So, yesterday I got my first ever vape mail from VapeOwave. Sad to say it will be my last. I put in a smallish order because it was my first time buying from them. 6 rolls of 10m Kanthal A1 and two little tool thingys with lots of different bits. One for me and one for a colleague who also like taking stuff apart. Order showed up, and just my luck. One tool thingy has 3 bits missing. Spent and hour comparing the two sets to figure out what was missing, emailed them with a photo to inform them of the issue.
Got a reply via email the next day stating that unless I am close to their local branch, it will be difficult to send me the right bits because their are so many. Got offered a R30 credit. No thanks guys. With the sudden demise of the Rand's value, and so many options for retailers, people will be thinking twice about where they spend their money and on what. If you can't even offer to return/replace a R69 item for customer satisfaction, you won't get my support again.
You have good pricing on the Kanthal A1, but with this sort of service I'd rather pay double and get a smile with a correct order from the many other retailers who sell Kanthal.
As a last comment I'd like to add that, many of us use couriers precisely because we are not in "civilization". Double check orders before they go out.
Got a reply via email the next day stating that unless I am close to their local branch, it will be difficult to send me the right bits because their are so many. Got offered a R30 credit. No thanks guys. With the sudden demise of the Rand's value, and so many options for retailers, people will be thinking twice about where they spend their money and on what. If you can't even offer to return/replace a R69 item for customer satisfaction, you won't get my support again.
You have good pricing on the Kanthal A1, but with this sort of service I'd rather pay double and get a smile with a correct order from the many other retailers who sell Kanthal.
As a last comment I'd like to add that, many of us use couriers precisely because we are not in "civilization". Double check orders before they go out.