Vapors tongue fatigue and old tackle.


10 year Vapor.
Cotswold UK
After 7 years of vaping I can no longer taste the flavour. My tongue is dead to my vape of menthol. I cannot vape sweet flavours as they make me sick as does coffee and tobacco.
I have 2 questions here.

1. Has anyone tried vaping plain PG/VG with low nic only?
2. My vape has hardly any vapour. When I arrived in Portugal I hardly ever saw any vapors but now 4 years later they are all over the place. Their vapes have plumes of vapour where mine has little.

My juice is 60% VG.
My coil is 2.0 ohm.
My old Innoken Itaste SVD is set at the lowest setting of 3.0 W and it still tastes burned and hardly any vapour.
What is wrong?
After 7 years of vaping I can no longer taste the flavour. My tongue is dead to my vape of menthol. I cannot vape sweet flavours as they make me sick as does coffee and tobacco.
I have 2 questions here.

1. Has anyone tried vaping plain PG/VG with low nic only?
2. My vape has hardly any vapour. When I arrived in Portugal I hardly ever saw any vapors but now 4 years later they are all over the place. Their vapes have plumes of vapour where mine has little.

My juice is 60% VG.
My coil is 2.0 ohm.
My old Innoken Itaste SVD is set at the lowest setting of 3.0 W and it still tastes burned and hardly any vapour.
What is wrong?
Sorry I can' t answer the questions but I have to say your thread title is awesome.
Many vape unflavored juice.
At 2 ohms and 3W you certainly are not going to get any vapour.
Maybe time to visit a vape store for an upgrade?
@Andre is right. The people you see who are blowing huge clouds are vaping at below 0.2 ohms and at more than 60 w. More clouds also mean more flavour (most of the time).
Yep it's your set-up at 3w you won't be getting vapor or flavour. @Puff the Magic Dragon is correct as long as it's not masses of airflow especially not open top airflow (i'm not talking about bottom via top airflow) inducing all those clouds the more vapor you get means more flavour, that's why the RTA's for example that are known for flavour plough through the juice. Of course i am coming at it more from a Direct Lung point of view but even with MTL the Nautilus was a game changer and introduced more cloud than MTL tanks had previously hence more flavour. With MTL other things come into play and you don't need to have plumes of vape for flavour but a long time MTL vaper like @Andre would have more knowledge than me but at 3w you will only need to top up your e-liquid because it's naturally evaporated because your not vaping it lol.
+1 to replies above, not meaning to derail thread but how is your wife doing after recent problems?
+1 to replies above, not meaning to derail thread but how is your wife doing after recent problems?
Thanks for remembering. She is back to normal and so far free of throat cancer. She now has yearly scans.
I think now that my wife has quit vaping that I should now too. It has been 7 years and I am down to 3 mg from 18. My supplier in Germany is closing down tomorrow due to tough legislation and they supplied me with 500ml of juice cheap.
Having to resort to tiny 30ml bottles from TotallyWicked at a high price is not my scene. Was good while it lasted but I still have 600 ml left and that will last me some time.

I found the problem with the harsh taste and little vapour. What happened was that I put a chocolate in my jean back pocket while walking in town and forgot about it. It melted and I put my vape into my pocket.

I noticed the e-cig was brown with melted chocolate so I merely wiped it off. Since then the taste was harsh but I could not place the problem at the time. Doffkop me.

This carried on for weeks until I decided to clean it by opening the air holes. They were clogged with chocolate.
Ever since then my vape has been great.