Vaping In Public...

The X is simply a "Disagree" button. We all go back in forth with debates and opinions. It's what makes a forum a forum and besides all the informative posts adds a bit of color. If you're going to have an opinion you're going to get opinions on your opinion too. It's not meant to threaten or down grade. Just banter. Many guys here have been around for a while, so you kind of know which card you're going to be dealt by someone in reply to what you are currently typing. This is a great forum with an awesome pack of members. No one is here to be hard on anyone, even with the odd wayward remark flying about every so often :D

Yes, I agree....the disagree button is simply that. Every one of us disagrees with someone every day and sometimes we say so. This is nothing more and nothing less than that. The tell someone that you are going to disagree with him or her is, to my mind, not threatening, but a statement of fact. To tell someone you disagree, but will not do so out loud (by using the X) is rather meaningless to me.
Fair enough.

I've never been a fan of such rating things on forums, mainly because in every single place i've seen them used they end up being abused in the ways i objected to (and much MUCH worse...).

But I am not above admitting misjudging a situation, and also not above giving it another try for a better experience.
This is a locals community its not just abused, its exploited and awarded tenders, some pieces have been stolen!
We are all only human at the end of the day ;)
I have one, for something I suggested about woodwork to someone that was rated "old". I wear it as a badge ;)
Just ask to talk to the manager ;) Have a quick little chat, be nice and friendly and try educate, if they still cannot accommodate you, take your business else where! Spur will learn quick with customers walking out the door ;) I LOVE double Monday :) But not as much as I love vaping

Remember, nothing nasty, just share education :D

@Metal Liz how is that reo treating you ? :D

Amy is an absolute dream and treating me very, very well hehe :rock: thanks MarkK :)
Must come visit you again miss liz! must get chop there as well and we have a little coiling and flavour session :)