Vaping & Headaches

Rob Fisher

Staff member
Winston Park, Durbs
OK I have finally nailed the reason I sometimes get headaches... it is most certainly vaping related and it's when I vape non-stop without thinking... the misses is at work and I have my REO's loaded and I'm playing around on the net and I just vape and vape...

Read this thread...

Without me knowing it I am taking in more nicotine than when I was when I was smoking! :eek:

I do vape a lot and way more cloud blowing than I did when I was on stinkies... now I have gone down to 9mg nic and I also have Keira loaded with 0mg for when I'm vaping mindlessly.

I've now got this hobby taped and my headaches have gone! :rock:
I'm glad you got it sorted Oom @Rob Fisher

In my experience, headaches are most often due to too little water. I moved my PC today, forgot the water bottle at the old spot, and didn't notice it. I notice it now!
In my experience the headaches start when I'm pretty close to doing a silver :) but plenty water does do the trick
OK I will take in some more water and see if it makes the difference.
While the water may help there is absolutely no doubt that my headaches were nic overdoses! I have now run in-depth tests and it's a concrete fact!

I started to get a headache earlier on and switched to zero nic and have been vaping up a storm and my headache has gone.

Every time I overdo it I get a headache!

I have to say I'm now sorted! :rock:
Wow @Oupa you are up very late! I'm off to bed now! I suggest you also hit the sack! ;)
Lol... I'll sleep when I'm dead @Rob Fisher ... for now it's my tripple B keeping me busy: baba, bokkie and business ;)
I also get it when overdoing the vaping. FYI, on the water subject, it also works for hangovers. Take big gulps of the stuff after a heavy night and try to hit at least 2L by noon. That is, if you're up by then...
Yep, had so much fun clouding up the lounge while surfing the net that the nic bit me right in the head. Lol. But I listened to my body and now using 3mg doses (totally hooked on VM Menthol Ice) :) so no more headaches and clouding up a storm :p