sure you're good for your word, but what if you've been lied to? I've had a supplier lie to me about ingredients in the past. It happens. However I was able to follow up and confirm for myself and then make an informed decision.

At the end of the day, inhalation is a very different ball game and although you can speak about FAO and WHO, often it's not exhaustive in terms of safety.