Vaping and South Africa...


Experienced Vaper
So, as i have been doing a lot of research and reading about vaping everywhere in the world, on tons of websites etc, followed lots of arguments and all kindsa opinions, i would like to ask you guys -

Do your actions when vaping contribute or damage to the way vaping is seen by the non vaping public?

Do you ascribe to the belief, that if it isn't policed or legislated, you may vape as and how you see fit? in any place, any time?
So, as i have been doing a lot of research and reading about vaping everywhere in the world, on tons of websites etc, followed lots of arguments and all kindsa opinions, i would like to ask you guys -

Do your actions when vaping contribute or damage to the way vaping is seen by the non vaping public?

Do you ascribe to the belief, that if it isn't policed or legislated, you may vape as and how you see fit? in any place, any time?
I belong to the chain of though that postulates that people are afraid of things they don't understand. I.e. knowledge dispels fear.
That being said I vape like I normally would smoke, out of the public eye.
I seldomly visit smoking areas because I can wait to vape in my car.

I respect other people and their opinions so I rarely vape in public or where confrontations may arise.
I keep it tidy. I don't openly vape in public places IE: shopping malls, shops, restaurants etc.

Regardless of the law, I think it is just rude to be bellowing out clouds in close proximity to other people that don't vape or smoke.

I think the vapers that use their devices anywhere and everywhere, with the excuse of "It's not smoking" do more harm, and will increase legislation on vaping and our community
I keep it tidy. I don't openly vape in public places IE: shopping malls, shops, restaurants etc.

Regardless of the law, I think it is just rude to be bellowing out clouds in close proximity to other people that don't vape or smoke.

I think the vapers that use their devices anywhere and everywhere, with the excuse of "It's not smoking" do more harm, and will increase legislation on vaping and our community
We live in a country where plastic shopping bags are regulated.
Last thing we need is some formal policy on vaping.
What bothers me is these stands in shopping centres (and no not all twisp) where the staff are blowing huge clouds. You can see the vape haze as you get closer.
These guys are asking for trouble.
Yes, i also believe that we each carry the responsibility for how vaping will be seen by the authorities.

The funny thing about authority, it only acts when it is confronted in a manner, that makes a reaction necessary.
I firmly believe in treating vaping the same as smoking. Just because it is not smoke does not mean people want to inhale your second hand vapor.
I vape in places I would never have smoked, but not to prove a point or flout social convention.

I vape in my car (never would have smoked due to the lingering damaging effects), in my house (I live with others who put up with my smoking [outside] but cheer my decision to vape), and at my work (verrrrry discretely, with the often confirmed approval of my coworkers).

I would, however, not think to vape in a restaurant or shop or anywhere else that I felt it would be intrusive to "innocent" others. I vape for my enjoyment, not as a political banner, and I'm sensitive to its potential as a form of pollution in the same way music volume is.
Clarification. I Vape in the car and the server room at work since no one goes there and I sit next to the door to the server room. And no the vapor does not set off smoke alarms but probably because the smoke sensors don't work :)
Ah... I have just started doing teeny hits and holding them in a little. Looks more wispy and thin than cigarrette smoke so you actually find people dont look twice then.

Most certainly not my preferred way to vape but it raises few eyebrows. I do respect smoking laws same as before. Which means stinky clothes from smoking areas. Not ideal but what can you do.
Guys vaping on a twisp can get away with vaping in most places because holding it in means you exhale hardly anything.
I firmly believe in treating vaping the same as smoking. Just because it is not smoke does not mean people want to inhale your second hand vapor.
I get a lot of compliments on the smell. Especially from older people.
Clarification. I Vape in the car and the server room at work since no one goes there and I sit next to the door to the server room. And no the vapor does not set off smoke alarms but probably because the smoke sensors don't work :)
They do unfortunately set them off.........:detenido: so when the fire department rock up at your client then it goes like this:flamethrower2::ciappa:
They do unfortunately set them off.........:detenido: so when the fire department rock up at your client then it goes like this:flamethrower2::ciappa:
not my client, my employee. And when they do finally fix the sensors I can disable the system for 5 mins while the vapor clears.
I'm self conscious when vaping in public because of the attention my clouds attract so I mostly just don't.
Go have a meal at Raith in Constantia... all these old cats with their Twisps loving vaping in non smoking area outside. I just taught myself to not blow clouds, one second lung hits. You pretty much just get a teeny wisp of vapour but it still smells great. Indoor smoking areas people get very curious. Its just clouds people get scared off by.
We were on an MSC cruise a while back, and sitting in the cigar room, which a) has decent ventilation, b) permanently filled to the brim with smoke... and after an hour, on the first night of the cruise, the fire officer on board came rushing in, geared up, because the smoke-alarm went off. How? How does the smoke alarm in the cigar lounge get triggered by a few innocent, and not to mention afraid, vapour clouds? I don't know. Either way, I might have done vaping very good or very bad that night. Not really sure. We got an applause from the waiters, if that counts.

Other than that, I try extra hard to be as respectful as possible. I only vape in smoking areas and of course bathrooms. I luckily work at a University, so a) our labs smell like stale vape anyway, so nobody notices a little lingering smell, and b) everywhere else on campus you'll find little hubbly towers popping up, so the worst which could happen if I happen to blow clouds is a large number of students flocking to me with questions.
I LIKE going to the twisp store in Clearwater Mall and gooi MASSSSSIVE CLOUDS and everyone is like, WTF is THAT GUY vaping??????:zpong:

ESPECIALLY when the saleslady is in the middle of a sale and telling a potential customer how awesome her product is. He will kap her an ignore and pay attention to what I'm doing...... I'm really really liking that!!
i'm with everyone else here, I try and vape as discreetly as possible to avoid people fake coughing and saying it is my vapor causing there cough. If you vape in a public area there is always that one person that will cough and be like "please put that out" or something of that nature. Therefore I rather avoid these situations.

I never vape in the office, if I do I keep it in for as long as possible so that there is not much cloud that comes out when I exhale. I follow this tactic in restaurants and other places too. However if I feel like blowing proper clouds I go far far away from people.
Great thread @Hardtail1969

Good to see all the posts above

It riles me quite a bit when vapers assume that It's their right to blow massive clouds anywhere they please.

I have said a number of times before (on this forum) that I think we all need to be considerate and respectful to others regarding our vaping habit. It would be great if non-smokers/non-vapers were to see vapers as considerate and respectful and it would only serve to further the vaping cause.

On that note, when in public places that are not smoking friendly I vape "low vapour" devices like the Evod1 and Reo/RM2. A bit of holding it in and the vapour is hardly visible, neither does it bother anyone. I seldom vape in shops or malls, maybe the odd toot here and there.

It's nice knowing that I have bigger machines waiting for me when the coast is clear ;-)
I LIKE going to the twisp store in Clearwater Mall and gooi MASSSSSIVE CLOUDS and everyone is like, WTF is THAT GUY vaping??????:zpong:

ESPECIALLY when the saleslady is in the middle of a sale and telling a potential customer how awesome her product is. He will kap her an ignore and pay attention to what I'm doing...... I'm really really liking that!!
I have a different strategy. I hand over my mod. And watch their faces as this huge cloud comes out looool. OK I only did it once but it was super funny. Twisp stall in George hehehe
I LIKE going to the twisp store in Clearwater Mall and gooi MASSSSSIVE CLOUDS and everyone is like, WTF is THAT GUY vaping??????:zpong:

ESPECIALLY when the saleslady is in the middle of a sale and telling a potential customer how awesome her product is. He will kap her an ignore and pay attention to what I'm doing...... I'm really really liking that!!

I pulled the same stunt at the Twisp stand in Galleria Mall. Should have seen the ladies face, she said my vape looked like it was going nuclear :-D
I have a different strategy. I hand over my mod. And watch their faces as this huge cloud comes out looool. OK I only did it once but it was super funny. Twisp stall in George hehehe
@AniDey your rating of optimistic on this post is both confusing and redundant. Care to elaborate? What exactly iss optimistic about handing the Twisp guy a real mod eh? Not following you.