Vaporesso Ccell 0.6ohm

Did I say the plot thickens?

Ok, I would advise all vendors to check their stock, if -

1. The box the coils come in has a "0.6 ohm SS (40-75W)" sticker on it (instead of that being printed on the box itself)
2. The coils have a RED instead of BLACK band

The one I go today, brand-new, out of a 0.6 ohm box (I opened it myself, first coil out) is -

- reading 0.87 ohms
- has a much smaller chimney
- doesn't have a fully opened bottom
- states 0.9 on the coil itself (had to take a picture to read it)

I think it is the 0.9 ohm Kanthal version, Vaporesso mislabelled or something seriously went screwy on their side. (Looking at pictures at least 2 other vendors posted on their sites, it looks like exactly the same issue)

Not unhappy with having the 0.9 (wanted to try it anyway), it is just not the new 0.6 version :)
@Rob Fisher which coils did u use SS or kanthal? So black rings big juice holes is SS which means only temp control right or can vw work on SS?

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Who has stock of these the cluster 0.9 or the big juice holes 0.6?

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Tracked down 2 of the non-black, non-round-holed 0.6 SS coils. Didn't buy more, just 2 to test since they seem to be everywhere and I may have to use these at some point...

Tried the first one - atomizer short, 0.00 ohms. Screwed in and out, checked it, no-go. F**k, I'm too old for this sh*t. When I buy it I expect it to work. QA? What damn QA??!!!

Tried the second one - it works and reads at just over 0.5 ohms, same as the black versions. It is currently sitting in the tank, will finish my current Pico/Target Pro/Muffin Man first and then head over to that one and compare this tri-hole version to the black single-hole version.

As an aside, I shipped 2 Target Pro tanks + 2 extra 0.6 coils from a vendor in Germany ( to my gf in Germany - the extra 0.6 ohm SS coils arrived as the non-black-ring version as well, but the black-ring versions are included with the tank. I dunno anymore.

Before I get to mine, need to get her setup remotely - I love technology that allows this :)
Ok, my verdict -

Sorry to break ranks, but I think I'll stick to the 0.9 "original" version instead of the black 0.6 version or the 0.6 red version. (In my testing I haven't seen much difference between the two 0.6 versions, further exploration is needed - I've only been able to put 2.5 tanks of liquid through the red 0.6 version, so it is by no means comprehensive)

I've had some horrid dry hits on 2 of my 0.6 black-round-hole versions as soon as I go above 30W (I have 3 devices in rotation, Pico + Vaporesso Target Pro), one seems to do fine with OHW Strawberry Muffin even at 45W. I seem to get better flavour out of the 0.9 at 30W, same liquids - then again, I've only used one 0.9, so it could have just been a super coil...

Bad news I'm afraid... @Sir Vape opened the parcel and the stinking pineapples sent the old hex coils! :confused::mad::(:-@;(

If I didn't receive the black version with 6 tanks (3 bought locally for myself, and for the gf got 2 in Germany & 1 in the UK) and saw the picture from Rob, I would think it is a myth. Locally they are obviously not available, so I went ahead and ordered from 3 different stores in EU (Germany, UK) for delivery to the gf in Germany and in all cases, the 0.6 SS coils were of their signature tri-hex variety. I tried to catch that unicorn and obviously failed :)

Could it be that the "round hole" was just done since they didn't have time to do the new tanks with the old look to make a release date? I'm willing to take a small side-bet that all coils will revert to their signature look.

Either way, I honestly don't share the black-0.6 enthusiasm anymore - both me and the gf have been getting burnt hits on some after 2 days with 70%+ VG juices at 30W. Not all, I have 2 of 3 with issues in ZA, she has 1 of 2 in DE. No issues with the 0.9's in the same tanks, everything swapped to the old trusty coils now.
Yeah we got the 0.6 hex ones. Seems the 0.6 black ring ones were a once off run. Getting my guys to get hold of some. Seems they had a mixed batch and he is getting more info. In saying that though. I used a 0.6 Hex in my Melo Mini last night and so far so goooooood :)
@Sir Vape , any thoughts on these coil art coils? Like the different options available and the 0.9 ccells really didn't work for me on my Melo 3.
Just bought a pack of 5 x 0.6ohm cCell SS coils with the big juice holes and the black ring from @Lim. Can't wait to get home and try them.
@Rob Fisher why is the coil design of the original coil that comes with a target tank different to the ccells that u get in the packs? Especially if you look at the base design of the coils

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@Rob Fisher why is the coil design of the original coil that comes with a target tank different to the ccells that u get in the packs? Especially if you look at the base design of the coils

Absolutely no idea @kyle_redbull! I have tried to make contact with Vaporesso a few times but do not get replies... the one and only reply I got was annoying and made little sense. Thier cCell coils are fantastic but thier PR and support leaves a lot to be desired! :confused: