Vaping Time - Milestones Reached - Good News!

Howsit everybody.

Been slacking on the forum lately.
I have never really given up the cigs,for some reason I couldnt bring myself to leave the 5-6 a day.

However,I have finally decided to kick the habit and be strong.
I have purchased myself the G3 MINI MTL device along with a 25MG VGOD Vanilla Cubanno juice and I am going for almost a week now.
I feel great and confident-sincerely hoping I can keep this up for good.

Strongs to all!

Ah, thats amazing news @BATMAN
I didnt know you were still on the stinkies
Well congrats on the near week without stinkies and wishing you all the strength and the best to continue strong.

Am rooting for you
well done @Braki !!!
the first week was the most difficult but with a proper mtl device and the right amount of nic your challenge will be alot easier.

Good luck man!
Two years for me today.
I dont think it would have been so easy were it not for you guys.
Two years for me today.
I dont think it would have been so easy were it not for you guys.

Oh wow @GregF
Congrats on that
2 years is epic!

Wishing you well for the future and thanks for all you have contributed here in the time you have been on the forum!!

Am going to have a nice tobacco salute and vape for your 2 years!


So proud to have made it to 2 years smoke free .
Had some difficult moments along the way where I had some massive cravings for a cig, but my little old twisp clearo got me through through the tough times.
