Vaping Time - Milestones Reached - Good News!

10 Years stinky free today :D Messed around with cartos in 2010 which were just a cool gadget but went stink free after this vapemail in 2014.


According to the reminder on my phone, I had my last analogue 6 years ago today. So much has changed since I started vaping. I've evolved from high wattage DL to mostly MTL vaping at around 18w. I've settled to 2 main flavours (Blue Pill and Red Pill).
I now use boro mods almost exclusively and once in a couple months I'll try the DL again.

This community has been a big part of that journey. I may not post as much as I used to, but I still check on the site almost daily.

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Eleven years smoke-free! Today 11 years ago, I picked up a Twisp and haven't touched a cigarette since.
Eleven Years Smokefree.jpg