Voopoo Argus GT - Something loose in screen


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Cape Town
Voopoo Argus GT - Something is loose in the screen which obscures part of the screen - see pic below
Can anyone in Cape Town fix this for me - I have 10 thumbs and no fingers so don't want to risk opening it myself.

Thanks @Puff the Magic Dragon , but when you started off with "Not the easiest to do ..." I started panicking.
Definitely not the kind of thing I would attempt.
Hopefully someone with more ability than I have will be able to assist
I would live with it. I don't look at the screen often. I check the resistance, set the wattage and leave it there. I wouldn't want to risk killing the mod. I tend to follow the principle that if it ain't broke don't fix it. :)
I would live with it. I don't look at the screen often. I check the resistance, set the wattage and leave it there. I wouldn't want to risk killing the mod. I tend to follow the principle that if it ain't broke don't fix it. :)

SO true.
It's working perfectly otherwise.
It's been like that for a few months so I guess I'll just live with it.

I seem to recall a similar post a few months back, and it was pieces of the fire button retaining ring that had broken off, and that the fire button fell out shortly thereafter :rolleyes:
There are a few technically competent ecigssa members, (@blujeenz, @Resistance, @Angelskeeper), in CT that I'm sure could help you remove the bits of plastic if it bugs you, and or repair the retaining lip on the fire button, (assuming it's the same fault?)
I can, but I have no vehicle and I'm extremely busy. If I'm free next weekend I'll let you know.
I'm working all weekend. So I don't know what's my availability for after hours this weekend. I'll keep in touch.