Vaping VS Smoking (what kind of smoker were you)

10 camel lights a day or 20 with some brews.

Would have smoked more but asthma prevented me from doing that.

I do 2.8mg (very specific) only running between 32.5 and 40 watts.
30 to 40 red's a day normally two to three minutes per, I do think that has influenced my vaping as I'm more of a hot and cloudy kind of vaper. It might come across as odd but unless there is a plume of vapor with a hot throat hit, my brain tells me I still need to smoke.
That big flower vase with water in it? It has a spout with a pipe leading into the vase and a pipe or two coming out the sides and you put your flavoured tobacco on the spout, cover it in foil and put a lit coal on the top. It's an oversized pipe basically..

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Remember, "Hubbly" is just the South African name for it :p Hookah, yes.
I used to roll like 5 golden virginia smokes in a day - max it at 10 or so, it was enjoyable- the whole process - and if you still roll your own - recommended to Rebuild some vape tanks :) it's way more productive/

Now, : i hit massive clouds, at like 30-35watts ; coils - im aiming high now - to keep the wattage low ;) was always building low for 'flavour' jumping
Stinkies around 20 a day. i Cant believe i have been smoking that crap for 39yrs. Changed about 4 different brands in the last year as i did not get my satisfaction from the stinkies anymore. then my nephew gave me a sigelei 150 mod and some dripper on a Friday. The very next day i went and got my own setup and never looked back.
Keep on Vaping!!!