VM - Slice and Aztec now available

@Oupa, that Aztec one is awesome! I love it. Will def get some more!
The Slice is a bit sharp for me, but tastes great too.
@Oupa, I've used my Tornado tank for so long and your Aztec juice is awesome in it, but just to prove that nothing beats the flavor of a dripper, I built my Double Vision again today with dual 3 core claptons (3x28g wrapped with 32g) and wow! Now the awesome taste of the Aztec juice really comes through! Awesome juice mate, awesome!

So far, the best flavor RTA I've had is the Tornado and the dripper beats it hands down. So nice to be dripping again and enjoy the best flavor :)
Hey @Oupa ! Are these going to be available at my local store anytime soon? Or is it best if I do an order through you to kill the FOMO beast?
Thanks @zadiac ! Glad you're enjoying it!

@Stosta , The first batch was for launch at VapeCon but we still have some stock directly from our website. We should be ready with a bigger second batch in the next 2 to 3 weeks that will be made available to all retailers. Will see if I can get a few bottles to some of our resellers in the meantime...
@Oupa, I've used my Tornado tank for so long and your Aztec juice is awesome in it, but just to prove that nothing beats the flavor of a dripper, I built my Double Vision again today with dual 3 core claptons (3x28g wrapped with 32g) and wow! Now the awesome taste of the Aztec juice really comes through! Awesome juice mate, awesome!

So far, the best flavor RTA I've had is the Tornado and the dripper beats it hands down. So nice to be dripping again and enjoy the best flavor :)

I noticed the exact same thing, with a Tornado Nano vs Dripper. Anyone who gets this juice MUST try it with a dripper.

I've never experienced a bigger difference in taste with any other juice in a tank vs dripper scenario.

PS, awesome awesome juice!! :godsdrink0nw:
Bought Slice at VapeCon and it is yum. Lovely Blueberry cheesecake that is very smooth. Waiting to try Aztec tonight and just the smell of the juice got me salivating.