Wanted: A good tube mech mod

kev mac

Old enough to know better
johnston R.I.
I'd like to purchase a decent tube mech mod to round out my collection. Any suggestions ?

It'll never let you down. Mine never have. It fires true every time and the fire button lasts forever. Takes different sizes batteries.
I still have mine and will never sell it or give it away.
I have used 18650 and 26650 aswell.

the only reason I bought a 26650 was so I could build lower ohms safer. 18650 would go down to about .15ohm and with the 26650 I could build down to 0.07ohm. With a mech you control the power output by building coils.

I own both, but I havnt touched them since i went regulated :p
@kev mac in my opinion the best value for money is the A-MOD SMPL
its just simple and works every time.

It'll never let you down. Mine never have. It fires true every time and the fire button lasts forever. Takes different sizes batteries.
I still have mine and will never sell it or give it away.
@Zadiac,the mod you suggested was out of stock so I guess they are popular.Told them to notify me when restocked.Mean while I scored a brass smpl mod 1:1clone on auction at eBay for $6.50,not bad imo.Cheers.

@Marzuq,I picked up a good 1:1 clone on auction at eBay took a chance and paid $6.50.It's all brass and looks pretty nice, think I did o.k. thanks for the tip.
@Zadiac,the mod you suggested was out of stock so I guess they are popular.Told them to notify me when restocked.Mean while I scored a brass smpl mod 1:1clone on auction at eBay for $6.50,not bad imo.Cheers.

@Marzuq,I picked up a good 1:1 clone on auction at eBay took a chance and paid $6.50.It's all brass and looks pretty nice, think I did o.k. thanks for the tip.
@kev mac just please watch out with that SMPL, it's a hybrid mod. Meaning that it has no 510 connector, your atty makes direct contact with the battery's positive terminal. Make very very sure that the 510 pin on your atty has enough clearance past the threading, if the 510 threading touches the battery together with the positive pin you're going to hear a big scary pop! Never ever use an atty with a spring loaded 510 on a hybrid mod.
@kev mac just please watch out with that SMPL, it's a hybrid mod. Meaning that it has no 510 connector, your atty makes direct contact with the battery's positive terminal. Make very very sure that the 510 pin on your atty has enough clearance past the threading, if the 510 threading touches the battery together with the positive pin you're going to hear a big scary pop! Never ever use an atty with a spring loaded 510 on a hybrid mod.
Thanks Bee,I noticed the mod is hybrid, will take extra care.