Vapour Mountain - Juice Reviews

Guys I'm having a hard time with juice reviews, for example it baffles me when I read a review and the writer talks about tasting a juice on the inhale. I can't even imagine this, I think the stinkies have totally screwed that up for me and it doesn't seem to be coming right. I can't describe a juice in words so being a visually minded sort I'm going to try and do a review with pictures and see how it goes.

I was recently piffed about half a bottle of VM4 at 12mg from @devdev, thank you so much for this :) this is my "review":

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awesome pic bro but have no idea what it means. maybe a few words on what the pic means to you?
awesome pic bro but have no idea what it means. maybe a few words on what the pic means to you?

@Oupa thanks for recommending vm4 to me. been vaping it a week straight now and its still awesome!!
just a side note: the RM2 doesnt do the juice justice. the atomic on the other hand brings out all the flavour. there is a day and night difference between the two attys with this juice.
Here is my review of Vapour Mountain's MENTHOL ICE (18mg) ready made e-liquid.


Whoa, this is a strong supercharged menthol! The first two drags after a while make themselves felt. It's a strong menthol flavour. Crisp and icy just like its name. It's more pure menthol than sweet. It's clean and leaves a pleasant menthol aftertaste that continues for a while. Its pure - there is no chemical or other strange taste that I've experienced in one or two other menthol juices. Continuous puffing makes your mouth really icy and a bit numb. If you breathe in normally after a few puffs you can still taste the menthol in your mouth. I also feel the chill on my lips. It's very refreshing. Medium throat hit that increases with consecutive puffing - likely the menthol at work. Above-average vapour production. This juice is too strong for me to vape continuously as is. But so far, its the best menthol I've tried. I would definitely like to keep it on hand for the occasional mouth blasting or adding a few drops of it into other juices to "liven" them up a bit. I intend re-ordering a bottle.

Equipment used : Protank 2 - Std 2.2 ohm coil - iTaste VV battery set to 7.5 Watts. (implying about 4.1 volts)

It's simply the best juice on the planet! I would almost go so far as to say it's a life saver! :h:
VM Menthol Ice - my review:

Got this in 12mg nic.
Yikes. This juice is simply amazing!
Best menthol flavour EVER! It dang near freezes my mouth, throat, lips, nasal passages and lungs.
Very refreshing, and absolutely an ADV if you can endure the freeze.

Believe me... that freeze is INSANELY awesome!

9/10 - supernom!
That sounds like a perfect summer vape right there

You won't believe. It's so bad that cannot vape Peach Rooibos without Menthol Ice.

Had to edit as it might sound weird.

I mean to Say that "It tastes so amazing that I cannot vape Peach Rooibos without the bright, sparkly, refreshing tingle that is Menthol Ice."
My kinda review of TWO juices... VM Legends Monroe, and VM Legends Dean.

Well, right off the bat, it's important to note that I ordered the Dean for my wife. Just a single bottle. I ordered Monroe for myself - 2 bottles.
My wife goes through juice at a snail's pace - so it wasn't a big deal when I decided to try that one out.

The problem is that I wanted to give Dean a try, after being properly disappointed with Monroe...
I was not 100% sure that I may have overhyped Monroe in my own head! Maybe my expectations were way too high!
Don't get me wrong. It's a decent juice. But the flavours just seem to be fighting one another for the primetime spot on your pallet. The result comes off rather bland and unsatisfying. Everything is there - banana, caramel, etc. But nothing jumps out at you. They all just kinda lay on stage flapping around like fish on dry land...
I went through all the thoughts and motions. Maybe its in need of some more steeping. So while finishing up the first bottle, I took the second bottle through a most intense month-long steep process.
As of this morning, opening and properly testing that second bottle through both my Veritas and Russian... not much has changed at all.

The somewhat delicate flavour of Monroe didn't catch me too much off-guard. Having spoken to @Oupa about his juices before ordering, I was well aware of his philosophy regarding flavours not overpowering the vaper.
But i was caught in a rather tough situation. VM Menthol Ice knocked my socks off! I loved it!
Then again, Litchi is so muted it tastes rather more like water than anything else.

So i thought... test the Dean!
Holy mother! That is one intense juice!
The coffee flavour is so dark and rich it could put you in a downright trance. There is no mistaking what this juice wants to be. It's CV is clear and to the point. "I am coffee, muthaf***a!"
But Dean has other skills too. If you heat him up a bit more, say on a dripper with open airflow, those tiny little fruity notes just sparkle a little bit up the back of your throat. Just enough to let you know that this bag has more tricks than one.
I tell you what though, after 2ml's of Dean - I knew exactly how to describe this juice very plainly.
It tastes like those coffee-mints you get in restaurants.
And I mean it tastes 101% like that, at normal power levels. It really only shows it's hidden talents at higher power ranges with lots of airflow. The Russian, and Aerotank Mini never gave way to any of that.
An absolutely FANTASTIC JUICE!

My Final Thoughts:
(remember folks, taste is subjective!)

I thought that Monroe was disappointing. I thought it was my own fault for overhyping it to myself. I was wrong.
@Oupa makes tremendously delicious juices when he wants to. Dean is testimony to that.
But if there is one thing I have learned from Monroe - you gotta have a main actor, or else the production comes out flat.

Sorry Monroe; I wanted to love you. But you have WAY too many chefs in your kitchen. Maybe if one of the many flavours took center stage and acted more dominant, this story would've worked better.

Dean; Well done mate. You have your leading actor hitting all the right lines. Your story is rich and full, with lots of undertones and hidden content. No mixed messages here. WINNER!
Great review! This range of juices is still on the bucket list, the only one I've tried so far was the Guevara, loved it!

On a side note I found the VM Litchi to be anything but bland at 18mg, so much so that I can't vape it for too long before it becomes too much to handle, a spot on fresh natural juicy litchi flavour.
Thanks for all the reviews guys! Just love how taste differs for everyone and that everone loves something different in their juices. Thanks for all the support!
VM Menthol Ice - my review:

Got this in 12mg nic.
Yikes. This juice is simply amazing!
Best menthol flavour EVER! It dang near freezes my mouth, throat, lips, nasal passages and lungs.
Very refreshing, and absolutely an ADV if you can endure the freeze.

Believe me... that freeze is INSANELY awesome!

9/10 - supernom!

For the first time today I am having VM Menthol Ice straight up in the REO Mini. Always used to use it to jack up some juices that needed a little something else.

I have to agree with you, that the freeze is awesome, it has such a refreshing clean taste and the freeze mellows out a little once you get use to it. I would be able to vape this all day, everyday.

Guess I will be getting 30ml's instead of 10's from now on.

When @Oupa adds @Rob Fisher 's Tropical Ice to his juice line up I will definitely be getting some to try out.
So my VM order arrived today and I loaded them up as follows:
Peach2Rooibos in a PT1
Banana Cream in a Kayfun
VM4 in a Kayfun
Vanilla Custard in a PT2 mini

VM4 WILL be my new ADV. It is an awesome juice!
I was looking for that near-imported-quality juice for ADV and boy have I found it in the VM4.
Banana Cream is a good alternative for me, because I like variety and always have 3 tanks with me with a dessert, fruit and tobacco flavor to alternate on,
I have 6 more flavors to work through now... So much excitement!

I absolutely suck at describing juice taste, so don't expect reviews.... All I can say is VM juice is as good as the imported juices I have tried so far.
So my VM order arrived today and I loaded them up as follows:
Peach2Rooibos in a PT1
Banana Cream in a Kayfun
VM4 in a Kayfun
Vanilla Custard in a PT2 mini

VM4 WILL be my new ADV. It is an awesome juice!
I was looking for that near-imported-quality juice for ADV and boy have I found it in the VM4.
Banana Cream is a good alternative for me, because I like variety and always have 3 tanks with me with a dessert, fruit and tobacco flavor to alternate on,
I have 6 more flavors to work through now... So much excitement!

I absolutely suck at describing juice taste, so don't expect reviews.... All I can say is VM juice is as good as the imported juices I have tried so far.
And they get even better with a bit of steeping!
And they get even better with a bit of steeping!

I am sure they do...
But it is soooooooo difficult to get new juice and just let it sit there and call out at me every time I walk past the cupboard.
In fact, I can hear them call me right now.... They say: "Try me, Try me!"

Next order is definitely going to be placed in the next week --> Just need to get those noisy juices to stop calling me :-D

Ai ai ai die lewe van 'n Vaper! My cartons of cigs never used to do that.... But then again, they all tasted the same! by the same I don't mean good...
Been stewing on this....will try to be subtle.

Based on everybody's reviews on this thread I think there must have been a tobacco shortage the day when they made my juice. Had initial taste and steeped for a little over a week before trying again. Still the same verdict. To be sure..I even got 2nd and 3rd opinions from others on both juices to try and we all reached the same verdict. Kit used by everybody involved: Reo (RM2 + Atomic), Cana+mAN and Spinners( EMOW + mini Aero).

VERY good as a sweet Caramel Toffee, but should not be categorized as a "RY4"-type juice. Not even a hint of tobacco. Still a very nice vape though.

VM Legends - Guevara:
Described as "the perfect blend of cuban cigar and spicy tobaccos, laced with the subtle scent of ripe peaches". What do they mean "laced with the subtle scent of peaches"? This was more like "laden by a truckload of overbearing peaches". Couldn't finish tank on both occassions, even colleagues couldn't finish theirs ( One was scowling me, because it took like 2 days to finally get the taste out of his EMOW, even after a full boiled water wash and a tank or 2 of Black Cigar[lol, ironically, with the BC it became a nice cigar...laced with the subtle scent.. etc..]). Again, What tobacco? If you're a ripe peach lover, you'll definitely like this one, but if you're, say, someone wanting some cigar/tobacco with the slightest hint (ie subtle scent) of peaches, then avoid this one. Due to same extreme reaction of multiple parties on this one, the verdict is as brutal as the experience: FAIL .

I'm going steep for a month to see if anything changes for the better, will update if a miracle occurs.
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Ouch... I'll take it on the chin! Thanks for the honest review @huffnpuff !

Just shows once again how subjective flavours are. The forum is full of similar examples. Take Bobas Bounty for instance... people either HATE it or they LOVE it, nothing in between.

You are definitely not the only one that doesn't taste tobacco in the VM4, it is subtle but after 3 to 4 weeks of steeping it comes out nicely for most people. And Guevara has quite the following as well... But as they say, you can't please them all ;-)

Thanks again for taking the time to review our juices!
Great honest feedback @huffnpuff -

And, nice follow up post @Oupa. Big respect for taking one on the chin for juices you made ;-)

I agree with you on the VM4 @huffnpuff. No tobacco for me either. And its just too sweet for me. I felt bad about feeling this way for VM4 given its oupa's signature juice and that it's a juice he personally loves.
Lol, I know you are not a fan either @Silver , but then again you are one of our Choc Mint's biggest fans! ;-)
There is no doubt that taste is really subjective... and all I know is Tropical Ice is simply the best juice in the known universe! Nothing I have tasted even comes close.... Well Menthol Ice is a very close second... but everything else is way way off!
All I know is that VM4 is probably one of the most, if not the most, popular SA jooses.....I have a very well steeped bottle that I now feel obliged to have to load again.